Blog 601, Nan is sleeping and the house is quiet.
Dear Family and Friends,
I'm home from a day in the field seeing homes and nice people. Bean, our caregiver, has mopped the floors, cleaned the counters, washed everything in sight in the clothes washer and even enjoyed a griller for lunch. She is a real find and does an excellent job on all fronts. Tomorrow I am the caregiver and we travel in the afternoon to see the doctor again. I have written to Boston asking many questions and I hope they have a chance to answer before we leave for the doctors office. With the Dilautid being increased to 4 ml nan has really been asleep today. We had a terrible night with pain keeping her awake for hours, the colostomy bag broke and that was a special time at 5:30 this morning. We were up many many times during the night trying to solve the pain issues. Nan's bravery only goes so far and then she cannot contain herself any longer. My heart is continually torn by her suffering and pain.
So when she gave up on the bed at 7:30 this morning and wanted to come down I helped her walk the few steps to the stair chair, then into the chair, then into the wheel chair, then down the ramp, then steps into her recliner, then a warm blanket around her. I gave her 4 ml of pain relief at 7:30 and she only began to wake at 11:30 when I had to leave for the field. That was her longest period of rest in some time. We both woke this morning to realize that we had forgotten to change her pain patch on the third day so that was the first thing we did when we came down, get a new patch on her shoulder. Bean told me she didn't take her pills until about 4 this afternoon, just too sleepy.
I came home at 6:10 and she was asleep then, woke briefly to see me and then has slept to now, 7:30. Her limbs are very busy and shake and move a lot now. I'm thinking it might be the new med we tried and in fact I think we should stop taking it for several days to see if the coordination gets better and the shaking subsides. Nan called me about 5 this afternoon to see if she could take more pain meds. Her last ones had been at 12:30 so of course I told her to go ahead.
This evening I am totally exhausted and I'm very glad to be out of the drivers seat of my little bug. This morning got very busy doing business things, seemed a lot of people needed a tiny piece of me, or an appraisal report or something so I left late. The first house was a little 3 bedroom 1 bath that was so well cared for. It reminded me of the house we lived in in Tracy for several years. Started its life as a flat top but someone has added a peaked roof making it more appealing. Then on to Hayward to see a house that someone has added a second story to at some point in the past, larger than others in its neighborhood it was tough to find comps for. Then I debated and went to Olive Garden for a 20 minutes soup and salad. You just cannot believe how good everything tasted as I've been eating my own 5 minute cooking for many days. Thank goodness Mary brought soup I can warm up and Sylvia left home made bread. Of course taking time to eat cost me time for the next appraisal in Lafayette. I am determining a value as of March 1996 for an estate. Average home with a panoramic view of Mt Diablo, worth probably $300K, it just sold again for over $700K a few weeks ago. Then after shooting a photo of the house I punched in home in the GPS and started. Traffic everywhere I chose the back roads and made it home nearly on time so Bean could leave.
I ripped open the mail but found no money, lots of bills including a pg&e asking for a payment of over $400 in the next 48 hours, yikes, better deal with that one.
Now I start the process of getting ready for bed, preparing meds, TPN and the gradual transfer of the support systems from family room to bedroom, pillows, sheep skin, TPN, pump, ice water etc. Takes over an hour to make it all happen but I've got it down pretty well now.
Now a quick trip to the motorhome for the air bed for the van, files to Steve and Nikki's house and then go to bed.
I sure enjoy reading the blog messages and hope what George and Yvonne said is true. Ken has the data now, came and burned a CD this morning with everything I have entered, now he will clean it up, make it add up and do the taxes.
I think we are sort of auto pilot right now. Most things are about the same as the day before and we try to find minutes to hug or talk to just watch Law and Order together. When I am in the kitchen she asks what I am making, just for interest sake.
Oh that God would show His hand or is He? I'm not sure what to do or what not to do anymore.
