The Circle of Life
Dear Family and Friends,
This has been an incredible day. At around 5 this morning Nan was awake and decided to open her heart. We discussed her understanding of what was taking place in her body, her awareness that something was different in her belly, her willingness to keep up the good fight but also realize that the fight might end soon. She was the picture of grace and class as she talked about her love of life, the powerful bond she feels with the children and grandchildren and her deep love for me. It was a moving and powerful time and another example of why she is such a special and unique person. I will treasure our sharing hearts forever.
At 8:30 Dr. Ganey was in our room. Nan woke up and I jumped up out of bed in the little cot. He let us know that the infection is gradually being controlled and that the lack of high fevers was an extremely positive sign. He also set up a game plan to get Nexavar, the next drug we are trying to obtain for managing the tumors. He said he would write a prescription and I could go to WalMart and get it. So as the morning progressed I waited for the prescription. His office called to say it was not all that simple. The drug could only be ordered using a program called Reach directly from Bayer. Someone in his office was working hard on the process, had been in touch with Bayer already and they knew the urgency. Soon they faxed over a form to sign and just then Nan woke from a long nap and was able to sign. The nursing staff faxed it back to the office and they forwarded it to Bayer. Around 5 this afternoon Alice from the office called to say Bayer had gotten the papers and by Monday would have things worked out. So at this point we do not know if insurance will pay or if I will be called on for the funds. The infectious disease doctor talked with us about their concerns, the infection in the blood is a minor form of Staph, not a dangerous strain and the antibiotics appear to be helping. He said that we might be able to go home with antibiotics that we could administer like we have in the past. He also raised the issue that if Nan has a fungus, a yeast type infection inside it could be much more difficult to treat. He said they are still eyeing the picc line as a possible source of her infection and the picc line might have to be replaced.
Nan was able to manage her day well with 8 mg doses of Dilautid and Adavan for extreme pain. She was awake many times and totally aware of everything. When she spoke to Dana she asked her to come and Dana who had just had hand surgery agreed to come as soon as she can, probably Tuesday. Sharon also talked with Nan and is coming on Thursday to visit with Nan. And Marilyn is arriving tomorrow afternoon in Oakland at about 6:30 pm providing all the connections work out. Pam is nearing Concord right now prepared to spend the night here in the room and I have the RV recliner out ready for her.
Midday both Nikki and Jason let us know that they were planning on coming to visit this evening. She was so happy that they could come knowing how busy their lives are. Nikki and Keanna arrived first and Keanna did pictures for Grammy and was her normally delightful self. Nikki and mom got to talk and enjoy time together, then Jason and Jo arrived later having fought their way through traffic to get here. Nikki and Keanna had to leave to get Keanna to bed and Jason and Jo stayed for awhile longer. We enjoyed being together as family and had many precious moments. Even though Nan had Dilautid from time to time to manage pain she remained awake for the evening. It was just the thing that she had hoped for this morning, to see her precious kids. Thank you for coming to spend important time with mom. Its the best gift one can give, time!
Jason and Jo brought a couple precious photos of Timothy for us and I'm looking at them now. What a dude!
So we have a day with honest sharing of feelings, expressions of fears and hopes and early this evening our pastor and his wife Jeannie came to visit. Nan was so glad to see them and they came in spite of being on vacation. What precious people!
Now Pam has arrived and the party is heating up. She has Nan laughing as they together are trying to fill a cup of water from an Arrowhead bottle and got it too full and it spilled down Nan's neck. Pam is giving Nan a rundown of what she has been doing today.
I'm going to try to include some photos we took tonight with my ancient camera, my kids crack up about my camera, they have much nicer ones that actually take serious photos. But you know my old camera has taken over 50,000 photos so far so to me its a keeper.
We now know the upcoming week will be filled with family we love. Our prayer is that the new meds might be obtained, that they might be the magic bullet we need and that Nan can get some tumor / pain relief. We are prepared to live with whatever God guides us to do.
Thank you dear friends for your loving interest in the blog and a special hello to Lloyd and Bernice, its wonderful that Bernice is feeling better and making a good recovery. We are also very relieved that Roger is back home in N. Carolina with his Carol.
We are anticipating the rest God has prepared for us during the Sabbath hours. We hope that includes rest from pain for Nan.
We have experienced family, heart sharing, hopes, fears and blessings. We are thankful that Nan is much much better tonight than a week ago when we had just arrived soaking wet and with a fever of over 103.
love from our little room, 3117
tim and nan and pam
PS please forgive the lovely photo of a house. Once again I put it in and do not know how to take it out. I'm still trying to get the photos I shot tonight into the report.
At 5:10 AM,
Anonymous said…
Dear Ones, Nan sounded so good to me. The thought of her will not leave my mind today. I am very thankful that the kids were there and that Pam made it safely. Remind her that when she has a warm peaceful feeling inside that it is the Lord's arms wrapped around her. I will be there Thursday to hold her hand and laugh about fun times she and I have had. Know that you are deeply loved, and that, too, is a warm and peaceful feeling.
Love and prayers to each of you.
Love, Sharon
At 8:52 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Tim & Nan,
Good to read that You had a warm visit with Family and that Pam arrived safely.
Carrol & I will drive over this afternoon to Visit with You for a bit. The weather looks clear and traffic should not be a major factor on the weekend. Whatever it is We will deal with it.
Dear Lord, We Pray that the New Med will be the boost that Nan needs.
See You about 2:00 or so, We will call as We leave Lodi to see how things are going for You today.
Love You,
Bob & Carrol.
At 10:17 AM,
Anonymous said…
Happy Sabbath to you all,
It is so obvious that God is with you. He is in control and we can trust in Him without reservations.
So glad Nan is doing better today and that the new med is on the way.
We'll keep praying that it will be of some help.
It looks like you have lots of company coming this week. May God give each one a safe trip. May He also shower you with even more evidences of His love each day.
At 11:51 AM,
Anonymous said…
Happy Sabbath,
What a very special day you had yesterday ~ good heart communication, the family being together and Nan awake and lucid. Good times to remember. Family is so important during these times to hold each other up. I'm so thankful that you have such a loving supportive family. Friends are good ~ but there's nothing like family.
You will have a busy week ahead with family and friends coming. Know we love you and would be there in a heart beat if we could. You do have a wonderful support system and we all love you and are praying for you both. Do you really realize how very blessed you are? Then there is faith friend Marilyn ~ how nice she can come back to help out. Dana and Sharon coming soon ~ more family to be near.
Have a peaceful, blessed day!
Love and prayers ~ Carol
At 2:08 PM,
Anonymous said…
Greetings Tim, from Yachats, Class of 1967. We are all thinking of you both, talking about you, prayers have been offered and I just wanted you to know you are in our thoughts. We wish you could be here to share the beauty of the ocean and the wonderful spirit of comraderie.
With love, Judy et al
At 4:44 PM,
Anonymous said…
The Shootist version of John Wayne to be more specific. He has confessed to shooting more than 50,000 shots! Yes, our dear friend has really gone over the edge this time. Apparently his aim is suffering a bit to add to the probleum. Didn't you read that he has even tried to take some of his shots back! And I know for a fact that he has been shooting at things that are as big as a house. Can you imagine?
Well at least other things in the Mustard family are good. The grandchildren are still good looking, the children are still productive and considerate and Nan still has a HEART! That is good news indeed. They are still loved and supported by their family and friends and let God lead their lives, so there is much to celebrate!
Lord, thank you for showing us your leadership and love through our friends Tim and Nan. Please continue to protect them and give them strength. The tumor removal would be an extra blessing and we pray for that as well. Amen!
ps send more ammo
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