14 months of courage
Dear Family and Friends,
This evening as George, our yellow cat, rubs against my legs and I can hear Nan is watching Saving Grave on her bedroom TV and of course I hear it through the monitor I am finally slowing down. Her TPN is hooked up for another day, her Adavan has been given, her tummy pumped, pills taken and she is finally back in her bed in the cold room. I keep remembering that just over 14 months ago Nan was just out of surgery in Boston and things were very dicey in intensive care with Amy and the other excellent nurses watching over her. I am so thankful for the 14 months in spite of the challenges and suffering. Each reader of this blog has helped us in his or her own way, thoughts, prayers, cards, emails, financial help, phone calls, groceries, ramp, stair chair, ...... what a difference you have made in our lives.
Nan slept until nearly 9:30 this morning, one of the longest nights yet and she slept pretty much without pain or interuption. At 6:30 I got up expecting her to want to be pumped but she never woke. So I hooked up hydration to offset some of the fluid loss she has with the pumping process and managed to get it hooked up without waking her. Then I sat in the recliner by her bed until past 8 when I gave up on her waking and came downstairs to work and prepare for the day. At 9:30 when I was supposed to be leaving she woke and we pumped her tummy, gave her Zophram, Marilyn helped her take her pills and I hit the road. nan remained in bed until about 1 or so when Marilyn helped her come downstairs where she sat in her recliner for a couple hours, then to the hospital bed for more rest. I had prepared an Adavan in advance and Marilyn gave that to her. Terry, nurse came at noon and hooked up little pigtails on the PICC line, makes it easier for novices like me to work with and saves the PICC line from being jerked about. She arranged for me to pick up needed supplies in Hayward.
I saw a ranchette here in Knightsen, then a condo in Walnut Creek. The lady was just home from saying her final goodbyes to her sister who had died after being ill for a long time. We talked at length about her life and her sister. Then to Subway for a quick Gardenburger sub, then to Oakland to a home where no woman has been for years, two brothers, oh wow what a mess, great little guys but sure needs a woman's touch, then on to Hayward and the Critical Care facility, then home through very slow traffic for a 8 pm arrival. Long day, glad to have the work and very glad to be able to touch Nan's hand again and talk to her.
Nan continues to be weak and to suffer with back pain, background nausea, blockage is the big enemy again.
Now its bedtime. We received a cute card from Barb and Gerry today and Nan enjoyed reading it. I continue to enjoy my birthday and encouragement cards and need to get my new shirt out of the drawer where Keanna stowed it and try it on, thanks to Nikki.
And so it goes, Nan is not feeling well, Marilyn is here and reading a big book but helps Nan with everything she needs during the day. I am trying to catch up work wise and get more organized. I keep trying to stretch the money to pay a little to different medical bills. None are huge bills, the largest being about $2,100 and the smallest about $75 so I pay a little here and there trying to keep them sort of happy.
Thank you for your prayers for Nan. Oh that God would see fit to open the blockage and Nan could enjoy eating a bit from time to time and not feel so lousy.
Thank you
tim and nan and marilyn
This evening as George, our yellow cat, rubs against my legs and I can hear Nan is watching Saving Grave on her bedroom TV and of course I hear it through the monitor I am finally slowing down. Her TPN is hooked up for another day, her Adavan has been given, her tummy pumped, pills taken and she is finally back in her bed in the cold room. I keep remembering that just over 14 months ago Nan was just out of surgery in Boston and things were very dicey in intensive care with Amy and the other excellent nurses watching over her. I am so thankful for the 14 months in spite of the challenges and suffering. Each reader of this blog has helped us in his or her own way, thoughts, prayers, cards, emails, financial help, phone calls, groceries, ramp, stair chair, ...... what a difference you have made in our lives.
Nan slept until nearly 9:30 this morning, one of the longest nights yet and she slept pretty much without pain or interuption. At 6:30 I got up expecting her to want to be pumped but she never woke. So I hooked up hydration to offset some of the fluid loss she has with the pumping process and managed to get it hooked up without waking her. Then I sat in the recliner by her bed until past 8 when I gave up on her waking and came downstairs to work and prepare for the day. At 9:30 when I was supposed to be leaving she woke and we pumped her tummy, gave her Zophram, Marilyn helped her take her pills and I hit the road. nan remained in bed until about 1 or so when Marilyn helped her come downstairs where she sat in her recliner for a couple hours, then to the hospital bed for more rest. I had prepared an Adavan in advance and Marilyn gave that to her. Terry, nurse came at noon and hooked up little pigtails on the PICC line, makes it easier for novices like me to work with and saves the PICC line from being jerked about. She arranged for me to pick up needed supplies in Hayward.
I saw a ranchette here in Knightsen, then a condo in Walnut Creek. The lady was just home from saying her final goodbyes to her sister who had died after being ill for a long time. We talked at length about her life and her sister. Then to Subway for a quick Gardenburger sub, then to Oakland to a home where no woman has been for years, two brothers, oh wow what a mess, great little guys but sure needs a woman's touch, then on to Hayward and the Critical Care facility, then home through very slow traffic for a 8 pm arrival. Long day, glad to have the work and very glad to be able to touch Nan's hand again and talk to her.
