Post 571 - good test results - lot of stomach pain
Dear Ones,
Nan is resting in our bed upstairs and I can hear the TV on low as she first falls asleep until the sleep device turns it off. Tonight we are hydrating her with extra fluids, Marilyn says that we have been taking over 2500 ccs out with the pump and since the TPN is only putting in about 2400 cc at the most we might be getting her a bit dry. She drinks ice water all the time and that helps with total fluids too. She asked to come down this morning, around 7:45 which I did and then I hit the road. Marilyn moved all the pillows, tubes, pump, etc down. I drove to Madera arriving at 10:30, say a little old house, then up to Coursegold to a subdivision where all the homes have about an acre called Yosemite Lakes or something like that, then later on up to a second ranch nearer to Yosemite. It took a full hour to find one comparable, GPS got so confused, I drove over dirt roads with ruts higher than the car, jagged rocks sticking out but I did so slowly and car made it home fine. Finally found that last comparable by coming at it from a totally different access road and then the GPS found it fine. I had 550 miles on the tank when I finally found cheap diesel, $2.83 a gallon. Home at 7:45 to find Nan had suffered a lot with stomach pains today, more so there than anywhere else. Marilyn had given her iv dilautid when needed and Nan made it through the day but was suffering.
On the way home I spoke to Sharon who is staying as busy as usual, Nikki who is in New Mexico trying to stay awake for her classes, Steve who was busy as usual working and caring for precious Keanna, Art who was visiting a friend and several work calls during the day. The people who do these reverse mortages are the nicest people. Nearly everyone in Coursegold has moved there from Southern California and they love it up there in the foothills in their little ranchettes.
When I got home I timidly approached the mailbox hoping not to be disappointed. Yes there was one check from a reverse mortgage, great news, the drought has been broken. Of course I need about 10 more checks to begin to approach the bills but still one is way better than none!
I enjoyed reading the blog comments and I'll print them out for Nan to read in the morning. It was so good to hear from everybudy and know how things are going. Lucky Roger and Carol who have their daughter and grandson right now, that is good stuff and they don't get to see them as often as they would like. Great to know Barb and Gerry are headed home, potential visitors for the future, YES! We are searching for visitors who would like their own room and bath, unlimited visitation hours with the beautiful and famous Nan and quiet times to meditate by the lake. You can come anytime and stay as long as you like. Sign up now! We will provide meals as long as they involve peanut butter and tomatoes, Dana might have even left some tuna in the pantry!
I just found David and Joe's night crawlers in the little frig, right in there with the TPN storage. I decided that perhaps they needed to be freed so I dumped them into our front flower area where they can do some good.
Per Critical care home health pharmacist, nina, Nan's labs looked good, albuman is low but very hard to add to the body, the body actually needs to create its own so increasing the protein in the TPN really did not change it, what would be good if Nan could eat small meals and trace elements would help but she can't due to the ongoing blockage. Hemoglobin was 8.2 which is getting to the point where they may ask for a transfusion again, its about time. We see the oncologist on friday in Concord, that will be a big trip for Nan, its in the afternoon I think.
I am very busy this week with work for which I am thankful and I'm feeling much better thans the the care of Dr. Edwards and the good meds he gave me. Thank you Lord for feeling better.
I'm going to wrap up now. I have a few photos of little guys visit but I'll do them tomorrow, I'm tired and have another huge day tomorrow.
Please pray that Nan's colostomy will fill, that she might start to feel better and that how she feels would match the lab results, good!
love to all
tim and nan and marilyn
Nan is resting in our bed upstairs and I can hear the TV on low as she first falls asleep until the sleep device turns it off. Tonight we are hydrating her with extra fluids, Marilyn says that we have been taking over 2500 ccs out with the pump and since the TPN is only putting in about 2400 cc at the most we might be getting her a bit dry. She drinks ice water all the time and that helps with total fluids too. She asked to come down this morning, around 7:45 which I did and then I hit the road. Marilyn moved all the pillows, tubes, pump, etc down. I drove to Madera arriving at 10:30, say a little old house, then up to Coursegold to a subdivision where all the homes have about an acre called Yosemite Lakes or something like that, then later on up to a second ranch nearer to Yosemite. It took a full hour to find one comparable, GPS got so confused, I drove over dirt roads with ruts higher than the car, jagged rocks sticking out but I did so slowly and car made it home fine. Finally found that last comparable by coming at it from a totally different access road and then the GPS found it fine. I had 550 miles on the tank when I finally found cheap diesel, $2.83 a gallon. Home at 7:45 to find Nan had suffered a lot with stomach pains today, more so there than anywhere else. Marilyn had given her iv dilautid when needed and Nan made it through the day but was suffering.
On the way home I spoke to Sharon who is staying as busy as usual, Nikki who is in New Mexico trying to stay awake for her classes, Steve who was busy as usual working and caring for precious Keanna, Art who was visiting a friend and several work calls during the day. The people who do these reverse mortages are the nicest people. Nearly everyone in Coursegold has moved there from Southern California and they love it up there in the foothills in their little ranchettes.
