Sabbath evening, its been a good one
Dear Friends, Family, Gisters and casual onlookers,
Nan had a pretty good day with lots of rest and frequent calls from Dana as she flew home. We drove to the airport leaving Discovery Bay at 5:30 this morning, we made the trip in 1 hour 20 minutes and she and John, her son, took their luggage and headed to the terminal. It was very hard to see them go, what a special magic time they have created for us, thank you Dana for everything you have done.
I drove home and slept in the recliner not wanting to wake Nan. I was not sure if I was going to take Keanna to SS or not today but Nikki got a change to sleep in and took it. Her hours are so long during the week that I'm glad she got to sleep. I turned on the christian dish and enjoyed the general conference president as he fielded questions from young people about the church and growing as christians. Nan woke up mid morning and decided to come downstairs. We managed that fine and she settled into her bed for a gentle morning. She and Marilyn exchanged storiesa and got her meds down for the morning. We pumped her stomach several times as she appears to have bowel blockage again and things back up causing stomach pain. She has not had a bit to eat in days. Last night when we took her up one of her picc lines came undone so she called Terry, our beloved nurse, to come repair it. Terry had a day of driving all over the bay, Vallejo, Mountain View and came this evening. She was able to repair it but thinks we need a new one to be inserted when Nan has her blood transfusion.
I walked out to the car and she said Nan was doing well and was very relaxed and calm. She was quite impressed.
Nan had her normal fever of 99.3 this morning and 101.1 this evening when she went to bed. As long as her white count holds normal we are doing pretty well. She wants to reduce the level of her oxycotin to 80 mg from 100 mg to see if she can tolerate that level. She walked well each time she moved about today. Around noon I noticed Steve with Melaboo in the back yard enjoying the lake. He left Melaboo with us and joined Nikki and Keanna at the park for a huge birthday party of a 1 year old. They had a blast in spite of the heat. Then Nikki and Keanna came back to spend the afternoon. Pam arrived with gifts of Marie Calendar pies, yummma and her precious little puppy, fencing, potty box and toys. nan enjoyed meeting the new puppy and our dogs were very curious and somewhat hostile. At one point this afternoon I woke to find Marilyn, Pam, Nan and myself were all asleep, a very relaxed time indeed. Keanna played very nicely with the little puppy, was gentle and seemed to really enjoy having someone little to play with. Finally it was time for Nikki and Keanna to head home and Pam left as well, tired but happy for her visit with Nan. After she left Marilyn and I felt compelled to enjoy another piece of pie, so good.
From time to time Dana would give us progress reports. Her trip home did not go as planned. When they got to Phoenix there was only one seat on the flight they had intended to take to Houston so she sent John home to meet his father at the airport and she then started searching for another way, well she made it but her took her nearly 12 hours to get home. The last time she called we could tell she was very tired but glad to be back with her family.
Our days are on a fairly even kneel right now, low grade fevers, stomach discomfort / pumping, some pain but nan uses pillows very well to offset it, limited energy but total mental clarity, general tiredness, perhaps tumor stability, other than nausea no other side effects of the AMN are apparent yet, a couple hours of being awake and then several hours of rest, calm most of the time, very engaged in doing adavan or Zophram, helps with IV pushes etc. Kidneys working well with good output.
So we enjoy this time of being home, not in a hospital and enjoy the calls, email cards, mailed cards and visits.
So this evening I bid you a quiet good night as we jointly seek God's hand and will.
tim and nan and marilyn
ps. photos include two of Nan with Terry our precious nurse. check out Nan's smile! Nice huh!
At 9:04 AM,
Anonymous said…
Tim and Nan:
I'm so glad that you had a nice day, resting and enjoying family and friends.
My sisters and Ron were here, we had dinner ready for them when they got here, walked downtown for a street festival,(Lidia can't walk much so she slept), later played Mexican Train Dominoes until past mid-night. Saturday we went to a play which was excellent, we ate and visited and played more Mexican Train Domioes. Overall we had a wonderful visit, I wish they would come more often, it seems like we go to Discovery Bay more often than they come here.
Tuesday we fly to Texas for a week, then rent a car for a road trip through New Mexico, etc.
My wish is that Nan continues to improve and stays without pain.
At 11:15 AM,
Anonymous said…
Good news in general today. Sorry about the loose picc line, nausea, etc. At least now you have a solution to the nausea. You certainly don't want to go through the great volumes of vomiting again. That is exhausting for her!
You scared me for a minute there ~ I thought you got a new puppy! That's all you need right now. This one is cute, brought some joy into an afternoon and it went home at the end of the day. That's the best kind!
We had a fairly quiet day yesterday. I have a pinched nerve in my neck, so don't feel like doing much. Today it is much better for some reason. I had the same thing about this time last year. It came, hurt for about a month and went away. It seems to be doing the same thing this year. I am supposed to get an MRI, but am waiting for insurance approval. You know that story.....
We will pray for a good week for you. So thankful that Marilyn can be there with you.
Continued Love and Prayers ~ Carol
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