Home safely, Nan resting, Transfusion on the horizon
Dear Friends and Family,
After a very cold night, brrrr, we woke to a foggy morning and then it burned off and the day was spendid. Nan woke, needed Zophram, stomach pumping and then Timothy came to visit. Jason and Jo brought little guy out for a visit with grammy. I took the dogs and we went for a short walk. Grammy held him on her chest for awhile and after he got a bit heavy Jason moved him to a pillow right beside her and she got to play with him as he proceeded to kick his beautiful blanket off and wave his arms and do Super man arm waves above his head. His big eyes take things in and he jumps when any loud noise startles him. He is content if the big three are taken care of, clean diaper, yummy milk and someone to hold him. Last night he managed a couple 4 hour sleeps and he is now eating more and demanding even more after the bottle is gone. He is gaining rapidly and is about as cute and beautiful as a little boy could be. Last evening we went into the house and nan walked from the back door to the chair, several steps. She got to hold him and feed him and enjoy him again. We had food from a place we like in town, China Garden or something like that, Jo was kind enough to run to town for it. Unfortunately Nan could not eat. It has been over two weeks since she has had a bite of food, the blockage prevents any idea of food and we longing ask the Master healer for blockage relief. Both Marilyn and I do not find the visible tumor larger than it was, it might be wishful thinking on our part but it seems the same. If Nan could break the blockage she would be feeling pretty well right now. She woke this morning with a temperature of just 98.9, lowest in awhile but of course when you are sleeping in an ice box that helps. She spent most of the night under just a sheet and finally asked for a blanket, so I gave her mine and went to find another, well poor planning on my part. I was sleeping on a air bed and the bed was filled with what, cold air of course and all I had between me and mattress was a sheet, well I was cold all night, I mean really teeth chattering cold.
Mid morning I took the dogs for a long hike down to waters edge and we contemplated the pacific ocean, searching for answers, solutions, acceptance, absolution.... then back to reality and the process of preparing the motorhome for the road, turn front seats around, tie back privacy drapes, bring in the side slide, store everything safely somewhere, surround Nan with pillows, put away hoses, electrical cord, cable TV cable, back out without knocking down the power line. Oh yes it was worth it. Nan got to enjoy something more precious than gold, a little man who she had a part in bringing to this world. To see them look at each other, worth every mile indeed.
This time I got to hold him too, to feed him, to give him his binkie, pacifier. It is a nice feeling to hold this precious little person who has everything ahead, who has loving caring parents who hover over him to protect him, feed him, love him, console him. I am so proud of both of them, they are doing a great job and Jason is so much more involved in care than I was, it shames me.
Soon the nurse will arrive for blood draw and then I'll drive to Concord and then I'll drive back and then I'll go to bed, hard to think of all that yet tonight since its 8:45 now. Oh well in life we do what needs to be done, not what we feel, not what might be fun, we do the loving thing and really it is an honor and great privilege to help out.
So friends enjoy the photo galary, Nikki said to take lots so I tried to. I think there are couple that are really precious. I included one of Nan and Keanna when she was little, that was a very happy time too.
Please pray............
PS Yes I realize that I did not get one photo with Jo this time, yes she was there and very busy doing all the right mother things for Timothy, photos of Jo next time, sorry!
tim and nan and marilyn
At 10:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
Tim and Nan ~
Precious pictures - what a cutie that little Timothy is. Nan is just happy as a clam and it shows! Of course Grandpa is pretty proud of him too! Jason - well, what can we say about that good Daddy - go boy!!
So glad you were able to go again and hold and hug and love that little guy again.
More prayers going your way!
Love, Marilyn
At 10:47 PM,
Anonymous said…
Who is the stunt double that you got to hold little Timothy. Couldn't have found some one better looking? You know more like you!
Very happy to see Nan with Timothy. It is a terrific thing that bond between children and their mothers and grandmothers. I have enjoyed seeing the look myself a few times and it was very pleasant.
I am looking forward to hearing that Nan's recovery is no longer being BLOCKED. You know what I mean Vern?
At 7:06 AM,
Anonymous said…
So ~ you got your Timothy "fix"! No medicine could do as much good. What precious moments together. And we even got to see Grandpa Tim with his namesake. Now does he look proud or what?
I don't know the exact date, but I think Tim has a birthday around this time. So, happy birthday, Tim! So we celebrate Tim. You are a very special person who has dedicated your very life to care for the one you love. We applaud your spirit.
I gave blood yesterday and thought about Nan and how many people it has taken to keep her in blood this last year. I don't know how many units of blood she has had altogether, but it makes me realize how important it is to donate blood! To all of you blog readers ~ GIVE the gift of life if you can!
We pray for shrinking tumors, less nausea and for the blockage to break up soon!
Love and continued prayers ~ Carol
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