The week winds down, Nan is holding her own
Dear Family and Friends,
First off let me thank you for reading this, for caring enough to remember Nan when you pray, secondly thank you for being our friends and family. We never really feel alone with so many of you just a phone call away. Special thanks to Dolly Vogel who writes me the nicest emails to start my day and thanks for the ramps provided by first Art and then Bob and Carrol. They have made a total difference in the way Nan can move around the house and I can't wait to use the one to the garage and take her out into the fresh air. She felt too rough this evening to even consider it, when she woke at the time I came home she was suffering with back pains especially around her left nephrostomy tube. We pumped her stomach removing about 250 ccs of material and gave her another Zophram dose IV. She has been sleeping since and its now 9 pm. I managed to find a couple books Marilyn has been needing and also some good Taco Bell. She is so easy to entertain, she feeds herself, has no demands whatsoever and helps night and day with nan. What a total blessing she has been to us since Dana had to return home to begin work.
At this point in time Nan really prefers to be asleep since she feels no pain or nausea while she sleeps. I am growing desperate regarding the continued blockage since we are moving into our third week of it, no food, no relief, just suffering. Its hard to see what the Lord has in mind or why He does not intervene yet we trust Him.
We woke at 4 this morning to pump the stomach and do Zophram, then back to sleep and when I left at 9:30 Nan was still asleep. She woke up shortly after that. I met with our Social Security lawyer who was very helpful in preparing me for my visit with the SS office on the 29th of this month. Then on to two appointments in Berkeley, lovely homes, lovely people, then asked the GPS to take me home which it did.
Yet another check came in the mail today, a real blessing as this is the time of the month when the big bills demand payment, thousands each, what a challenge, enough to make one lose sleep!
I have thought this day was Wednesday, I was sure of it and then Nikki corrected me, I had expected to attend Keanna's chapel service on Thursday which I missed due to my unawareness of what day it really was. This 59 years old stuff is tough to adjust to.
We are continuing to enjoy cool nights, down to about 60 so windows can be opened and fresh air enjoyed.
Tomorrow I am going to stay in the office most of the day and finish a number of reports, make a bank deposit and prepare for Keanna to have a sleep over tomorrow night. We look forward to that very much. Jason called this evening to tell us that Timothy had gained weight and was now 9 and 1/2 lbs. That is a real change since he was 8.1 a week ago. Wow, go little guy and Jason and Jo must be doing a great job of feeding him. He is to dedicated on the 8th of September and we plan to try to make the trip if Nan is up to it. She wants to be there very much. So many things would change if the blockage would go away! Do I sound obsessed?
Good night my friends and family,
We love you all and thank you all for keeping us in your prayers and hearts. These are not easy days for any of us especially dear Nan who suffers through it all.
tim and nan and marilyn
First off let me thank you for reading this, for caring enough to remember Nan when you pray, secondly thank you for being our friends and family. We never really feel alone with so many of you just a phone call away. Special thanks to Dolly Vogel who writes me the nicest emails to start my day and thanks for the ramps provided by first Art and then Bob and Carrol. They have made a total difference in the way Nan can move around the house and I can't wait to use the one to the garage and take her out into the fresh air. She felt too rough this evening to even consider it, when she woke at the time I came home she was suffering with back pains especially around her left nephrostomy tube. We pumped her stomach removing about 250 ccs of material and gave her another Zophram dose IV. She has been sleeping since and its now 9 pm. I managed to find a couple books Marilyn has been needing and also some good Taco Bell. She is so easy to entertain, she feeds herself, has no demands whatsoever and helps night and day with nan. What a total blessing she has been to us since Dana had to return home to begin work.
At this point in time Nan really prefers to be asleep since she feels no pain or nausea while she sleeps. I am growing desperate regarding the continued blockage since we are moving into our third week of it, no food, no relief, just suffering. Its hard to see what the Lord has in mind or why He does not intervene yet we trust Him.
We woke at 4 this morning to pump the stomach and do Zophram, then back to sleep and when I left at 9:30 Nan was still asleep. She woke up shortly after that. I met with our Social Security lawyer who was very helpful in preparing me for my visit with the SS office on the 29th of this month. Then on to two appointments in Berkeley, lovely homes, lovely people, then asked the GPS to take me home which it did.
Yet another check came in the mail today, a real blessing as this is the time of the month when the big bills demand payment, thousands each, what a challenge, enough to make one lose sleep!
I have thought this day was Wednesday, I was sure of it and then Nikki corrected me, I had expected to attend Keanna's chapel service on Thursday which I missed due to my unawareness of what day it really was. This 59 years old stuff is tough to adjust to.
We are continuing to enjoy cool nights, down to about 60 so windows can be opened and fresh air enjoyed.
Tomorrow I am going to stay in the office most of the day and finish a number of reports, make a bank deposit and prepare for Keanna to have a sleep over tomorrow night. We look forward to that very much. Jason called this evening to tell us that Timothy had gained weight and was now 9 and 1/2 lbs. That is a real change since he was 8.1 a week ago. Wow, go little guy and Jason and Jo must be doing a great job of feeding him. He is to dedicated on the 8th of September and we plan to try to make the trip if Nan is up to it. She wants to be there very much. So many things would change if the blockage would go away! Do I sound obsessed?
Good night my friends and family,
We love you all and thank you all for keeping us in your prayers and hearts. These are not easy days for any of us especially dear Nan who suffers through it all.
tim and nan and marilyn
At 11:16 PM,
Anonymous said…
Sounds like your grandson is moving up the Riecter Scale. 9.5 with the epicenter near Monterey Bay. Your September 8th Dedication reminds me of the our first son's dedication. I still have a picture of that event. It is a precious time.
