Friday evening - we are at home
Dear Friends and Family,
We were not able to go to Jason and Jo's today, Nan did not feel up to the trip. We weighted our options all day hoping she would feel better but that was not to be the case. I am disappointed because I love to see everything the little ones do and tomorrow is his dedication during the worship hour. However as Nan thought more and more about the trip she was reluctant to give it a try. She is once again running a low grade fever of about 100 most of the time and soon we may have to take another round of antibiotics for bugs that may be growing. Her hip pain has moved to her back and she is taking advantage of the IV Dilautid when she needs it. The stomach pump is working very well and keeps her free of nausea.
This has been a very tough day for me. I woke after a very restless night with some strong pains in my left leg, some fever and very sore chest and lungs. I have coughed much less today and managed to work my way through the day even though I did not feel like it at all. I had to go to the bank and deal with two accounts that were upside down using the money that came in the mail yesterday to right them. I have at least 15 places I could apply the money I received yesterday and I'm not sure where to start. Todays mail brought nothing but letters from the IRS seeking money and magazines and yet more bills. Medical bills have moved from hospital to collection agency now and they are less fun to deal with. Whoever suggested that you pay each one a little amount failed to inform me how much they hate that. They just want the money now. Today I concentrated on getting my cell phone back on, the office phone bills paid, the data supplier for appraisals paid.
Fortunately we are getting work again, I have plenty for the next week right now but its in Santa Rosa, Madera, San Francisco, Coursegold, seems nothing comes easy right now. I have tried to place my many concerns before the Lord today but in spite of that it has been a very hard day to endure.
I am looking forward to rest both tonight and tomorrow as it is my Sabbath and I believe God knows how much I need to rest and recoup. Marilyn has been extra good to Nan today and has rubbed her feet, her legs and give her a lot of encouragment. She is a very special person, one we treasure greatly.
Thank you our friends for your help on so many levels and especially thanks for your faithful prayers for Nan. Her life is hard right now and she has to endure a lot.
we send our love
tim and nan and marilyn
We were not able to go to Jason and Jo's today, Nan did not feel up to the trip. We weighted our options all day hoping she would feel better but that was not to be the case. I am disappointed because I love to see everything the little ones do and tomorrow is his dedication during the worship hour. However as Nan thought more and more about the trip she was reluctant to give it a try. She is once again running a low grade fever of about 100 most of the time and soon we may have to take another round of antibiotics for bugs that may be growing. Her hip pain has moved to her back and she is taking advantage of the IV Dilautid when she needs it. The stomach pump is working very well and keeps her free of nausea.
This has been a very tough day for me. I woke after a very restless night with some strong pains in my left leg, some fever and very sore chest and lungs. I have coughed much less today and managed to work my way through the day even though I did not feel like it at all. I had to go to the bank and deal with two accounts that were upside down using the money that came in the mail yesterday to right them. I have at least 15 places I could apply the money I received yesterday and I'm not sure where to start. Todays mail brought nothing but letters from the IRS seeking money and magazines and yet more bills. Medical bills have moved from hospital to collection agency now and they are less fun to deal with. Whoever suggested that you pay each one a little amount failed to inform me how much they hate that. They just want the money now. Today I concentrated on getting my cell phone back on, the office phone bills paid, the data supplier for appraisals paid.
Fortunately we are getting work again, I have plenty for the next week right now but its in Santa Rosa, Madera, San Francisco, Coursegold, seems nothing comes easy right now. I have tried to place my many concerns before the Lord today but in spite of that it has been a very hard day to endure.
I am looking forward to rest both tonight and tomorrow as it is my Sabbath and I believe God knows how much I need to rest and recoup. Marilyn has been extra good to Nan today and has rubbed her feet, her legs and give her a lot of encouragment. She is a very special person, one we treasure greatly.
Thank you our friends for your help on so many levels and especially thanks for your faithful prayers for Nan. Her life is hard right now and she has to endure a lot.
we send our love
tim and nan and marilyn
At 6:20 AM,
Anonymous said…
Good Morning from beautiful NC!
Yes, it is a beautiful day! The temperatures are finally into the normal range of 75 - 85 daytime and 55 - 65 night time. It is still dry, but at least it isn't steamy hot.
I'm sorry you didn't go to Timothy's dedication this week end. I'm sure they will video it for you. I sounds like you both could use a quiet restful day at home today. You have had a rough week in several ways. Today it is time to put those worries and stresses aside and rest in the Lord. Oh so easy to say ~ not so easy to do when life seems to be crashing down around you in all directions. I had a friend who once told me that everyone has to go through their "time of trouble" one way or another. I guess you are in the midst of yours. God has promised that he will give us a way out of all our troubles and He won't give us more than we can endure. I guess we have to keep on trusting that somehow it will be ok.
Know you have many many friends who love you and hold you up in prayer daily. Rest today and get well. Life always looks brighter when we feel better.
We're off and running to the choir concert today~
Love and Prayers ~ Carol
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