Crisis averted once again
My PS on the last report mentioned a non draining nephrostomy. It developed into a full blown crisis with intense pain and no relief as the kidney filled with no place to drain. The nursing staff brought someone over from Interventional Radiology, a couple people and one was a doctor. They removed the Perk u STay was was installed this morning and there it was a full blown kink in the tube, totally blocked off. Our nurse thanked me for keeping after everyone that something was very wrong. They placed a new Perk U Stay and carefully locked the tubing so as not to create a kink. I had called Aunt Ann in Oklahoma to pray and she did so I called her back to thank her. As soon as the kidney got a chance it started to drain and is now draining clear liquid rather rapidly. I hope this solves at least one of the sources of pain for dear Nan this evening. Since she has 6 mg of Dilautid on board and .25 mg of Adavan she is deep in slumber now with no break through moaning like before. She has pills to take but we decided to let her sleep a bit longer before waking her for the pills.
So good night friends and Family,
love from our room to yours,
Please keep Nan in your prayers,
tim and nan
So good night friends and Family,
love from our room to yours,
Please keep Nan in your prayers,
tim and nan
At 9:38 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Tim,
I just remembered something that needed to be put in the refrigerator, so was up and I checked the blog. (3 hr time difference) What a day you have had! I'm so glad you are on the ball and take such good care of Nan. The good news is that the nephrostomy tube is now working and kidney is draining freely again.
I sort of thought Nan was planning a trip to see little Timothy! Yes, just like before when she left the hospital to go the Jo's shower. Now she plans to leave the hospital and get her hands on that little guy. What determination! I hope the new meds come through quickly for you if this is the one that will help her. God knows all about her body and will direct according to His will. Not our will but His will.
Tim I do hope you can get a good meal and some good rest this week end. I know the hours get long just sitting there and wondering if everything is working properly and everyone is doing their job correctly. And you do hate to leave her. Take some time to rest in God's peace.
Love and prayers ~ Carol
At 10:35 PM,
Anonymous said…
I just finished the most boring week of my life. A state mandated training so I can be a highly qualified teacher. Just think how good this can be, in just 40 hours I can be highly qulaified. Whine! Whine!Whine! Ok there was some good stuff but it was brutal and now my posterier is flat! Drats! The day started well enough at 4:30am, picked up Loren at 5:00 got to Zack's roof at 5:30 roofed till 8:15 came back to Tracy and started the training to be qualified at 9:00. Things were ok till after lunch when all my blood went to my stomach to eat and the wasn't enough blood in my head to make sense of anything. Probaby means that I am not actually highly qualified. So much for things out here in left field.
It seems your day was nothing if not exciting. From terrible to good in a day. You are the man! Good news about the AMN and the responses from the various people helping. Good news also to have Nan's connections working as designed and all the major body components working. We'll pray that that keeps happening and put some special emphasis on the tumor as well.
oar of waa,(French I think)
Wes and Nan
At 6:52 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Tim,
Thank Goodness the AMN will soon be there. We pray that it will do the job that will bring relief to Nan and stop the Tumor growth.
What a joy it will be for You & Nan to see & hold the "New Timothy" I'm sure that Jason and Jo are anxious for this to happen too. How good it is that Dana is there to help with many details.
We again have company here with Us this weekend and next week is a full plate of Dr's (Carrol's & Mine) appointments,screenings,lab work,etc so We will not be able to come over till the next weekend but We will be with You in Prayer every day asking the Lord to lead You to Healing & Comfort.
Have a peaceful Sabbath and get some much needed rest.
Much Love to You all,
Bob & Carrol.
At 7:32 AM,
Anonymous said…
Good Morning,
I have chills, goosebumps and tears as I read the last two blogs.
I absolutely am so happy for Nan and you.
Tim, without you as the caregiver I don't know what Nan would do or have done over the past year(s), year in particular.
You know Nan the best and know what has been done in the past and with your guidance and knowledge you are a great asset to the doctors and nurses.
I am just so happy to have the infection now treated, the AMN coming and the draining from the kidney for pain relief. I cannot wait to hear the Sunday morning blog and see how the pain has been relieved for Nan.
And!!!!, who knows, maybe a debulking surgery for those darn tumors. I think Nan can endure anything.
Sue M
At 7:02 PM,
Unknown said…
Hi Tim and Nan!
We're once again back in Denver where it's 100--and raining--of all things! Actually, I think it's as much lightning and thunder as rain in our little section of the metro area--but gloomy, to say the least!
John is still vacationing with is long-time friend, Loyd Henderson, who pastors the Galt church there in CA. They went to Yellowstone where our conference supplies sermons each Sabbath during the summer months--so the two of them preached, sang and taught all of five people today! But--the trip's paid for and they are having fun doing the "testosterone" vacation!
I was absolutely thrilled to read your blogs after church today!! YEAH GOD!! He always comes through--never too early, it seems--but always on time! The AMN has been the top of my prayer list followed by God doing His will in both of your lives. This is a terribly rough patch you are going through--and have been trodding in now intensely for a year! My prayer is God will sustain you--that He will make up your personal needs for nutrition and mental relaxation by fortifying your mind and body miraculously--because He knows you don't have the time for anythihng but Nan right now!
While driving across America in our recent travels we got to listen to our iPod quite a bit. One song that I dubbed "Tim and Nan's Song" is by Kirk Franklin--and here are the lyrics...may these words hold both of you up today!!
"My Life Is In Your Hands"
You don't have to worry
And don't you be afraid
Joy comes in the morning
Troubles they don't last always
For there's a friend in Jesus
Who will wipe your tears away
And if your heart is broken
Just lift your hands and say
I know that I can make it
I know that I can stand
No matter what may come my way
My life is in your hands
With Jesus I can take it
With Him I know I can stand
No matter what may come my way
My life is in your hands
So when your tests and trials
They seem to get you down
And all your friends and loved ones
Are nowhere to be found
Remember there's a friend in Jesus
Who will wipe your tears away
And if you heart is broken
Just lift your hands and say
I know that I can make it
I know that I can stand
No matter what may come my way
My life is in your hands
With Jesus I can take it
With Him I know I can stand
No matter what may come my way
My life is in your hands
I'm saying a prayer for both of you right now--and always!
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