Brothers head home, Marilyn arrives, Dana runs the bus
Dear Friends and Family,
Its about 9:30 now and Nan is resting in bed, watching a Law and Order episode and snoozing, trying to find a comfortable place to reduce pain. She has been able to sleep most of the day down in her chair after the trauma of seeing the guys off this morning.
Dana took Joe and David to the airport leaving about 10:15 this morning, then she and John went to the movies seeing Harry Potter again, then lunch and then they waited for Marilyn to arrive. Marilyn was flying on a pink pass so had to wait for standby on each flight, no problem out of Rhode Island but in Vegas there was no room on the Sacramento flight. So she went to Ontario and managed to catch a seat on a delayed flight to Sac. Of course it did not get there until about 8:30. So Dana and Marilyn are both very tired and we will be very glad to see them home safely. Dana and Marilyn are good friends due to time spent while we were in Boston. It will be great to have both of them here. Nan can't wait!
We will sure be relieved when we know both guys are at Joes for the night. Once they landed they had to drive 4 hours to reach Joes place. Joes health is not all that good and we pray that God will watch over him as he drives home.
It was a very nice time to be with all siblings for this special time. Nan continues to have low grade fever, between 99 and 100 all of the time. The tumor seems to be ballooning day by day but thats probably just me. nan has become very good at using pillows and different positions to alieviate the pains she experiences. She takes Dilautid only when she really needs help and then only 2 mg when she is allowed up to 6. She continues to be a very gutsy lady and her blood work taken monday evening was normal per the lab.
I am trying to get some work done these days but its very hard to concentrate when so many interesting things are going on in the house. Dana has done a very good job of keeping everyone fed, beds made, clothes washed and even got some fishing in. She is an amazing person and reminds me of how Nan functioned when she was well and on her feet, these Nelsons know how to get things done for sure.
I've been reflecting on what it really means to be a care giver. I find the greatest challenge to make the decision to care for myself and not feel selfish in the process about taking time away from Nan's care. Care giving has great rewards and equally causes stress and worry. In our case I have some really people with willingness to give verbal support and be there to listen. Without them I would lose perspective sometimes. Caring people touch our lives everyday and what a difference they make. You help us with every call, every card, every prayer. We do not know the future but we do know we don't travel this difficult road alone.
So this evening I'm tired, Nan is tired and sleeping but soon we wake her for pills, new TPN connection, pump the gastric tube and then hope she can sleep some more during the night. We are often asked how soon AMN might show signs of helping and we really don't have a cluel what to expect. We know what we want, reduction, stability, less intensity but only time will tell.
Good night my friend,
Please keep Nan's tumors and her health in your prayers and we thank you in advice.
So we send our love,
tim and nan and dana and john and marilyn
Its about 9:30 now and Nan is resting in bed, watching a Law and Order episode and snoozing, trying to find a comfortable place to reduce pain. She has been able to sleep most of the day down in her chair after the trauma of seeing the guys off this morning.
Dana took Joe and David to the airport leaving about 10:15 this morning, then she and John went to the movies seeing Harry Potter again, then lunch and then they waited for Marilyn to arrive. Marilyn was flying on a pink pass so had to wait for standby on each flight, no problem out of Rhode Island but in Vegas there was no room on the Sacramento flight. So she went to Ontario and managed to catch a seat on a delayed flight to Sac. Of course it did not get there until about 8:30. So Dana and Marilyn are both very tired and we will be very glad to see them home safely. Dana and Marilyn are good friends due to time spent while we were in Boston. It will be great to have both of them here. Nan can't wait!
We will sure be relieved when we know both guys are at Joes for the night. Once they landed they had to drive 4 hours to reach Joes place. Joes health is not all that good and we pray that God will watch over him as he drives home.
It was a very nice time to be with all siblings for this special time. Nan continues to have low grade fever, between 99 and 100 all of the time. The tumor seems to be ballooning day by day but thats probably just me. nan has become very good at using pillows and different positions to alieviate the pains she experiences. She takes Dilautid only when she really needs help and then only 2 mg when she is allowed up to 6. She continues to be a very gutsy lady and her blood work taken monday evening was normal per the lab.
