A big break through!
Dear Family and Friends,
This afternoon as Nan got up out of bed planning to come downstairs she found her colostomy bag nearly full. For the first time in nearly a month there was movement in the right direction. We were elated and very thankful. Nan has had a much better day with minimal fever, almost no napping all day, smiles on her face, humor and of course she has begun to tell me what to do, all very good signs. Of course we have no idea of what tomorrow brings but today was good. While Marilyn and Nan watched tv and talked upstairs I cranked out many appraisals. It was my most productive day in a very long time. I am deeply grateful to each of you including Barbara in Houston for your daily prayers and for your genuine concern. Nan has been battered by weeks of nausea, pain and just feeling lousy and we are grateful for a day like today which has worked so much better for her.
Late this afternoon I drove in to Brentwood to Longs to pick up my meds and Sandy happened to be there. She is the most thoughtful and attentive pharmacist we have ever experienced. She has been an incredible help over and over again through these past years. She was glad to hear that Nan was having a better day.
When I talked to Sharon today she sounded so tired. She and Rick have been working like troopers all day taking down some dangerous trees and she sounded like she might fall over any minute, she was really tired but happy that the trees were down. They may get some effects of the coming huricane and they did not want the defective trees blowing down over the house. Wise move on their part.
I also got to talk to Barbara in Houston, a relative who has been so helpful to Nan through this whole ordeal. It was great to put a voice with so many kind comments and time so helping.
Now its time to head to bed. nan is ready for her Adavan and a good night ahead. I sure am too.
I went grocery shopping this evening and I've grown fairly fond of doing that little chore. At least I know where most things are found and can move about quickly. The price comparing stuff I have not tried yet and Dana swears that if I would go to another store I would save money. She is right but the other store in on the other side of Brentwood and that takes planning.
Marilyn is in touch with her family constantly through text messaging and they even send photos. Its quite amazing, here she is talking to her family through texting on the other side of the country and with their plan its free. Helps her stay in touch.
My friends and family members, let us rejoice tonight and just pray that the blockage will stay open and that Nan can be able to eat a bit or two now and enjoy life more again. Perhaps we did not need the doctor to call us back after all yesterday!
Good night to all, thanks for the special messages today, we really treasure them and read them over and over again.
tim and nan and marilyn
This afternoon as Nan got up out of bed planning to come downstairs she found her colostomy bag nearly full. For the first time in nearly a month there was movement in the right direction. We were elated and very thankful. Nan has had a much better day with minimal fever, almost no napping all day, smiles on her face, humor and of course she has begun to tell me what to do, all very good signs. Of course we have no idea of what tomorrow brings but today was good. While Marilyn and Nan watched tv and talked upstairs I cranked out many appraisals. It was my most productive day in a very long time. I am deeply grateful to each of you including Barbara in Houston for your daily prayers and for your genuine concern. Nan has been battered by weeks of nausea, pain and just feeling lousy and we are grateful for a day like today which has worked so much better for her.
Late this afternoon I drove in to Brentwood to Longs to pick up my meds and Sandy happened to be there. She is the most thoughtful and attentive pharmacist we have ever experienced. She has been an incredible help over and over again through these past years. She was glad to hear that Nan was having a better day.
When I talked to Sharon today she sounded so tired. She and Rick have been working like troopers all day taking down some dangerous trees and she sounded like she might fall over any minute, she was really tired but happy that the trees were down. They may get some effects of the coming huricane and they did not want the defective trees blowing down over the house. Wise move on their part.
I also got to talk to Barbara in Houston, a relative who has been so helpful to Nan through this whole ordeal. It was great to put a voice with so many kind comments and time so helping.
Now its time to head to bed. nan is ready for her Adavan and a good night ahead. I sure am too.
I went grocery shopping this evening and I've grown fairly fond of doing that little chore. At least I know where most things are found and can move about quickly. The price comparing stuff I have not tried yet and Dana swears that if I would go to another store I would save money. She is right but the other store in on the other side of Brentwood and that takes planning.
Marilyn is in touch with her family constantly through text messaging and they even send photos. Its quite amazing, here she is talking to her family through texting on the other side of the country and with their plan its free. Helps her stay in touch.
My friends and family members, let us rejoice tonight and just pray that the blockage will stay open and that Nan can be able to eat a bit or two now and enjoy life more again. Perhaps we did not need the doctor to call us back after all yesterday!
Good night to all, thanks for the special messages today, we really treasure them and read them over and over again.
tim and nan and marilyn
At 10:47 PM,
Anonymous said…
Yes! What a break through! Maybe it was that good massage from Pam- Hope things keep moving.
At 11:03 PM,
Anonymous said…
It is great to read all your positive comments on the blog today. As you know we have not had good cell phone service in the last few weeks. We have traveled in six states in very remote but beatutiful areas. We made it safe to our home in Indio and should be here for at least four days than back to our home in Gilroy. Indio is pretty hot right now but we need to keep this place clean, Art has lots of projects and of course our social calendar is filling up.
My best to Nan -- we should be able to visit you in a few weeks. Remember that no matter where we are we always pray and think about you and Nan. Art was not happy about not being able to get in touch with you as often as he usually does.
At 11:11 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi dear friends, What a good news blog...stuff is moving! You didn't mention her temp so hopefully that has stayed down. I read the blog to Gerry and he said "GOOD!" We are off to bed and praying that you all have a good night down there. Hugs to you all three! Barbie
At 5:58 AM,
Anonymous said…
Well, such wonderful news, I can't wait for the news tomorrow morning to hear how much more improved Nan will be.
Funny, I noticed that my reply did not register yesterday morning. Not sure what happened.
Sue M
At 8:19 AM,
Anonymous said…
Good News! Many Prayers have been answered,things are moving again. Lets hope that this is a preview of good things to come for Our Dear Nan.
Looks like it will be warming up a bit so the AC will be getting a workout. What would We all do without it?
Have a good Day and maybe even enjoy something to eat, wouldn't that be nice?
Love & Prayers,
Bob & Carrol.
At 12:33 PM,
Anonymous said…
"Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow" Now who would have thought of a colostomy flow to be a blessing? I suppose anyone who has a colostomy. So glad things are moving again. That's a long time to have that stuff blocked up in one's body. No wonder she had a fever!
Strange isn't it how Tim feels much better too? We do feel when our spouse hurts, is happy, feels good, is discouraged, feeling miserable. We do become one.
Glad things are looking up today.
Continued love and prayers ~ Carol
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