Interesting birthday
Dear Friends and Family,
Its 9:30 now and Nan is in bed, Marilyn is beside her in the bedroom recliner and Nan is trying to get her pills down. This day has provided revelations, cards, phone calls and a visit to the doctor for Nan.
Perhaps the most interesting thing today was, last nights CT scan shows relative stability, tumors are not larger. When we had a discussion to see if Nan could go up to the 800 mg level that patients on compassionate AMN at Dana Farber receive. Dr. Melnynk considered for a minute and then left the room to research the study data and came back to inform us that Nan should have been taking 800 mg per day for the past two weeks, that is double the amount of AMN that she is now taking. So tomorrow she will start 800 mg and we will see how that helps her with the tumors. She has had a very rough day with nausea, lots of vomiting, back pain. She was go glad to get back from the doctors office and to bed.
During the day I heard from my brother and sister, ARt, Pam and of course clients as well. Art and Connie continue to enjoy caring for the grandchildren and are really looking forward to Sarah coming home on Sunday evening to resume caring for the children. Its a great thing they are doing for the kids and they are doing a great job.
I have had a good birthday in spite of being very busy with work, caring for precious Nan and this evening Nikki and Keanna came to bring presents and to cook a wonderful dinner. Cottage cheese special K loaf, wonderful mashed potatoes, gravy, fresh corn, WOW! Now they have gone home and the place seems quiet in their absence. Nikki got some really thoughtful cards which touched my soul. My day started with Loree, book keeper, receptionist, data entry, house sitter and a bunch of other jobs, well she came in with a great card, balloon, wonderful candy and a hug. Nice way to start the day.
Mid day I drove over to Richmond to see a place that turned out to be turn key perfect, cute, well cared for and nicest on the street. Its a pleasure to see such a well maintained home. Then back to meet up with the ladies at the doctors office, then home to help Nan into the house and upstairs, then to the office to put in orders.
So in summary Nan's tumors are being helped by the AMN and when we get the right dosage perhaps she will get even more help with the tumors. We are still fighting the blockage and in spite of the wonderful white peach she ate this morning there is still no activity in her colostomy bag.
In the morning I will have the honor of taking little miss to Sabbath School and having lunch with Nikki and Keanna at the Olive Garden, that is unless Nan needs me at home. In the afternoon Marilyn is going to Sac to visit a friend and Nan and I will hang out together, napping, enjoying christian programing and just being together.
A point of correction, I turned 59 today, NOT 60 as was commented on in the blog, lets not rush it OK.
Thanks all for your nice emails, cards, calls for my birthday, Fern you were the only one who sang to me and thanks for that. Jason called and said Timothy is now 8 lb 1 oz and is doing well. The three of them had just come back from a walk through the neighborhood on a very pleasant evening.
So love to each of you and thanks for your continued prayers...........
tim and nan and marilyn
Its 9:30 now and Nan is in bed, Marilyn is beside her in the bedroom recliner and Nan is trying to get her pills down. This day has provided revelations, cards, phone calls and a visit to the doctor for Nan.
Perhaps the most interesting thing today was, last nights CT scan shows relative stability, tumors are not larger. When we had a discussion to see if Nan could go up to the 800 mg level that patients on compassionate AMN at Dana Farber receive. Dr. Melnynk considered for a minute and then left the room to research the study data and came back to inform us that Nan should have been taking 800 mg per day for the past two weeks, that is double the amount of AMN that she is now taking. So tomorrow she will start 800 mg and we will see how that helps her with the tumors. She has had a very rough day with nausea, lots of vomiting, back pain. She was go glad to get back from the doctors office and to bed.
During the day I heard from my brother and sister, ARt, Pam and of course clients as well. Art and Connie continue to enjoy caring for the grandchildren and are really looking forward to Sarah coming home on Sunday evening to resume caring for the children. Its a great thing they are doing for the kids and they are doing a great job.
I have had a good birthday in spite of being very busy with work, caring for precious Nan and this evening Nikki and Keanna came to bring presents and to cook a wonderful dinner. Cottage cheese special K loaf, wonderful mashed potatoes, gravy, fresh corn, WOW! Now they have gone home and the place seems quiet in their absence. Nikki got some really thoughtful cards which touched my soul. My day started with Loree, book keeper, receptionist, data entry, house sitter and a bunch of other jobs, well she came in with a great card, balloon, wonderful candy and a hug. Nice way to start the day.
Mid day I drove over to Richmond to see a place that turned out to be turn key perfect, cute, well cared for and nicest on the street. Its a pleasure to see such a well maintained home. Then back to meet up with the ladies at the doctors office, then home to help Nan into the house and upstairs, then to the office to put in orders.
So in summary Nan's tumors are being helped by the AMN and when we get the right dosage perhaps she will get even more help with the tumors. We are still fighting the blockage and in spite of the wonderful white peach she ate this morning there is still no activity in her colostomy bag.
In the morning I will have the honor of taking little miss to Sabbath School and having lunch with Nikki and Keanna at the Olive Garden, that is unless Nan needs me at home. In the afternoon Marilyn is going to Sac to visit a friend and Nan and I will hang out together, napping, enjoying christian programing and just being together.
A point of correction, I turned 59 today, NOT 60 as was commented on in the blog, lets not rush it OK.
Thanks all for your nice emails, cards, calls for my birthday, Fern you were the only one who sang to me and thanks for that. Jason called and said Timothy is now 8 lb 1 oz and is doing well. The three of them had just come back from a walk through the neighborhood on a very pleasant evening.
So love to each of you and thanks for your continued prayers...........
tim and nan and marilyn
At 10:59 PM,
Anonymous said…
I was pleased to read in yesterdays blog all the good news. sorry that today was not all that you had hoped for. Still there was value in it, some honest work to do and some enjoyable people to do it for and with.
One special bright spot is that your still 50 something and holding on tight. Don't worry too much, old age is still a far distance ahead. According to Dr. Glover's definition, you know your old when your children get a senior citizen discount.
Happy belated birthday wishes (364 and counting)
Happiness and joy to you and yours,
At 5:21 AM,
Anonymous said…
Happy 1 day late Birthday!!!!!!!
I hope the increase in the drugs help to reduce the tumor(s) and not just hold stable. I hope that the blockage breaks up and the bag fills up.
Prayers for you to stay healthy and strong and Nan to gain strength and be strong, you are on a new horizon right now with the w drug and it will be a great chance for stability again.
My prayers and best wishes.
Sue M
At 8:15 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Mustards,
Only 59? well that is a relief, I thought You were an "Old Man" already, still 1 year to go to reach that milestone. Happy Birthday Tim! We love You no matter how old or young You are.
Double the AMN, with no increased growth, now that should make a big difference, We will Pray that it y makes a noticable improvement very quickly.
We had dinner last evening at the Spaghetti Factory and once again went to pick up Carrol's "Music Glasses" at JCPenney's Optical. 4th time and still not the right correction, not even close. What a joke that department is. What was supposed to be a 1/2 price bargain has turned into a nightmare! Today the "Manager" is supposed to contact Us and We will see what can be done.
Have a good Sabbath Day and enjoy SS with the little one.
How about Sunday Morning I bring the Ramp Tracks over to You? Call and let Me know.
Love & Prayers,
Bob & Carrol.
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