Nan Mustard's Recovery

This blog is a record of Erin (Nan) Mustard's recovery.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Pam visits, massages, encourages, is a great help to Nan

Dear Ones,
This evening we are settling in after a day of pain and rest. Pam came this morning and has been with Nan until about 9 this evening. Pam and Nan have been fast friends for many years and today was another revealing look at how friends operate. This has been an especially tough time for Nan with extreme pain and hardly any relief other than sleeping for 2 hour segments. Pam has made sure Nan was warm enough, comfortable with pillows, adequately medicated and comforted all day. Then this evening she discovered that Nan had a temp of 102.2 so we all switched gears and took away the comfy blanket replacing it with a cool sheet, added a cool cloth to the forehead and cool towels around each foot, a small dose of ibuprofen and within 2 hours the temp was much reduced. Now Nan sleeps with a small dose of Dilautid just injected 30 minutes ago.
We have enjoyed the cooler day today and what a beautiful full moon this evening. As Pam was driving away it was coming up over a house nearby, very nice. I am always concerned about Pam having to drive over the lousy levee roads to Stockton but she is a pretty smart cookie and knows when to slow down and be safe. nan and I both want to thank Pam for coming today, what a lift to our spirits as she is just a very special friend. This is the same girl who has spent many nights in a chair at Nan's side in hospitals over the years, has spent nights there, has done whatever was needed over and over again. If we seek to see the hands of Jesus we need look no further than our friends, so helpful each using their own skills, contributions to help us as we pass through this valley.
As I think back over the years of our family life I have so many places to pause and reflect. Due to the kindness of Dr. and Mrs Glover we got to see Israel and Jordan, to float in the Dead Sea, to motor boat across the Sea of Galilee, to walk where Jesus walked, to see the walls of Jericho, to step into the river Jordan. Due to the kindness of the Stockton Chorale we have traveled New Zealand, Australia, Europe singing in the beautiful cathedrals of Notre Dame, Saint Stephens and then Carnegie Hall in New York. We loved every exciting minute of the travel, the sightseeing, the choral concerts and being with such talented and lovely people. Thanks to Roger Peden and the chorale and then the Adoration Singers we had a place to minister several times a year joining fellow Christians in song and forming life long friendships. Thanks to Nan's going back to school to pursue her dream of being a travel agent we have been many places for very little money enjoying the beauty of Hawaii, Alaska, Mexico, Belize, Jamaica and a lot of other places. Thanks to the exciting lives our children have lived so far we have been to Portland, Santa Cruz, MBA. Thanks to our friends the Lammerdings we have parked our various motor homes at their Homewood cabin dozens of times to enjoy hiking in the wood, watching the beaver build their dams, enjoying boating on Lake Tahoe and quiet evenings by the fire playing Mexican Domino's. When one begins to ponder ones life the many blessings burst to mind. We have loved our precious Tracy SDA Church, first as the pastor for 10 years and then as friends for the next 18 or so years. It is with sadness that we observe the gradual decline of people who are so special to our family and have been our children's grandparents over the years. I know of no better group of people than those making up the Tracy SDA Church. What a genuine blessing these dear people have been to us in good times and now in hard times. I am thankful that I have reconnected with my brother Jerry and his family and Sibyl, my sister who lives in Ohio. How nice it is to have the phone ring and hear a sibling on the other end. At first I did not know what to do with nan's family, it seemed she was related to every third person in Texas and whenever we were there we visited yet another person and then another but as the years have passed I have come to love nan's family. What an interesting bunch of people who know how to love and have a good time too. Most are real characters and they have enhanced our lives so much.
Due to Nan's GIST cancer we have met yet another group of wonderful people, fellow GISTers. Of those Herb and Kathy were especially close to Nan and Norm has been such a help over and over again with advice of who to turn to for help. Irene is our precious soul mate and we feel like she is family. She has guided us with such deep spiritual comfort and given us courage over and over again. Over the years when Nan had enough strength she carefully followed the two web sites for GISTers and was able to connect with dozens of people to help and to learn from.
So in spite of the darkness we are making our way through now, the gripping hand of pain that holds Nan so tightly, yes in spite of this phase of our lives we have much to be thankful for.
I would not venture any guesses about tomorrow or the day after but I do know who holds tomorrow and I guess we just have to trust that He knows the way through. I don't believe for a minute that God caused the GIST but we live in enemy territory and Satan hates every good thing, every meaning filled life and will cause pain and suffering where ever he can.
Your prayers on many fronts have carried us this far. What I am seeing tonight is a break in the terrible pain Nan is enduring. I am asking that God lead us to someone who can help, or touch her body so the pain can be reduced, or help us know better how to manage it. I am almost frantic at times seeing her in so much pain and having such poor tools to cope with it. We are using what we have but it lasts such a short time.
Please join me in prayer seeing God's intervention once again. He has spared her life so many times, He has lifted her up from low times over and over again. We seek His will for now, this time.
Thank you for reading, responding, praying and reaching for the hand of someone in your family, walk in the park while you can, take a drive for pleasure when you still can, express your love now, not someday ahead.


tim and nan


  • At 10:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Mustards,

    We will pray ernestly tonight that the Lord will relieve Nan's Pain and grant Her quality of life again.