I am trying to get some work done these days but its very hard to concentrate when so many interesting things are going on in the house. Dana has done a very good job of keeping everyone fed, beds made, clothes washed and even got some fishing in. She is an amazing person and reminds me of how Nan functioned when she was well and on her feet, these Nelsons know how to get things done for sure.
I've been reflecting on what it really means to be a care giver. I find the greatest challenge to make the decision to care for myself and not feel selfish in the process about taking time away from Nan's care. Care giving has great rewards and equally causes stress and worry. In our case I have some really people with willingness to give verbal support and be there to listen. Without them I would lose perspective sometimes. Caring people touch our lives everyday and what a difference they make. You help us with every call, every card, every prayer. We do not know the future but we do know we don't travel this difficult road alone.
So this evening I'm tired, Nan is tired and sleeping but soon we wake her for pills, new TPN connection, pump the gastric tube and then hope she can sleep some more during the night. We are often asked how soon AMN might show signs of helping and we really don't have a cluel what to expect. We know what we want, reduction, stability, less intensity but only time will tell.
Good night my friend,
Please keep Nan's tumors and her health in your prayers and we thank you in advice.
So we send our love,
tim and nan and dana and john and marilyn
At 11:43 PM,
Anonymous said…
I see the weirdness continues even after the Texas boys have been herded home. Now you are left to deal with the POT er HEADS. From real demons to fantasy demons and back again leaves a guy confused. Maybe it is all in our heads and nothing is real. Solid stuff isn't really solid so maybe real and unreal are not that far apart. This works until the pain comes because that is very real except for head aches which you can't see or touch but hurt like heck. I'm lost can someone call me a cab? "Hey buddy! Your a cab! Heh, Heh, Heh" Well now that didn't help? I am not a cab. At least I don't think I am a cab. Well more on that next time.
Congratulations on a great visit and now here comes Merry Land. Just when you thought things couldn't get better.
God Bless and continued prayers for you and yours!
At 4:05 AM,
Anonymous said…
What will you do without Dana's Activity and Taxi Service? Do you suppose you can find another one? Maybe Marilyn will fill the bill. What fun you must have had with everyone there the last couple of days. No boredom there!
Yes, Tim, being a caregiver comes with some heavy responsibility and intensity at times. You have filled the bill valiantly ~ not without your own frustration many times, but you have served Nan well. And yes, it is difficult to take care of yourself, keep up with work, household chores, many details of everyday living and give Nan the care she needs also. God walks beside you and has given you strength for each day.
We continue to keep you both in thought and prayer on a daily basis (sometimes several times a day).
Love and prayers ~ Carol
At 7:09 AM,
Anonymous said…
Dear Tim,
What a witness to loving commitment you two are to each other, your faith in prayer and a loving faithful God who hears them and your trust in His goodness for each day.
Your Witness...that I shared with my women's small group last week (Bible Study group). As I told you before, you two are a daily sermon to so many of us.
Thank you for sharing your uncertainties, hurts, burdens and pain; for allowing us the blessing of praying with you and for your desires and needs. Thank you for letting us see the importance and blessings that support from family and friends is for helping to carry your burdens. Thank you for letting us see through your eyes the Faithful God you trust and cling to. Thank you God for the example of Tim and Nan to the rest of us.
I'm off to garden and the harvesting and canning of God's bounty.
Praying that you continue to "feel" God's arms of love surrounding you and that you experience a day filled with HIS joy and blessings.
Love and prayers,
Phyllis (North Carolina)
At 9:09 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Mustard Household,
Glad that the Brothers are back in the Lone Star State safely and that Marilyn has arrived.
How We do pray that the AMN will began to do it's thing to bring relief to Nan.
We both have Dr's appointments this morning and are hoping that things will be good or at least manageable. Some Day,No More Doctors,won't that be grand.
Harry Potter twice! I managed the first one with My Granddaughter but that was several years ago and I have felt no urge at all to see any more of Harry. Seems like a glorified Halloween to Me but I was never much on that either. I did like the Pumpkin Pies afterward.
Looks like it might sprinkle a bit today, still rather cool for July/August.
Carrol & I drove over that Bridge in the Twin Cities several times in 2004 when We took Our trip (3 weeks through the Midwest States). How sad for those familys that are still waiting for thier loved ones to be accounted for.
Love & Continued Prayers,
Bob & Carrol.
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