Timothy is growing fast, we are at MBA tonight
Dear Friends and Family,
Thats right, we are in Jason and Jo's side yard in the motorhome watching House. Marilyn is reading by poor light but she swears she can see fine. Nan is resting with pillows and Starr nearby. We have had a pretty big day.
We heard from our oncology group today and Nan's blood is to a point where she needs a transfusion. We negotiated a Thursday transfusion and Terry will come tomorrow evening and take blood for the cross and type, then I will drive it to the hospital and blood bank group.
We loaded up this morning so Nan could see Timothy again. The last trip found Nan suffering from a very bumpy road surface so we tried a new route. We drove down I5 to 152 to Gilroy, down Highway 101 to 129 and then to MBA. Yes it was a few miles longer but we did not have the same rough surface and a much more pleasant trip. We arrived middle afternoon to find delightful weather, clear skies, perfect ocean views. We were able to go in and enjoy little Timothy. Mom got to hold and feed baby Timothy for hours. Then when she started to not feel so well we brought her back to the motorhome to rest for awhile. I also got my chances to hold the little guy, feed him, watch him turn his eyes to me wondering who I was and of course I explained that I was his Grampy.
Now we are settling in for the night happy that we have got to see our precious children and Timothy. Tomorrow morning we will spend more time with him and Jo and then head back home. Nan has been doing pretty well but has some very severe pain at times. We have just taken on some Adavan so she should sleep for awhile and hopefully will have a good night.
We are thankful for a safe trip today and it is so good to be here tonight in this cool place, so quiet and secure. Loree is being kind enough to care for the kitties and fish, the puppies are with us on this trip.
This afternoon we took a spin in Nan's wheel chair. Barbie, she got to enjoy the breezes, sunshine and beautiful scenery and was out for about 30 minutes or so. It was great.
Nan is settling in for the night. She treasured her time with Timothy today, it is more precious to her than just about anything and the two of them together is a beautiful sight.
Please continue to pray for the blockage, for the tumors and for Nan's health in general.
love from our little house on wheels to each of you
tim and nan and marilyn and timothy and jason and jo
Isn't it magic to see Nan and Timothy look into each others eyes.!!
At 11:15 PM,
Anonymous said…
Where the heck is the Grampy Cam. I could better believe that you are the Grampy of the fine boy in the pictures. The little one not the big one, well the big one is fine too but you can't be Grampy to both. Well anyway talk is cheap, or in this case typing, we want to see you and whats his name, T somthing or other, in a picture together. Then maybe we might agree with that Grampy stuff. I said might!
At any rate enjoy your time with Jo and Jason. Don't worry about my prays they are reaching you and Nan even if you are out of the county.
At 11:21 PM,
Anonymous said…
Yes, it is "magic" to see Nan and Timothy looking into each other's eyes. What a precious picture. No bumps in the road could keep her from this little guy. I'm glad Nan had the opportunity to be outside for awhile and enjoy the the bonus of fresh air, sunshine and gentle ocean breezes!
Now for some fresh blood pumping through her body and she will be good to go again. Have a safe trip home.
Love and prayers ~ Carol :-)
At 8:12 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Mustards,
Great to See Nan with the new little one and so good to read that the trip down was more comfortable and only a bit longer to drive. Monterey is a beautiful place indeed. We have enjoyed so many great family outings at Sunset Beach in Years past.
Carrols sister is coming to visit Thursday afternoon and will stay thru Sabbath. Maybe Sunday would be the time to get the Ramp Tracks over to You Tim. I'll call first to see if You are there. Noon or thereabouts I think would be best for Me to make the drive over to You.
Have a safe drive Home and We will Pray that the Blood Transfusion goes well.
Love & Prayers,
Bob & Carrol.
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