Friday evening and Keanna is here for a sleep over
Dear Family and Friends,
Its about 11 pm, I have Nan settled in with a heavy dose of Dilautid, stomach pump working well, TPN pumping, pillows in place, covers just right. This evening Starr has been misbehaving, not treating her mother very nicely at all. Last time I was up she had finally settled down and stopping raming into Nan and licking her. Errr.
Keanna was sure ready for Pappa to pick her up this afternoon, she raced around, got her bags, lunch pail, blanket bag and was ready to go. She knew she had a new Dora movie at home to see. She patiently waited while I shot a few photos for a relo appraisal and then we stopped by McDonalds for a snack, then home. When we arrived home we found grammy doing fine, she had slept while I was gone. She OKed a trip to the park so Keanna and I took the dogs to the park for a walk and she played and directed activities at the childrens play area. What a sparkplug she is, how exciting kids are. As the evening cooled we headed back and met up with Ken and LeAnn next door. LeAnn loaded us up with beautiful tomatoes, they are just beautiful and make the store bought one I have look pretty weak. Thank you LeAnn for all you do on a daily basis. Earlier this afternoon LeAnn called to tell me the ramp I constructed long ago which allows the dogs to reach their run had fallen apart. It will need some new construction to keep them safe as they use it to go up and out.
Nan has had a decent day today. I had to start early this morning to complete a promised appraisal. Then I brought her down and helped her become comfortable in the recliner. At 10 am the lady arrived from the home care service and after going over the details we gave her a deposit for the first two weeks. It will be more than the income from Social Security but we think it is the right things to do. Of course we look forward to a time when friends and relatives come to visit. Just a 48 hour notice and the helper does not come. So we are not locked into anything. The helper even does light housework, will fix food and will be a safety companion for Nan.
Well now its time to rest, Keanna is sleeping and will be up early for sure. We intend to got to the Tracy Church tomorrow for a special childrens program they offer each week and Keanna loves. Pam is kind enough to come over in the morning to be with nan while I take Keanna. What a total blessing friends are. I especially was touched by the messages to the blog today, how we long for the miracle God has in mind.
I hope you enjoy your weekend and find the blessings God has in mind for you. Thank you for being in our lives.
tim and nan
ps Special message to Joyce Conner, I am enjoying the peanut butter you made and the apricots. Talk about gifts that keep on giving.
Its about 11 pm, I have Nan settled in with a heavy dose of Dilautid, stomach pump working well, TPN pumping, pillows in place, covers just right. This evening Starr has been misbehaving, not treating her mother very nicely at all. Last time I was up she had finally settled down and stopping raming into Nan and licking her. Errr.
Keanna was sure ready for Pappa to pick her up this afternoon, she raced around, got her bags, lunch pail, blanket bag and was ready to go. She knew she had a new Dora movie at home to see. She patiently waited while I shot a few photos for a relo appraisal and then we stopped by McDonalds for a snack, then home. When we arrived home we found grammy doing fine, she had slept while I was gone. She OKed a trip to the park so Keanna and I took the dogs to the park for a walk and she played and directed activities at the childrens play area. What a sparkplug she is, how exciting kids are. As the evening cooled we headed back and met up with Ken and LeAnn next door. LeAnn loaded us up with beautiful tomatoes, they are just beautiful and make the store bought one I have look pretty weak. Thank you LeAnn for all you do on a daily basis. Earlier this afternoon LeAnn called to tell me the ramp I constructed long ago which allows the dogs to reach their run had fallen apart. It will need some new construction to keep them safe as they use it to go up and out.
Nan has had a decent day today. I had to start early this morning to complete a promised appraisal. Then I brought her down and helped her become comfortable in the recliner. At 10 am the lady arrived from the home care service and after going over the details we gave her a deposit for the first two weeks. It will be more than the income from Social Security but we think it is the right things to do. Of course we look forward to a time when friends and relatives come to visit. Just a 48 hour notice and the helper does not come. So we are not locked into anything. The helper even does light housework, will fix food and will be a safety companion for Nan.
Well now its time to rest, Keanna is sleeping and will be up early for sure. We intend to got to the Tracy Church tomorrow for a special childrens program they offer each week and Keanna loves. Pam is kind enough to come over in the morning to be with nan while I take Keanna. What a total blessing friends are. I especially was touched by the messages to the blog today, how we long for the miracle God has in mind.
I hope you enjoy your weekend and find the blessings God has in mind for you. Thank you for being in our lives.
tim and nan
ps Special message to Joyce Conner, I am enjoying the peanut butter you made and the apricots. Talk about gifts that keep on giving.
At 8:22 AM,
Anonymous said…
Happy Sabbath to you Tim, Nan, Keanna and Pam! Miss "make you feel better" is a sparkplug to you all and she even got Tim out for a walk to the park...nice going Keanna!
I have read all the back blogs and am caught up with the happenings at the Mustard's home. It sounds like the new pain plan is helping. Nan, try to stand up for 2 minutes every time you wake up so you can have more strength in your legs.
Fall is here but the weather is still lovely outside.
Marilyn and I had a nice visit with Mother and we had a good evening with family members for her 93rd birthday. She had such a nice time opening her presents and when she finished she said she thinks she'll try for a 94th!
Must get ready for church. Thanks, Pam, for being with Nan so Tim and Keanna can be at S.S.
Love to you all, Barbie
At 2:59 PM,
Anonymous said…
I hope you have had a very pleasant day with your favorite "medicine" hopping around with her smiles and cute ways.
I got up early this a.m. and fixed food for pot luck, rushed around getting everything ready to go to church. As we were driving to church I looked at an old bulletin to discover that the pot luck is next week! We had impromptu company for dinner ~ 8 in all. Now that's the way to do it. No fuss, no bother. All I had for dessert was M&M's, but one of the ladies had cheese cake in her freezer that they brought. We had a very pleasant afternoon and everyone just left a little while ago. One of the ladies was worried that I might not have enough food, so I put out bread, sliced tomatoes, lettuce and mayo. There was food left over. Now if I had planned for company I would have fretted about it all week.
A new week is beginning with new challenges, new successes and new issues to deal with. Aren't we glad we have a point in the week where we can start over? I hope you have a less painful week and lots of checks coming in.
Love and prayers ~ Carol
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