Calm day
Dear Friends and Family,
We are in the middle of a hot spell here in Discovery Bay, it was about 100 today but the systems are working so we were cool inside. Nan and I had a decent night with only a few times of being up to care for things. At 8:30 this morning she was awake and tired of trying to go back to sleep and ask to come down. So we made our way downstairs with Nan walking the first part to the stair chair, then riding down, then into the wheel chair for the ride to the recliner. She put the soft pillow behind her in the chair and stayed there until about an hour ago. She even found relative comfort in the process. There were moments of throwing up a bit and we have pumped many times today and used the syringe to push clear water into the tube and then pull back immediately to break the blockage. In that manner we have got things flowing several times where before we just gave up until it broke itself, sometimes hours later. Nan tried a bit or two of jello this morning and some ice water, took her pills and then settled in with some trusty reruns and marilyn by her side. She helped me early this morning get ready for the visit to the Social Security office and I left around 9. The interview went well and the lawyer had covered everything with me and we were totally prepared. We are told it will take about 2 to 3 months before any money might be granted. Then since I was next door to CostCo I zipped in and got some mochas by Starbucks, cheaper there than anywhere else. Then to Longs to turn in prescriptions, then to Burger King for Marilyn's lunch and then home to hook up with Art and Connie who had driven up from Gilroy for a visit. Connie made Nan's day by rubbing her feet. After we visited for awhile Art and Connie took me to lunch in Brentwood for some very decent Mexican food. Then back to say good bye to them and back to work at my desk. Nan slept for about 3 hours in the chair and finally woke up early evening. Her stomach hurts nearly all the time sometimes more and almost unbearable. She just tried the hospital bed but only stayed there a few minutes since it is less comfortable than you can believe. Now she is back in her chair to take her pills and then we will go up to try to rest.
We are both very aware that the time is passing slowly until Friday afternoon when we get the results of the PT scan. We really don't know what to expect and so the waiting.
I just spoke to Irene Wing, her procedure went as expected at UCSF and she is home and busy as usual. She will not find out results for up to 10 days so she too is waiting. I know she appreciates our prayers and concern for her.
Late this afternoon the dogs went crazy, someone was at the door, it was a flower delivery person with a wonderful bouquet of flowers in a cute basket. See photo. Thank you Dolly, Nan was thrilled with them and had us put them in a place where she looks directly at them. Thank you so much! And thank you for your emails of hope and courage.
I think it is time to get busy with TPN, Atavan, pumping, transport etc. Having the ramps sure makes it easier to get about the house, thanks first Art and then Bob for sharing ramps with us.
Nan got to talk to Sharon and Dana today, Dana's husband Ronnie has had knee surgery and is slowly recovering in lots of pain, Dana took a fall on a knee she had surgery on, not good at all. Sharon is busy as usual helping people young and old.
Thank you Art and Connie for the visit today, for lunch and for your constant support and encouragement to us both. How blessed we are to have friends and family, just possibly the best friends and family in the world!
Please pray that Nan can feel better. Also pray that the lovely people at Social Security will get off the dime and process our request for disability for Nan.
love to each and every one of you,
tim and nan and marilyn
At 10:27 PM,
Anonymous said…
Glad to see your smiling face and the flowers that Dolly sent are an added bonus to the ambiance. Super that Nan was able to make the trip yesterday. It was an important step on the road to recovery. When there are so many steps sometimes we don't always appeciate the ones we had today because they don't seem that big. They are non the less important in their on way. So waaaaaaaaay to go Tim and Nan, good job.
I think the nice lady at the SS office might like to see a faux Nan if she can't have the pleasure of the real thing. Give her the URL for the blog and she can see faux Nan (and some of the property that you have appraised )and read about the whole story. I am sure that she would be impressed and better informed about the situation.
It sounds like things are moving in the right direction. I pray that it continues but with a lot less pain!
At 4:44 AM,
Anonymous said…
Good Morning!
It is good to see you BOTH in the picture and know you are still ok. Yes, you both look very tired, but ok. Getting up several times a night does tend to disturb a good night's sleep.
Now to get the colostomy working again and the pain under control.....
Nothing special here. Roger has left for his weekly golf appointment. I'm spending the day with a friend. I'm not sure what all we will be doing, but I have no doubt we'll figure it out.
We had another good rain yesterday! Our average annual rain fall by this time of year is 41.5". We have only had 17". With the hard freeze in April that stressed the vegetation already and now the drought ~ we have lost several azalea bushes and shrubs and a few large oaks are dying. We are promised cooler and wetter weather coming up.
Take care of yourselves ~
Love and prayers ~ Carol
At 5:35 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hello ~
Good to see your picture! What fun to have fresh flowers to look at - it lifts the spirits. So glad Nan was able to make it for the x-ray and we'll pray tumor growth is slowing down or disappearing inside.
I hope the SS people can push that paperwork through and things will move in that direction - that would be a help for sure.
It was very hot yesterday with another hot one coming up today. My air conditioner came on and off all night long.
Last night was our Daniel Bible study - Barb had Music Circus and missed out! When I came out of their house, the sun had set and it was very dark before I got home at 8:15!!! The days are certainly getting shorter and fall is just around the corner.
Prayers and love, Marilyn
At 7:26 AM,
Anonymous said…
Good Morning Mustard Household,
Great to see You both in the picture along with the Flowers. Lets all pray that S.S. will move swiftly to get things going for Nan. She is so deservant of that compensation.
We too are enduring a hopefully brief Hot spell. It has been so comfortably temperate this Summer I guess We All knew that sooner or later the Hot Stuff would show up.
We leave tomorrow morning at 9:30 from Lodi on the Shuttle to Sac Airport. Then on North West to Mpls MN. We drive from there to Pelican Rapids and Lake Lida for a week of beautiful early fall weather at lake side. My Cousins tell Us it is beautiful and comfortably cool there now so We are looking forward to that. We will be Flying home Sunday 9th, should arrive Sac about Noon.
Monday 10th 8:30 is Carrols regular Clinic Appointment, so again We are Praying for good numbers for Her.
Cell Service is good there in MN. I think so We will stay in touch by that means if it works like it is supposed to. (209)484-5561.
Have a good Day and We will continue to Pray that Nan has less Pain and more comfortable time. Thank You again Marilyn for Your many Hours of Caring attention to Nan and Tim too!
Much Love ,
Bob & Carrol
At 8:12 AM,
Anonymous said…
Good morning Nan & Tim,
I wanted you to know that I'm adding my prayers to yours that the test results will be good and that Social Security will move a lot more quickly than usual to process your application.
I'm also waiting to find out how Mom (Bernice)is this morning. She had to go to the local hospital yesterday; having bouts of low blood pressure, dizziness, and all the other symptoms you'd expect with it. The hospital is full, so she spent the whole day in the emergency room. They finally found a bed for her around 9 p.m. We're hoping that it's just a problem wiht new medications and can be easily remedied. In the mean time, Mom is rather embarrassed by the whole thing. She hates being the center of attention.
Hope your day is wonderful and speeds by quickly. Thank God for Air Conditioning,
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