A day of rest
Good evening,
We had a decent night with a few times up. Nan came home from the hospital feeling much stronger and better. We had a decent evening. We did not roll out this morning until after 9 am. But during the day nan developed intense pain in her side. We have noticed that for days the urine is cloudy. We asked that the urine be checked when she was at the hospital but since she was asleep she did not know if the test had been done or not.
We called Dr. Melynk who was on call and asked for his help. He checked and found out the tests had been done, there were bugs growing and yes antibiotics would be ordered. I gave hime the number for Critical Care, he called and ordered the drugs and a few minutes ago the delivery service brought the drugs. I have the first dosage going into Nan's picc line right now. Our experience says that she will show improvement in a few hours. So for the next 5 days every 6 hours we hook up the drug. We sure are glad that Dr. M was on duty today, a life saver.
This afternoon Pam came to visit, brought this wonderful lotion, brought Marie Calendars potato soup and a wonderful pie, I mean wonderful. I hope Barbie and Gerry can help clean it up, I'm sure they will help. We sure look forward to seeing them again as they have been very busy and traveling all over. We appreciate their fitting us into their busy schedule.
They arrive tomorrow afternoon at 4 pm to stay until sometime on Tuesday. That will be a wonderful help and Nan looks forward to seeing them again. Gerry and I will head out on Monday to see some properties and Barbie and nan can hold the fort here at home.
Pam stayed the whole afternoon and we napped, she rubbed nan with the lotion and we talked. Finally she had to head home but her visit was just perfect, so great to see her again.
Nan was in intense pain this evening and I am so glad that the antibiotics arrived as the kidney infection was pretty strong I think. She has been asleep for about an hour or more now and I've been loading up the pain meds for the night to save in the little frig upstairs. Saves stumbling down stairs several times a night to get meds.
Well good night my friend, thanks Wes for being the lone wolf to write to the blog and thanks for mentioning Nikki and Keanna. Nikki says it was totally fun today and Keanna loved it. Thanks for doing good things for my children.
Today was Jason's 30th birthday and as we both talked to him this evening he said he has enjoyed parties, we could hear Timothy talking in the background. Jason and Jo are doing such an outstanding job of being parents, we are totally impressed and just love the little guy so much. I love seeing Keanna and Timothy together. It makes all of life have great meaning and deep joy. We are thankful to God for our kids, I know you feel the same for your kids, we are really enjoying having grandchildren, we had no idea how precious they would be.
tim and nan
We had a decent night with a few times up. Nan came home from the hospital feeling much stronger and better. We had a decent evening. We did not roll out this morning until after 9 am. But during the day nan developed intense pain in her side. We have noticed that for days the urine is cloudy. We asked that the urine be checked when she was at the hospital but since she was asleep she did not know if the test had been done or not.
We called Dr. Melynk who was on call and asked for his help. He checked and found out the tests had been done, there were bugs growing and yes antibiotics would be ordered. I gave hime the number for Critical Care, he called and ordered the drugs and a few minutes ago the delivery service brought the drugs. I have the first dosage going into Nan's picc line right now. Our experience says that she will show improvement in a few hours. So for the next 5 days every 6 hours we hook up the drug. We sure are glad that Dr. M was on duty today, a life saver.
This afternoon Pam came to visit, brought this wonderful lotion, brought Marie Calendars potato soup and a wonderful pie, I mean wonderful. I hope Barbie and Gerry can help clean it up, I'm sure they will help. We sure look forward to seeing them again as they have been very busy and traveling all over. We appreciate their fitting us into their busy schedule.
They arrive tomorrow afternoon at 4 pm to stay until sometime on Tuesday. That will be a wonderful help and Nan looks forward to seeing them again. Gerry and I will head out on Monday to see some properties and Barbie and nan can hold the fort here at home.
Pam stayed the whole afternoon and we napped, she rubbed nan with the lotion and we talked. Finally she had to head home but her visit was just perfect, so great to see her again.
Nan was in intense pain this evening and I am so glad that the antibiotics arrived as the kidney infection was pretty strong I think. She has been asleep for about an hour or more now and I've been loading up the pain meds for the night to save in the little frig upstairs. Saves stumbling down stairs several times a night to get meds.
Well good night my friend, thanks Wes for being the lone wolf to write to the blog and thanks for mentioning Nikki and Keanna. Nikki says it was totally fun today and Keanna loved it. Thanks for doing good things for my children.