When I got home I timidly approached the mailbox hoping not to be disappointed. Yes there was one check from a reverse mortgage, great news, the drought has been broken. Of course I need about 10 more checks to begin to approach the bills but still one is way better than none!
I enjoyed reading the blog comments and I'll print them out for Nan to read in the morning. It was so good to hear from everybudy and know how things are going. Lucky Roger and Carol who have their daughter and grandson right now, that is good stuff and they don't get to see them as often as they would like. Great to know Barb and Gerry are headed home, potential visitors for the future, YES! We are searching for visitors who would like their own room and bath, unlimited visitation hours with the beautiful and famous Nan and quiet times to meditate by the lake. You can come anytime and stay as long as you like. Sign up now! We will provide meals as long as they involve peanut butter and tomatoes, Dana might have even left some tuna in the pantry!
I just found David and Joe's night crawlers in the little frig, right in there with the TPN storage. I decided that perhaps they needed to be freed so I dumped them into our front flower area where they can do some good.
Per Critical care home health pharmacist, nina, Nan's labs looked good, albuman is low but very hard to add to the body, the body actually needs to create its own so increasing the protein in the TPN really did not change it, what would be good if Nan could eat small meals and trace elements would help but she can't due to the ongoing blockage. Hemoglobin was 8.2 which is getting to the point where they may ask for a transfusion again, its about time. We see the oncologist on friday in Concord, that will be a big trip for Nan, its in the afternoon I think.
I am very busy this week with work for which I am thankful and I'm feeling much better thans the the care of Dr. Edwards and the good meds he gave me. Thank you Lord for feeling better.
I'm going to wrap up now. I have a few photos of little guys visit but I'll do them tomorrow, I'm tired and have another huge day tomorrow.
Please pray that Nan's colostomy will fill, that she might start to feel better and that how she feels would match the lab results, good!
love to all
tim and nan and marilyn
At 6:39 AM,
Anonymous said…
Guten Morgan Tim. Good news in deed, that mail box story was so exciting. I had to go to the bathroom twice while reading it. Now I don't wish for that to happen again so maybe you could just tell Nan these exciting stories since it is not quite as big an ordeal for her to go to the bathroom and would be of much more benefit!
People hardly recognized me. They said I wasn't my usual self. Something about not having the same amount of Bovine Groundenhancement as usual, whatever that is.
The sun is rising through my window and the Son is risen in my heart. Hope the same for you, Nan and Marilyn. Have a great day!
At 8:25 AM,
Anonymous said…
It almost isn't morning here anymore, but I must let you know I'm thinking about you anyway. Roger has taken Linda and Andrew to Dollywood this a.m. and I'm trying to get ready for the big choir week end here at the house this week end. Can you believe I actually let them go without me? I'm not into all the rides and that seems to be all Andrew wants to do, so I'm not really missing all that much. I still need to get over there by myself again one of these days.
Good news with the check in the mail. We will rejoice in even just one. May you have a good day. "I will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on me." Keep praise on your lips today as you meet the trials of the day.
Love and Prayers ~ Carol
At 8:45 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Mustards & Marilyn,
Glad to read that Your trip Yesterday went well Tim and that You actualy found Fuel for less than $3.00 per Gallon, (Small Miracle in it self).
A note for all who follow this Blog that are aquainted with the Whites (Tracy). Lloyd called last evening about 9:00 and filled Us in on Bernice and Her Heart Issues.As I am writing this Lloyd should be in Stockton at St Josephs Hospital to bring Her home after having a Pacemaker put in Yesterday. He told Us that She was doing well and ready to get back to Playing the Organ again but He says "No Way" You are going to rest up for a while! Bernice is a real trooper and We all wish Her well and Pray for Her heart to be well regulated. Seems like We all need Help from Above in some way.
Good to read that You found a Check in the Mail Yesterday let's hope that there will be more of the same today and in the days to come.
We have a Funeral today for Our Dear friend Dick Wiech, He lost his battle with Lung cancer last week. A great Guy who will be missed by many including his Wife Rosie of 51 Years. They were married on nearly the same day in 1956 that Carrol & I were. We with their Family look forward to that great reunion day when the Lord returns. What a Joy that will be.
Have a good Day with less Pain and $$ in the Mail. Thank You Marilyn for all the Tender Care that You give to Our Dear Nan every Day. You will be missed when You must return to Your Home.
Much Love & continued Prayers,
Bob & Carrol.
At 9:47 AM,
Anonymous said…
Tim and Nan:
We continue to pary for your health and financial stability. We thank God that Tim is feeling better and that has enough work to keep him busy - we hope that the checks continue to come daily.
Tim, as you know we finally bought a mini motorhome, it is exactly what we wanted, not a big one so we could use it as a second car if needed. We looked at several and finally settled for a Rialta, there is plenty of room in our drive way for it and doesn't look out of place at all. We can't wait to go out to a campground a try it! And to travel across the country on many road trips.
Art has so many home projects, he wants to convert the shop into living quarters mostly for guests or our own little retreat but still keep part of it for his tools, this project is going to take a while but actually I'm getting excited about it too.
Nan, please know that you are in our prayers and look forward for you to be without pain. Have a good doctor's visit on Friday.
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