Nan continues to be weak and to suffer with back pain, background nausea, blockage is the big enemy again.
Now its bedtime. We received a cute card from Barb and Gerry today and Nan enjoyed reading it. I continue to enjoy my birthday and encouragement cards and need to get my new shirt out of the drawer where Keanna stowed it and try it on, thanks to Nikki.
And so it goes, Nan is not feeling well, Marilyn is here and reading a big book but helps Nan with everything she needs during the day. I am trying to catch up work wise and get more organized. I keep trying to stretch the money to pay a little to different medical bills. None are huge bills, the largest being about $2,100 and the smallest about $75 so I pay a little here and there trying to keep them sort of happy.
Thank you for your prayers for Nan. Oh that God would see fit to open the blockage and Nan could enjoy eating a bit from time to time and not feel so lousy.
Thank you
tim and nan and marilyn
At 11:38 PM,
Anonymous said…
Dear, dear Tim and Nan,
Just want you to know that I am out here reading what is written, feeling for you both and just praying and wishing for some relief for Nan and by trickle-down for Tim. Thanks to God for the angel in Marilyn clothes and for the one earlier in Dana clothes! Keep looking for and noticing the bright spots that do come by- Got a real cute picture of Timothy from the proud parents. Sooo cute. Someday he will be able to do all the neat things that Keanna does instead of having only cute on his resume!
Hugs to you both
At 4:30 AM,
Anonymous said…
Good Morning to you! It is much cooler this a.m. and we are enjoying it. It is forecast to be hot again for a couple of days then normal is supposed to be in the near future again.
It's been a long 14 months for you both. The ups and downs I'm sure have been exhausting. You have discovered many ways to cope with Nan's unique problems. You have become more adventurous ~ some didn't turn out so good. Tim, did you ever think you would be able to do all that medical stuff? We learn to do what we need to do in times like these. You have a wonderful support system! Nan has had some loving and caring private nursing by friends, family and visiting nurses. You have been instructed and have instructed even doctors in caring for Nan. What a year it has been! God has been good!
Today I pray that Nan's blockage will break through and the tumors will shrink to give more room for normal functions and less pain.
Our love and prayers continue ~ Carol
At 5:21 AM,
Anonymous said…
Tim we didn't get to talk yesterday? But I will call you this AM. We are leaving Texas going to New Mexico for our road trip home. It was wonderful taking care of Gage and Maci (my grandkids) Connie was a wonderful help with them. I miss them and Sarah already. It's hard to comprehend what you and Nan go through daily. Your challenges this past 14 months, are more than most people have in 10 life times. And most people don't understand what blessing they have daily.Yet you keep the faith and rise to the occasion daily. You are in our prayers......may GOD continue to bless both of you and give relief to Nan with her blockage and pain.
Art....(ok wesley HAT?)
At 5:31 AM,
Anonymous said…
Good Morning to a New Day
May it bring less pain for Nan and movement in the blockage.
Yes, the last 14 months have been "an education" in seeing how a person(s) meet and face all of the challenges. The courage in both of you, such love and determination have an aura around you.
You have both learned so much and, in turn, given back so much to all of us who follow you on a regular basis.
May God bless you today with relief from your continues pain.
Sue M
At 7:23 AM,
Anonymous said…
Dear Nan and Tim,
I arrived back in NC after a trip to 5 days away. We left for Michigan Thursday morning (Aug.9) and returned last night (Aug. 14). We went to Michigan for our daughter Kara's wedding.
The heat in Michigan was in the 90s and humid, but not rain on the bride and groom. Their wedding was outdoors, so that was really a blessing.
I am catching up this morning and had to check in to see how you two are doing before heading to the garden to see what wonderful bounty God has provided. Last night, when we got home, I couldn't stand it. I had to make a run through before the sun went down. I found zucchini the size of one of your cats. I laughed with each discovery. Amazing what 5 days will do for a garden.
You are in my thoughts and prayers each day. May God give you the comfort and relief you are asking for and a day filled with joy and blessings.
Love and prayers,
Phyllis Lytle - NC
At 7:48 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Tim,Nan & Marilyn,
We will be praying for relief from the blockage and for Nan to feel better in general. The fact that She has made it thru the past 14 months is a real testement to Her determination and faith. You , Tim have really turned into a quality Medical Care Giver.
We will bury a Dear Friend today. He was just 73 years old and that seems to early to be gone. He died of complications from Diabeates.He & I worked together for Ford Motor Co for over 40 years. Wayne retired in 96 and I in 02.
How We all long for the day when this World will no longer be Our Home . What a day that will be !
Have a good day and know that We Blogers all continue to Pray for Nan to be up & around again soon.
Love You,
Bob & Carrol.
At 10:36 PM,
Unknown said…
What a blessing you both are to so many of us that follow your blog. I wish you would be able to be at the Adobe in the fall for our Laurelwood Academy 40th reunion. I was blessed by your presence last time. Did you know a new Laurelwood Academy is being built right here in Pleasant Hill, Oregon area 5 miles from my house? It is on the Willamette River and so beautiful.
I pray for the blockage to open, and peace to you both.
love, Sue Crumley McCann
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