Conners visit lifts spirits
Dear Family and Friends,
Joyce and Glen Conner came at 6:45 this evening for a very nice and helpful visit. Nan enjoyed seeing them so much and so did I. We have known them and their family for many years dating back to our time in Tracy. We moved to Tracy in 1976 and they were already there. Joyce is a very outstanding English teacher and Glen is a crisis counselor amoung other things. He works three different jobs and has helped thousands of people over the years. They once moved to the tri cities area in Washington and we helped them move. Then when they were able to move back to Tracy we helped them make the move back gladly. They are precious people and nan was so happy to get the chance to see them. They are pretty well tied to home since they care for both of their mothers, 86 and 90 years old who live with them.
This morning Critical Care Home Health called to say Nan's white count was elevated 13.7. So we called the doctors who decided that blood cultures and urine tests could be taken here at home avoiding a hospital stay. Terry is yet to come to our home tonight to collect the blood and urine and its 10:40 now. I may have to drive the samples back to the hospital, not sure yet about that. She has had a very long day.
When I went out this afternoon to see a property in Oakland Nan and Marilyn took the big step to wash nan's hair. By the time they were finished Nan was totally worn out but she is happy that her hair is clean and washed. It looks great. Thanks to Marilyn for her wonderful and tender help.
Now its time to rest and soon we will be doing just that. No more action in the colostomy bag this day but lots of times of pumping out fluids. I wish the blockage would just let go completely and I hope it will soon.
One of the photos tonight is the beautiful flat of tomatoes Joyce and Glen brought from their garden, also handground peanut butter, jams and jellies, fruits, what what a treasure they brought to us. Thanks so much.
We appreciate your love and prayers. Thank you so much. This afternoon I had to raid the recovery fund, we have been saving it up for special needs and to day such needs arose. Thank you for your gifts which helped a great deal today.
love to all
tim and nan and marilyn
PS Yes I am aware that there are two identical photos of Starr, just don't know how to take them out once they are in. Enjoy!
At 11:41 PM,
Anonymous said…
Wow! What a tomada! The box she is holding is nice too. She doesn't look too tired from her trip to Europe. Glad she and Glen could stop by and bring some largess from their garden. Maybe those 'maters will loose the blockage and get things back on the right path. We can pray for that.
At 12:05 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hello to 3 dear friends, Wow! Home grown tomatoes!! Marilyn, if Nan wants to try one out, there is a special tomato peeler in one of the drawers, it looks very much like a potato peeler but it does a wonderful job of thinly peeling the skins from the tomato.
Sorry to hear nothing came in the C. bag today. What's going on anyway? We need X-ray eyes. It's just so nice that Marilyn can be there and yet she can be in touch with her family via text messages.
We stopped in at Amazing Facts today while doing some errands. Doug is busy preparing for a series in Michigan next month.
OK now I can go to bed as I've read the blog and know what to talk to Jesus about regarding Nan. He loves you Nan, don't forget! Hugs to you all. Love, Barbie
At 8:34 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi From Lodi,
How nice to have Joyce & Glenn for a visit. Those Tomatoes look great.
We tried a Movie "Stardust" Yesterday with Our friends the Guptill's. It was not what We had expected ,rather dull so I went to the Screen next door and watched the "Simpsons". I think 1/2 hour of them at a time on the weekly network Show is enough. Rather a disappointing day at the Movies but the Dinner afterward was great.
97 Yesterday and 99 today? getting real close to the big 100! but I guess it is Summer time and We can expect to have some heat. Sure have enjoyed the cooler temps so far.
Comunity Band Concert is Sunday at 6:30 Should be cooler by then as it is in the Park We do not need it to be HOT.
Have a good Day and We will continue to ask the Lord to take care of the blockage issue.
Love You,
Bob & Carrol.
At 5:01 PM,
Anonymous said…
I can't believe it! Here it is after 6:00 p.m. our time and I'm just now getting to the blog. It's been a busy day.
Glad you had good company and good fresh tomatoes to enjoy. Sorry about no flow in the bag yesterday. Not being able to expel the flow to the colostomy bag must cause some poisons to the body. Doesn't sound so good to me. At least now you have the pump to help keep the nausea down. What a unique way to control the nausea problem.
Roger had a Dr. appointment today. Basically he said he sees no sign that he ever had auto immune hepatitis or celiac. Hmmm ~ so why was he taking all those strong drugs for 12 years? He is feeling well and looking well. So, if he ain't broke why fix him? No wonder Roger doesn't go to doctors. He just doesn't trust most of them. Me either! I've had a couple of wrong diagnosis also.
May the blessings flow again and the colostomy bag be overflowing.
Love and prayers ~ Carol
At 8:07 PM,
Anonymous said…
Dear Tim and Nan,
We so enjoyed our time with you last night. I'm sure it lifted our spirits more than it did yours. You've always been very special people in the life of our family; we just must make a way to get over more frequently. The AP's were fine when we got home. My mom thought it must be about midnight, but it was only 9:30! Yes, today was very hot on the golf course; some people are diehards, I guess. I'm trying to squeeze all the golf in before going back to school next week. I think I remember pawning the girls off on you and Nan occasionally to golf with Audrey--about a hundred hears ago, it seems. The girls always loved visiting and playing with Nikki and Jason because you'd take them to the park, pool, Chuck-E-Cheese, etc. I always thought you were the kind of pastor and wife who knew what supporting the congregation meant. Sometimes being a stay-at-home mom can become too much, and you were always upbeat with the kids under your care and gave us a little relief. Good memories, good times. I know the girls will never forget the Tracy church when you were the pastor. Do you remember announcing spur=of=the moment potluck dinners at our house? Those were so much fun because we had a really intergenerational gathering and enjoyed everyone's company. Well, I'm rambling. Just nice to be with you two special people again.
Joyce & Glen
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