We both treasure your prayers in Nan's behalf. If anyone needed God's healing hand it is Nan now.
tim and nan
I'm home from a day in the field seeing homes and nice people. Bean, our caregiver, has mopped the floors, cleaned the counters, washed everything in sight in the clothes washer and even enjoyed a griller for lunch. She is a real find and does an excellent job on all fronts. Tomorrow I am the caregiver and we travel in the afternoon to see the doctor again. I have written to Boston asking many questions and I hope they have a chance to answer before we leave for the doctors office. With the Dilautid being increased to 4 ml nan has really been asleep today. We had a terrible night with pain keeping her awake for hours, the colostomy bag broke and that was a special time at 5:30 this morning. We were up many many times during the night trying to solve the pain issues. Nan's bravery only goes so far and then she cannot contain herself any longer. My heart is continually torn by her suffering and pain.
So when she gave up on the bed at 7:30 this morning and wanted to come down I helped her walk the few steps to the stair chair, then into the chair, then into the wheel chair, then down the ramp, then steps into her recliner, then a warm blanket around her. I gave her 4 ml of pain relief at 7:30 and she only began to wake at 11:30 when I had to leave for the field. That was her longest period of rest in some time. We both woke this morning to realize that we had forgotten to change her pain patch on the third day so that was the first thing we did when we came down, get a new patch on her shoulder. Bean told me she didn't take her pills until about 4 this afternoon, just too sleepy.
I came home at 6:10 and she was asleep then, woke briefly to see me and then has slept to now, 7:30. Her limbs are very busy and shake and move a lot now. I'm thinking it might be the new med we tried and in fact I think we should stop taking it for several days to see if the coordination gets better and the shaking subsides. Nan called me about 5 this afternoon to see if she could take more pain meds. Her last ones had been at 12:30 so of course I told her to go ahead.
This evening I am totally exhausted and I'm very glad to be out of the drivers seat of my little bug. This morning got very busy doing business things, seemed a lot of people needed a tiny piece of me, or an appraisal report or something so I left late. The first house was a little 3 bedroom 1 bath that was so well cared for. It reminded me of the house we lived in in Tracy for several years. Started its life as a flat top but someone has added a peaked roof making it more appealing. Then on to Hayward to see a house that someone has added a second story to at some point in the past, larger than others in its neighborhood it was tough to find comps for. Then I debated and went to Olive Garden for a 20 minutes soup and salad. You just cannot believe how good everything tasted as I've been eating my own 5 minute cooking for many days. Thank goodness Mary brought soup I can warm up and Sylvia left home made bread. Of course taking time to eat cost me time for the next appraisal in Lafayette. I am determining a value as of March 1996 for an estate. Average home with a panoramic view of Mt Diablo, worth probably $300K, it just sold again for over $700K a few weeks ago. Then after shooting a photo of the house I punched in home in the GPS and started. Traffic everywhere I chose the back roads and made it home nearly on time so Bean could leave.
I ripped open the mail but found no money, lots of bills including a pg&e asking for a payment of over $400 in the next 48 hours, yikes, better deal with that one.
Now I start the process of getting ready for bed, preparing meds, TPN and the gradual transfer of the support systems from family room to bedroom, pillows, sheep skin, TPN, pump, ice water etc. Takes over an hour to make it all happen but I've got it down pretty well now.
Now a quick trip to the motorhome for the air bed for the van, files to Steve and Nikki's house and then go to bed.
I sure enjoy reading the blog messages and hope what George and Yvonne said is true. Ken has the data now, came and burned a CD this morning with everything I have entered, now he will clean it up, make it add up and do the taxes.
I think we are sort of auto pilot right now. Most things are about the same as the day before and we try to find minutes to hug or talk to just watch Law and Order together. When I am in the kitchen she asks what I am making, just for interest sake.
Oh that God would show His hand or is He? I'm not sure what to do or what not to do anymore.
