Nan rests after a day of rest, a day with friends
Dear Family and Friends,
Its about 10 and Nan has been napping in her chair for a couple hours at least with an occassional moment of waking. She has taken her pills for the night and will get her next antibiotic at about midnight. Marilyn and I are watching some TV and enjoying a time when Nan is not hurting .
Last night was the worst night of pain she has ever experienced. Shortly after Nikki and Keanna went home suddenly the pain hit and it continued all night. It was in a specific place in her back and extended through her stomach. No matter what pain meds we used the pain came through. We finally managed an hour or two of sleep and then more pain meds, then back to sleep for a few more minutes. We were up many times during the night but got through it finally. Gradually this morning the extreme pain began to subside and although she had a rough rough day she is able to sleep tonight. What is causing the extreme pain, frankly I don't know and I pondered every time I was during the night if I should be driving her to ER.
Marilyn has been an angel today sitting by her side getting her ice water, anything she needed, more pillows, dumping bags and keeping her comfortable.
I met Bob and Carrol, the Guptils and the Whites at Olive Garden in Tracy and enjoyed a quiet lunch with friends, then we all traveled back here to see Nan. I had text messaged Marilyn to see if Nan was up to company and she said yes. I also brought Marilyn some yummy food from Olive Garden. So our dear friends were here for about an hour or so, Bob showed me how to make the bed up in the van for Nan in case she cannot handle sitting in the front seat. About an hour after our friends left the door bell rang and it was George and Yvonne Miller from Tracy, It was great to see them again and to catch up with these special people. nan was awake part of the time and napped part of the time. So due to caring friends we have had a pretty good day. nan is weak tonight, worn out and finally resting quietly.
So goes our life, we are working our way through an experience no one would seek and yet we can't avoid. Every day, every moment, every chance to look again into her beautiful blues is a precious opportunity.
when you consider our last 11 years, 5 surgeries, numerous drug therapies, dozens of flights to medical centers, hundreds of nights spend in rooms away from home and yet the thrill of enjoying Keanna and Timothy, of seeing our children move into their adult lives, getting married, completing their education, Dollywood, time spent with family and friends many many times. Yes it has been worth it all and brave courageous Nan has made it all happen with her unbeatable spirit and faith, her love of life and people.
thank you friends for visiting today, it was great to see you.
So we send our love to each of you this evening, Nan needs our prayers so much. We seek God's blessings, only He knows what is to come tomorrow and beyond.
tim and nan and marilyn
At 9:44 AM,
Anonymous said…
Good Morning!
How nice to see faces to go with the names we see on the blog. We now know what the Guptils and Millers look like. Good to see Bob, Carrol, Lloyd and Bernice again!~ These people never seem to change! I guess they must be living right or something.
Sorry to hear of Nan's new pain. I know it is of great concern to you. Marilyn's gentle care is certainly a blessing for all of you right now.
Life goes on as usual around here. No great news or earth shaking changes to report. We have settled in for the long haul. No prospects of selling and we aren't really pursuing the sale for now. Oh yes! We had rain!!! That was a blessing! Actually, we had rain Thursday night and again yesterday. I wasn't even forecast for yesterday. The grass has even taken on a more green color.
We pray for a solution for Nan's intense pain and for the blockage to break loose. Have a profitable and peaceful week. Bask in the memory of all those beautiful friends who visited yesterday knowing they love you and support you.
Love and Prayers ~Carol
At 5:36 PM,
divatobe said…
Hello from somewhere in Iowa....just occurred to me that you might enjoy reading my blog. It's at If you give me your email, I will add you to the list of readers.
Hope this evening is a peaceful one!
At 9:38 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Mustards,
Just got back from "Concert in the Park" Lodi Comunity Band that Carrol plays in. Great weather and great Music, "Music Man" & Disney Theme Music along with Sousa Marches and Show Tunes from WW 2 times.
We hope that Nan had a Good Day with less pain and more feel good time.
It was great to see You Sabbath and the "Garden" did not let Us down. Even Marilyn got to enjoy some of the good things too.
Have a good Night and We will keep You in Our thoughts & Prayers.
Bob & Carrol.
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