    We will be over to see You tomorrow about 1:30 and will be bringing a Marie Calendar Pie for You to enjoy. We too thank Pam for watching Nan today While You took care of other important things that needed to be tended to.

    God Bless,

    Love & Prayers.

    Bob & Carrol.

  • At 9:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Tim and Nan:

    It is hard for me to know what to write. I read the blog every single day. Today's blog is very deep in how much both of you have gone through over the years - I should never complain on my health as it is nothing compare to Nan's. Art was worried a few days ago as he never seen me that way, I knew it would pass and thank God it did. Anyway, like your friends worry and pray for you every single day mine did too and I thank God thatI'm ok now.

    The friendships you mentioned over the years are in fact precious. God will continue to heal Nan from that intense pain.

    It was interesting to read all the places you have been and to my surprise I have been to most of them too. As you know we got a small motor home and we are so much looking forward to tour this country not only far away but the areas close to us too. There is so much beauty right on our backyard. Tomorrow we leave for New Brighton State Park and then to Big Basin State Park - I have never been to either of them but heard so much about them that we decided to go there instead of going far away. We want to start using the motor home so we are excited about these trips.

    We will continue to pray for both of you.


  • At 11:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…


    Yesterday a day that will live in my memory always, which is pretty important considering the state of my memory, as one of the happiest days of my life. I am fortunate to have many of them as are you. It did involve hitting but so did both my adventures. Maybe I should just start at the beginning and tell the whole story.

    In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth....uh wait maybe I will just start with the beginning of Saturday.

    I got up and went to the bathroom.....uh wait, maybe I will start at the beginning of the things that were different from my regular Saturdays.

    I went to my school at 9am and opened the door for 66 parents, students and teachers who came to play baseball math. Using regular baseball cards to create a pie graph using each player's batting
    %ages a spinner is placed on top of the card. The result of each spin is an at bat and the students record the result on their regular baseball score sheets. Students played each other for 2 hours while parents visited and watched. I ate some donuts brought in by an A student for her teacher. I think she got them from Gerry.

    After the faux baseball game we left Tracy and went to the Dublin BART station and thence to the Oakland stadium. The A's hit the Angels' hit and lots of concession food was consumed. The A's did the most hittng but the Angels' did the most scoring however all the parents and all the students had the great fun. Then back to Bart and on to Dublin. Where our paths diverged. The other 65 people went on to Tracy while I went to a location where there was hitting of a different kind.

    Just a little after 5 I joined Zack, Erin, Kevin and My own personal Nan at the Altammont Motor Speedway. That is where even more hitting took place. For example:

    Cars hitting the gas!
    Cars hitting the brakes!
    Cars hitting the wall!
    Fire extinguishers hitting the fire!
    Cars hitting each other!
    Zack hitting his STRIDE!

    He won his first NASCAR race ever! We are all very happy for him and wanted to share that joy with you! We are all intertwined by the moments we share both good a bad, easy and difficult. I know that you and Nan share my joy for Zack because your interactions with him.

    Sometimes we don't share our joys with you because it doesn't seem fair that we have these joys while you and Nan have pains but I know that is not the way it should be. I share the joys because I know that they are doubled when shared. I share the pains as well because they are halved in the sharing. I am blessed to share with you my life, it is all the richer for it.

    Half as much pain and twice as much joy is my wish and prayer for you today!


  • At 2:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Mustards,

    It is good to look back over our lives at times to see just how full they have been ~ the travels, the music, the friendships, the challenges, the good times with the hard times.... Yes, you have been blessed! Your lives have been full and productive. It is rewarding to be able to say your lives have been worthwhile.

    We're back to laundry and cleaning today. I've also been doing some sorting and "getting rid of". It feels so good to get "stuff" moved out of the house. I'm still dealing with Roger's Mother's stuff, My Mother's stuff, Dad's stuff and our stuff accumulated over the last 14 years. Yikes! Could it really be that long? We moved to NC 10/93. Now we wonder what the Lord has in store for us from here. So, we pray for guidance, patience and strength for each day.

    I hope Bob and Carrol were able to come see you today and you were blessed with more visiting with friends. Now for help to be with Nan this week. I wish we were nearer. Just a bit too far to commute!

    Love and Prayers ~ Carol

  • At 7:29 PM, Blogger divatobe said…

    Thought of you today as we rehearsed Beethoven's 9th and Mahler's 2nd at Carnegie Hall. These are both such wrenching pieces to sing--the composers both knew such deep despair and yet created these "songs" that we are compelled to keep singing.

    I won't quote the entire 2nd Symphony (!), but here is my broken translation of what moved me today:

    "Oh believe! Thou were not born in vain! hast not lived in vain, suffered in vain!
    What has come into being must perish! What perished must rise again!
    Oh Pain, thou piercer of all things from thee I have been wrested!
    With wings which I have won, in love's fierce striving, I shall soar upwards.
    What thou hast fought for shall lead thee to God!"

    I will continue to pray and sing for both of you as we perform this week.


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