Timothy and Jason come to visit, nice
Dear Family and Friends,
Are you getting tired of reading about our troubles? We are tired of having them too. nan has had a rough day with almost constant pain. Terry was here to draw blood for the type and cross which preceeds a transfusion. She gave us her best imput on pain control and we tried the Roxinol we had on hand but still no relief. This evening Nan is fed up with the pain patches, she is persuaded that they are not working or helping her. So at her request we pulled them off her back this afternoon and she has gone back to taking the oxycontin pills which seemed to be better and more effective. Tonight we will try a blending of Roxinol and Dilautid at different times in an attempt to hold off the pain and allow Nan to sleep. She has had some rest today. After jason and Timothy left at 3 she fell asleep and did not wake until nearly 6 which was a good rest. She woke to much pain though. Now we have her back downstairs in her recliner and she has just slept about an hour or so again. Nice.
Jason and timothy arrived about 10:30 today and Timothy put on a real show for us, kicking, smiling, rolling his head, making little noises and just being his charming little self. He is a pleasant baby and slept the entire trip over from MBA, a 2 plus hour trip. Jason is such a good dad, handling all the baby things with perfect ease. He loves to hold Timothy on his tummy and have his sleep there. The boy knows how to cuddle for sure.
I have done a blending of work and care today. I enjoyed having Jason and Timothy visit. There is nothing like family to make the day. It was so hard to see them drive away as moments of joy are few and far between these days. It was precious of Jason to take his day off and come to visit his mother. In spite of her pain she enjoyed talking with him for short periods of time and then having him and Timothy lay on the bed upstairs so she could place her hands on the baby and just look at him. Some of these moments are so bitter sweet and are tear jerkers.
So tonight we still seek God's directions in coping with the pain. God knows the answers, He can heal, He can calm pain. Why can't Nan get some relief?
Thank you to those who wrote to the blog today, Carrol had a good surgery on her hand and Irene continues to wrestle with the right decision re: surgery or not. How we all need the Lord.
I'm going to try to add a photo or two of Jason and Timothy if I can.
So for now we say good night, probably we will be at the hospital tomorrow for a transfusion if and when they call. Once we get Nan settled in I may head out to see a couple properties while she is in the good care of the nurses. Marilyn, we miss you! Who is going to keep those nurses in line at the hospital?
tim and nan
ps did you ever see such a cute baby? We are totally biased. What a love!
ps Keanna came home from school ill today and I've not heard how she is doing so please pray for our precious Keanna girl.
At 11:28 PM,
Anonymous said…
What is the deal Tim. You have turned your grandson, a very handsome one I will admit, into a complete ham. I could hardly believe my eyes when I saw his picture pop up on my screen with his tongue sticking out, really that is too much. What's next rasberries?
Hey, I was in the bathroom this morning kicking, smiling, rolling my head around and making little noises. I can tell you no one here thought any of that was cute. I fact one observer said it stunk. Can you believe it? I just don't get no respect. What can I tell you? (don't go into the bathroom might be good advice)
I see you and Jason are just a couple packs of Mustard, Timothy is the new hotdog in town but it seems that all the participants are having a good time playing their part. Nan you be the bun. (honey if you like) It makes a nice quartet!
Hope and pray that there will be more peace in your valley today!
At 5:18 AM,
Anonymous said…
What a cutie! Those big brown eyes certainly portray the Mustard charm. I'm not sure what the tongue is telling us. Is that what he thinks of having his picture taken? Good for Jason to brave that trip by himself with the little guy bringing good medicine to brighten your day.
You will be close in thought and prayer as you make that trip for new blood today. Perhaps someone will come up with a new solution to the pain as they witness what Nan is going through.
We are experiencing beautiful fall weather and the leaves are beginning to show their color. Daytime temperatures are in the low 70's and night time in the upper 40's. Yes, fall is here and the hummingbirds are starting to leave.
We pray for peace and reduced pain for you today.
Love and prayers ~ Carol
At 7:39 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Tim & Nan,
Great shots of the little one, What a breath of fresh air He is to all He comes in contact with.
How We pray for Pain relief for Nan to become a reality. How are You doing ,Tim with the Hip & Lrg discomfort?
Carrol had a good rest last night and even did catch up E.Mailing in the early evening. She is very encouraged by the progress that She is feeling in Her Right Hand. Praise The Lord for Good Doctors that are such Caring People too.
Very cool here today, 52 and in the 40's last night. Looks like rain today. Dr Appointment follow- up surgery visit for Carrol this morning and then Lunch at the Local Senior Center.
We hope & Pray for a good Day may yuo & Nan have a smoothe & comfortable transfusion trip too.
Love & Prayers,
Bob & Carrol.
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