You and Nan will really enjoy it as well as Jason and Jo and of course the epicenter of attention himself, little Timmy, will enjoy it as well. We all hope to see the pictures of the event sandwiched in between what ever house you are evaluating at the time.
Schools in and I am on the run but always looking forward to our next encounter. I hope that nothing BLOCKS that from happening very soon. In fact I pray that all the things in our lives that are BLOCKING us from moving forward would be removed, freeing us at last. Praise God almighty I'm free at last!
At 12:15 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi dear Tim, Nan and Marilyn, I'm so glad Marilyn can be there to take some of the strain off you, Tim. We continue to pray for Nan daily. The ramps sound good and should be a great help when going to the garage. I'd love to visit with Marilyn again and see her. How I wish you could all jump into the car and drive up so we could show her around our lovely neighborhood here in Lincoln Hills. The baby dedication will be a happy, blessful event and it would be so nice for Grammy to be there, too! Tomorrow the State Fair begins and we will be there bright and early. Channel 10 will be giving red wristwatches to the first 5,000 entering and wearing red so we are expecting to get a wristwatch. I'm going to wear my red sunvisor from last year. Going to the fair is NOT my favorite thing to do but I do look forward to getting my yearly onion rings! Our new Lowe's opened. They had a drawing and I won a snake line ... to clean out your stopped up sink drains. Whoopie! We both won a $5 gift certificate because we made 3 baskets in one minute. They have great parking for our LSV and today about 14 carts were there and it looked cute to see them all lined up in their parking places. We got new street tires for our cart today. The others were for turf and they wear out in about 1 1/2 years. We had already replaced ours once and these were so slick we were afraid to run over a pebble for fear it would poke a hole in the tire. Now we're all set for a few years. That's another reason Marilyn needs to come up -- to go riding in the LSV! Well dear Nan, feel better asap. Past time for me to climb into bed and give Ger a run down on the blog. Keep sweet! Lots of love to you 3. Barbie
At 4:12 AM,
Anonymous said…
Good Morning!
And we do hope it is a good morning in CA! We are still in the midst of a heat wave and breaking records almost daily. 96 degrees here is VERY hot and It is only cooling into the high 60's at night. Not good for business when most of our guests are here to get out of FL heat. Oh well, we can't control the weather.
I'm sorry Nan is so uncomfortable! That blockage must be very frustrating to you both. Do you think it could be that tumor by the stoma that is blocking things?
What a blessing Marilyn is for you. And to have someone there who is self motivated and not needing to be entertained is even more of a blessing. She is always there to assist when needed. Now what could be better than a private nurse who is a good friend?
The "flip" house is finished and they are doing the final cleaning today. Then it goes on the market. We'll be glad when it sells!!! We didn't really want this house, but we got it. Now it is finished and Roger can get back to the Lakemont chores.
Roger's choir does it's first concerts this week end, so it is a busy week end. I have not heard them yet, but people tell me that they have a great blend. They are singing some very difficult music this year and have been practicing for about 6 months. Time to get out and do it!
Have a good week end. May Nan have relief from the pain and have renewed strength.
Our love and prayers continue ~ Carol
At 11:25 AM,
Anonymous said…
Tim and Nan,
You are often in my thoughts and prayers.
I met you guys only once at the LifeRaft meeting in Florida but I was so taken with Nan. I felt so comfortable talking to both of you and I was so newly diagnosed with GIST and so afraid.
Nan is definitely an inspiration as to how to live with a disease/cancer. You both are really, you are the "best" care giver that I have ever heard about and your friends and family are such a blessing to you both.
I continue to hope for the blockage to "free" and Nan to become pain free with the release.
The anguish that you both must feel comes through the blog and I feel your pain.
Hopefully the Sabbath will bring renewed hope and strength.
Sue M
At 10:50 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Tim and Nan,
We always enjoy your updates but are saddened that Nan is in pain. We'll say an extra prayer today. You are both very strong emotionally, and we admire your courage and faith. What wonderful examples of faithful love you both are.
We haven't heard recently about our grandchild-to-be, but everything seems to be OK with Kim. They are campin with Randy's family this week in Wyoming. I have been hired again for this school year and will be teaching two junior AP writing classes and one ninth grade college prep English. It will be gueling, and I'll have to give up some of the golf time, which I'm not looking forward to. I still can sandwich in a game between care duties for the moms, but that may not last too much longer.
Tim, I'm glad to read that you've been enjoying tomato and peanut butter sandwiches this summer. I picked 31 tomatoes from our plants this afternoon. They're not difficult to share; people seem to love home-grown tomatoes. We also had red flame seedless grapes, although not many this year, as we didn't get the sulphur on.
Hope you both get a good night's sleep. We love you.
Joyce & Glen
At 10:50 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Tim and Nan,
We always enjoy your updates but are saddened that Nan is in pain. We'll say an extra prayer today. You are both very strong emotionally, and we admire your courage and faith. What wonderful examples of faithful love you both are.
We haven't heard recently about our grandchild-to-be, but everything seems to be OK with Kim. They are campin with Randy's family this week in Wyoming. I have been hired again for this school year and will be teaching two junior AP writing classes and one ninth grade college prep English. It will be gueling, and I'll have to give up some of the golf time, which I'm not looking forward to. I still can sandwich in a game between care duties for the moms, but that may not last too much longer.
Tim, I'm glad to read that you've been enjoying tomato and peanut butter sandwiches this summer. I picked 31 tomatoes from our plants this afternoon. They're not difficult to share; people seem to love home-grown tomatoes. We also had red flame seedless grapes, although not many this year, as we didn't get the sulphur on.
Hope you both get a good night's sleep. We love you.
Joyce & Glen
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