The Ramp works great! Timothy settles in.
Dear Freinds, family and fellow GISTers,
For Nan this has been a frustrating day in that she wants to be with the baby so much and knows she cannot due to her extreme weak condition, at least not yet and somehow we need to get her mind more clear before we make that trip. This morning on her own with a 102 fever clouding her mind she got on the phone and talked info into finding the birthing center in Santa Cruz. She found out that Jason and Jo were taking a nap, they didn't bother to tell her the baby had been born hours before but we found out a little later when a very happy Jason called with the news. He said all were doing fine and then Nan began to relax with fewer tears and anxious moments.
This evening she pulled another one, was confused about the time and called Sharon at 9:45 our time, or 11:45 Sharons's time, she was sure it was morning and could not figure out why Sharon sounded sleeply, I finally think I persuaded her although I am not sure. She is a Nelson and they can be pretty set in their ways at times.
This afternoon about 4 I went up as I sensed she was waking. Sure enough she was wrestless so I asked if she wanted to come downstairs, mary was here too and together we mostly watched as Nan got up, walked to the stairchair, rode down and climbed into the wheel chair. I then was able to drive her through the dining room and down the new ramp that Art so lovingly built and drove her right to the recliner. She stood and plopped down into the chair where she settled in for the next 4 and 1/2 hours. Her fever soon went away and she first talked to Mary, then was hit with a wave of pain so asked for Adavan, in a few seconds she was gone. She was full of funny comments this afternoon and Mary and I enjoyed hearing her cute words, words said without a thought of what someone would think, just whatever came to mind. It was great but then she was asleep so Mary and I talked for awhile and then she went home to pack for a trip to Sunset Beach which is next to MBA where Jason and Jo live. I went back to the office which is in earshot of the chair and worked hard getting a very difficult appraisal completed and out and around 8:30 I found her waking. She asked for a hot drink as I could not get her to eat anything at all. She had some sips from it and then was hit with pain again. Then she decided to call Sharon and that was funny too. Dana told us today that Nan's brothers might come out for a couple days at the end of the month, she would like to see them very much.
We battled fevers of up to 102 all day but after sitting in the chair the fever subsided. I think I have heard that before that the chair helps even with fevers. She is stronger than a week ago and much stronger than two weeks ago yet there is so much to regain and I pray for her sanity, that she can regain total control of her thoughts and actions.
This afternoon she told me I was to go to Brentwood and get a roast beef bagel sandwich. I needed to get my drugs which had been ready since monday at Longs so after getting her settled in and asleep I went. So far I have not been able to get her to even sample a bite and she probably won't but at least it was a try.
The bank called yesterday to tell me not to use my atm on the business account as many accounts at the bank had been victims of fraud somewhere in the Visa system, a new card is coming in the mail. That was a shocker indeed. I sometimes wonder what else can happen.
I have the Comcast guy coming for one last attempt to fix my internet, it drops out several times a day, sometimes over 20 times a day for a minute or two and then is back on again. makes working remote very difficult. Then our friend Donna who visited yesterday and gave us a Christian dish is sending someone to install it between 10 and 2 tomorrow. it will be wonderful to be able to have programing that is uplifting and positive for a change. Thank you Donna for all you have done for us and thank you Pam for helping Donna find us. Incidentially, Mike Want and Shawn Want were the builders of our home we enjoy so much.
Dana is planning to fly here on Saturday arriving sometime in Oakland and she is bringing John with her, it will be great to see both of them again and her hand is doing well so far after her surgery.
This evening can I trouble you to pray for the much needed AMN107, we have heard nothing about when it will arrive, for clarity of mind for Nan, she hates this being in a fog, for tumor control and even more for pain control. There are times that in spite of the pain meds that flow through her body she still has incredible pain. Also please pray that God will deal with the fevers that trouble her night and day. This brave woman needs a break and we call on our loving Heavenly Father to extend that break according to His will.
tim and nan
ps The photo is of the great new ramp that allows me to move Nan about safely in the house. It works great and thanks Art for making it happen.
At 11:33 PM,
Anonymous said…
It's 2:20 a.m. here and I'm feeling a bit loopy myself about now. I have just finished attending to all the details around here before we leave on our trip tomorrow (today) Our kids are at Disney World and Epcot Center this week. Roger and I will drive down and pick up the grandkids and bring them home with us. Cheryl and Todd are going on a short cruise then drive up to join us. We are REALLY looking forward to this visit.
What a great ramp! It looks very safe. What a wonderful help that will be!
Tell Nan we need her to give us the details of little Timothy's entrance into the world. How much is "over 7#?" How long is "over 20"? It's probably a good thing he didn't wait 2 more weeks. He would have been a very large baby! I'm thankful that he is doing well and Nan won't worry any more.
I'm so glad Dana is coming back! She is a real help to both of you. You really need her! Sisters are so special! I have 2 of them. I wish they were nearer.
Good night or good morning whichever it is. I need to catch a few winks before I have to get up to leave for FL.
Have a feverless night, a good night's sleep and be ready for another good day.
Love and prayers ~ Carol
At 12:03 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hellooooo to our friends, The ramp looks like a winner. I'll even like that as I always take a ramp if there is a choice. Thanks, Art! Good to hear that Nan came downstairs today and is moving around a little more. We will pray that the AMN can be started very soon, and that Nan can tolerate it.
Tomorrow is the day all the ladies on our court go to lunch. We have very nice neighbors.
Have a good sleep tonight. Love, Barbie
At 7:13 AM,
Anonymous said…
Tim and Timothy,
Greetings and welcome. Now that you both are here there can be no reason to hold back on the cheering, singing, clapping and good tidings!
What a great day for the family, a new addition. We pray for a day very soon that Nan will be lucid and pain free enough to join us fully in the celebration.
Our new addition is coming along too. After beating on it for several hours over the last couple of days the roof is almost done.
Wes and Nan
At 12:04 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Tim & Nan,
We are happy that the Baby is here and doing well, Now We will see if the Lord can deal with numbers, We will pray for #AMN107, He understands all so maybe We need to be specific, (Just a thought)
The ramp does indeed look like a welcome addition for You. I have a pair of ramp tracks that look like the one You are showing. If you could use them in the garage We will be glad to bring them over. They are 7 feet long when fully extended and colapse to 36 inches, very sturdy and light weight.
Good to read that Dana is coming back,She is such a big lift to Nan in so many ways and gives You,Tim a much needed break to carry on the Business that is so demanding on Your time.
May God bless You both and bring Comfort & Healing where it is most needed for Nan.
Love You,
Bob & Carrol.
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