Today was Jason's 30th birthday and as we both talked to him this evening he said he has enjoyed parties, we could hear Timothy talking in the background. Jason and Jo are doing such an outstanding job of being parents, we are totally impressed and just love the little guy so much. I love seeing Keanna and Timothy together. It makes all of life have great meaning and deep joy. We are thankful to God for our kids, I know you feel the same for your kids, we are really enjoying having grandchildren, we had no idea how precious they would be.
tim and nan
At 11:54 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Friends, We look forward to seeing you sometime tomorrow around 4. Dennis is coming over in the morning to trim some of our bushes. He will not be staying long as he has to get his yard in order and his cars washed as he will be gone all next week to Southern Calif. He will be visiting my Mom, his Granny, about two evenings after his work. She will be thrilled!
Nan, I will take some naps with you as I'm tired out from all our running around. How good it would be if we could do some running around together once again. Remember our cruise and Nikki was changing her swim suit and someone stole the bottom right off the door where she had put it while changing??? She yelled but we didn't hear her and she certainly couldn't run after it at that stage in her dressing.
We had friends over after church today. They have two children who are very well trained and it was a delightful afternoon.
Our hot water heater quit but the man from PG&E got us going again. We had to heat water in the tea kettle and it's much better when the hot water heater is working, believe me!
Looking forward to seeing you again. We got some kleenex for Nan. I'll bring some Lasagna to bake for supper along with salad and garlic bread.
Love, Barbie
At 4:42 AM,
Anonymous said…
Another beautiful good morning to you. The sky is clear and there is a nip in the air. Yes, it is fall ~ one of my favorite times of the year.
I'm glad Nan took the trip well on Friday and now has new "blub" pumping through her veins. New "blub" always does seem to make her feel better. The pain from those awful tumors won't be helped, but at least she feels better. A little Keanna and Timothy medicine now and then is the best medicine she can get and it is given with much love and no charge.
So glad Barb and Gerry are coming. They always seem to give you both a boost! Good friends are oh so precious. Tim will have company to keep him awake as he drives those long miles and Nan will not be alone.
I"m off to my early Sunday a.m. Wal-Mart run before the crowds arrive. We pray for a good week for you both.
Love and prayers ~ Carol
At 6:48 AM,
Unknown said…
Every once in a while I have to write to let you know Denver still exists!! (not to mention to avoid working!!) We have been, let's see, how do the kids these days say it? "Slammed!" Seems like many, many moons ago that we were in our beloved California--and it was just this past July! I have three major training events going on this fall that are about to do me in--but God is good and He keeps bringing the right people into my life at the right time to get things done as needed!! The last event will be our Worship Conference the end of October (www.DenverFirstSDA.org/worship) and after that--I'm sleeping in until--oh, maybe 2008?!
You give me hope as I read about your love of grandkids!! I keep telling my kids "I'm to young to be a grandma"--but maybe I need to change?! John's ready--but our son, Tim, must complete his masters, and Jennifer--well, she first needs to date!! (heehee!)
I've totally adored all the photos of Jason and little Timmy and Nikki and Keanna! What precious kids you two have raised--such a testimony to the strength of your character!! Through all of life, God has walked beside all of you--through thick and thin--and it's obvious to me--He is still holding you in a tight embrace!!
Remember--though the silence from Denver may seem deafening at times--our prayers are constantly covering all of you!!
Love you both!!
John & Karen Cress
At 8:18 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Tim & Nan,
So good to read that You had a restful sabbath.
We woke here to a steady drizzel which turned to a good rain about 9:30 or so and continued till mid afternoon. We had intended to come over for a visit but I was not comfortable with driving on the first rain wet & slippery levee #4. We might be able to come over today for a bit if things clear as they are forecasting.
Lab Work for Carrol on Tuesday 25th and reading at Her Clinic Appointment on Monday 8th. We are Praying for Good Numbers. Her Right Hand is Healing Rapidly and She is hoping for quality relief from the Carpal Tunnel Pain that has been with Her for the past months . We are hoping that the Left Hand can be done before the Holiday Season is upon Us.
We continue to Pray that Pain relief can be found for Nan. Glad to read that the New Blood is Helping.
Thank You Dr.Tim, You are truly the best there is for Nan, how You manage to keep all of those Meds & Tubes & Bags in order is a testement to Your Love & Loyalty to Nan.
Much Love & Prayers,
Bob & Carrol.
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