We both treasure your prayers in Nan's behalf. If anyone needed God's healing hand it is Nan now.
tim and nan
At 10:18 PM,
Anonymous said…
You both are in my thoughts and prayers,
Glad Bean is there for you both- I am heading up to women's retreat again tomorrow. Last week I got to put up the signs, wearing my sandals with snow falling on my head- A first in 25 years!
There is a prayer request box at the retreat in which I will place my prayers for you. Prayers for comfort for Nan, wisdom for Tim, thanks for a new helper-angel Bean, thanks for your getting the tax stuff done. That was a big accomplishment for this week!
At 12:05 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Tim and Nan, We will be praying that your trip to the doctor will be very beneficial. It is a real "moving adventure" to get Nan there and I hope the doctor will realize that and spend quality time with you.
I do hope you do not have to pay taxes on your gifts from the recovery account.
Bean sounds like a real answer to prayer. She is busy when Nan is sleeping and that helps you you, Tim, so don't have to do the laundry and household chores. You have ENOUGH other things to do. I'll bet you could take the nurses exam and pass with flying colors. How would you like to be a nurse??? I'm amazed at how you deal with all the medical things involved with Nan's care.
Sleep well. We think about you so much. Keep those peepers open while you are driving your car!!
Love, Barbie
At 6:52 AM,
Anonymous said…
Nan does need God's healing hand and we are all praying for that specific kind of miracle. But God, being so powerful, we might also pray for his healing hand on everyone. While we are at it lets pray for, the also merciful and loving, God to heal our hearts as well.
Thank you God for all the healing. It happened the moment we aknowledged you and ask for your love and help. Now God give us a bigger perspective so we can see what we have become. An eternal being that for just a moment is stuck in this current format.
Today let all the worries for tomorrow disappear and all the saddness of yesterday be forgotten. Let today be full of helpful and useful things to do. Something to do with chocolate if possible.
At 8:29 AM,
Anonymous said…
Good Morning from Lodi,
We will be Praying that Your trip to the DR. will be easy and productive for Nan. The rain is falling gentley here and sure smells good and there is a freshness in the air too.
We have Lunch today at the Senior Center, sure saves time in the kitchen to have that Lunch option avaliable on week days. We use it quite often, Food is always good and balanced nutrition is a plus.
Glad to read that You have good help for Nan's day-care. We will try to get over for one day next week if things work out. Let Us know which Day would be the best for You Wed or Thur would be best for Us.
What would We all do without the IRS looking over Our shoulder and always wanting $$. Lets hope that Your Accountant will be able to get things worked out for You. That is one Issue that You do not need to be dealing with on what seems like a daily baisis. Lets just add "Tax Issues", to Our Prayer Requests. Why not? The Lord says "Cast all Your Cares on Him"
Love You,
Bob & Carrol.
At 1:02 PM,
Anonymous said…
Our thoughts are with you especially today as you make the grueling trip to the Dr's office. I can't imagine what the pain level would be like for Nan riding on the air mattress in the back of the van. It does give her a change of scenery however. May you be greeted by a caring staff and not have to spend much time just waiting.
The chorale has 2 concerts tomorrow and I'm only going to one. It's been a long week and I'm really tired this week end. The chorale is sounding very good ~ I think anyway. As soon as we get a decent recording I'll send you one.
Have a good weekend and enjoy the rest and refreshing of the soul.
Love and prayers ~ Carol
At 3:22 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Guys,
I'm with Wes. How many times do we pray "Thy will be done" and forget to give thanks in all things? I thank God for today and all that happened in it, because we continue to put all things in His hands. We fail to see the things He has spared us from. In the Sweet by and by, we can all gather around Nan and let God and our angels tell us story upon story of things we were spared from and all the times that He picked us up and carried us in His loving arms, eventhough, at the time we had no ability to see things through His eyes. He loves each of us so much, and as for me, I'll continue to pray for the both of you and the rest of us, placing each day in His hands, and end the day with,"Thank You, Dear Lord for loving us". I pray for a peaceful Sabbath for each of us.
I send my love, Sharon
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