Rough Sunday - intense pain - little relief
Dear Family and Friends,
Well this has been one we would like to have skipped in our journey of life. Nan has had extreme pain in her left thigh for two days now, pain that is only lessened a bit by gentle rubbing, ask Sylvia and Wes who rubbed and massaged the offending limbs yesterday, ask me for today and ask Marilyn for this evening. Today we have tried heating pad, ice pack, massaging machines, pillows, more Dilautid, more Adavan and none of it has really solved the throbbing in her thigh. We have had extreme pain before and after a couple days the pain seems to move on to other areas, we can only pray that God will see fit to move the pain on for Nan's sanity.
We talked to the medical rental company again today and finally a guy called back who was helpful. He suggested I punch a hole through the paper filter that stops all action if water gets to it. I did that and it seems we might be getting a bit of suction now. Of course we have to stop all suction for up to three hours after Nan takes her meds since we don't want to pump them right back out before they are absorbed into her system. Its a balancing act, how we wish, pray that the colostomy might begin working again, it would solve so many issues for Nan.
This afternoon we had a nice surprise as Nikki, Keanna and Steve arrived for a visit. Keanna was in her normal active mode with lots of playing, talks to Grammy, Nikki helped run Nan's thigh, Steve took Melaboo swimming in the lake and for awhile our place was hopping. Fun, high point of the day. Just as they were leaving Marilyn pulled in returning from her visit to Sacramento and the State Fair. We were so glad to see her back safely. She had a good time with her friend Diane giving her a much needed break from her constant caring for Nan. Now she is back and I can hear her and Nan talking and winding down the day.
I've been trying to fight back against whatever illness I contracted on Friday. My ears hurt, my chest feels full of stuff, I cough and sneeze so I try to keep my mask on when around Nan as she does not need to get anything illness wise. I'm better than I was Friday night but not as good as normal yet. I've just laid around and spent most of the day with Nan today getting a bit of work done but not much. I made the mistake of checking the bank on line, I found that I have $21 in the business account which does not cover last Friday's payroll which is still sitting on my desk. Not even sure right now where I would find money to purchase meds that are in Longs ready for us. Its a most unusual place to be in after years of hard work and good income to match. I was checking up on clients today and found that the client that gives me the most work currently owes me $17,000 and most of the amount is over 90 days old. So I wrote a carefully crafted email with an attachment of the current statement seeking some immediate payment. Even a portion of the past due amount would go a long ways to calm Chase, Citi Bank, Honda, PG&E, Medical collection agencies etc.
I am looking forward to sleep tonight even if only for short periods of time. I love the feeling of dropping onto the sheets and pillow and feeling things relax, pulling the covers up for warmth in our chilled room and looking over at my sweetie. Its probably my favorite moment of the day.
Can you guess what our prayer request is for tonight? pain relief for the thigh, stomach and back, breaking the blockage and some peace for Nan's troubled soul.
Special thanks to Joyce and Glen for tomatoes, canned fruit, peanut butter, bread, to Sylvia for nut bread and orange juice, to our wonderful neighbor LeAnn for starting my day with 2 bottle of perfect orange juice yesterday when I had none. The juice has tasted so good and soothed my throat. Thanks to Dolly for her special help in so many ways, to Roger and Carol for their faithful emails, to Wes for his amazing faith and humor, both of which we need so much, to Irene for her constant cards which always hit the spot, to Bob and Carrol who called from somewhere in middle America today where they are staying for a week at a cabin by a lake, for Art and Connie who write and call lending vital support to the sagging emotions and faith, to my brother Jerry who is so faithful about calling and always has a positive word, to Pam who cares with her whole heart, to Sue M for her great encouraging comments, to Nancy for her fresh words of faith and to all of you who pray, care and encourage. To George and Yvonne who have been surgical warriors with us on 4 different occasions as Nan was in surgery.
This phase of our life is definitely not easy or calm or warm and fuzzy. It is raw with pain, suffering, broken dreams, fear and frustration. Yet we seem to make it through each day somehow and your interventions when you feel led to make a great redemptive difference.
Thank you and please keep Nan in your prayers along with Irene, Bernice, the Allen family, Ted and Lavonne and others I do not know about that need God's special help.
tim and nan and marilyn
Well this has been one we would like to have skipped in our journey of life. Nan has had extreme pain in her left thigh for two days now, pain that is only lessened a bit by gentle rubbing, ask Sylvia and Wes who rubbed and massaged the offending limbs yesterday, ask me for today and ask Marilyn for this evening. Today we have tried heating pad, ice pack, massaging machines, pillows, more Dilautid, more Adavan and none of it has really solved the throbbing in her thigh. We have had extreme pain before and after a couple days the pain seems to move on to other areas, we can only pray that God will see fit to move the pain on for Nan's sanity.
We talked to the medical rental company again today and finally a guy called back who was helpful. He suggested I punch a hole through the paper filter that stops all action if water gets to it. I did that and it seems we might be getting a bit of suction now. Of course we have to stop all suction for up to three hours after Nan takes her meds since we don't want to pump them right back out before they are absorbed into her system. Its a balancing act, how we wish, pray that the colostomy might begin working again, it would solve so many issues for Nan.
This afternoon we had a nice surprise as Nikki, Keanna and Steve arrived for a visit. Keanna was in her normal active mode with lots of playing, talks to Grammy, Nikki helped run Nan's thigh, Steve took Melaboo swimming in the lake and for awhile our place was hopping. Fun, high point of the day. Just as they were leaving Marilyn pulled in returning from her visit to Sacramento and the State Fair. We were so glad to see her back safely. She had a good time with her friend Diane giving her a much needed break from her constant caring for Nan. Now she is back and I can hear her and Nan talking and winding down the day.
I've been trying to fight back against whatever illness I contracted on Friday. My ears hurt, my chest feels full of stuff, I cough and sneeze so I try to keep my mask on when around Nan as she does not need to get anything illness wise. I'm better than I was Friday night but not as good as normal yet. I've just laid around and spent most of the day with Nan today getting a bit of work done but not much. I made the mistake of checking the bank on line, I found that I have $21 in the business account which does not cover last Friday's payroll which is still sitting on my desk. Not even sure right now where I would find money to purchase meds that are in Longs ready for us. Its a most unusual place to be in after years of hard work and good income to match. I was checking up on clients today and found that the client that gives me the most work currently owes me $17,000 and most of the amount is over 90 days old. So I wrote a carefully crafted email with an attachment of the current statement seeking some immediate payment. Even a portion of the past due amount would go a long ways to calm Chase, Citi Bank, Honda, PG&E, Medical collection agencies etc.
I am looking forward to sleep tonight even if only for short periods of time. I love the feeling of dropping onto the sheets and pillow and feeling things relax, pulling the covers up for warmth in our chilled room and looking over at my sweetie. Its probably my favorite moment of the day.
Can you guess what our prayer request is for tonight? pain relief for the thigh, stomach and back, breaking the blockage and some peace for Nan's troubled soul.
Special thanks to Joyce and Glen for tomatoes, canned fruit, peanut butter, bread, to Sylvia for nut bread and orange juice, to our wonderful neighbor LeAnn for starting my day with 2 bottle of perfect orange juice yesterday when I had none. The juice has tasted so good and soothed my throat. Thanks to Dolly for her special help in so many ways, to Roger and Carol for their faithful emails, to Wes for his amazing faith and humor, both of which we need so much, to Irene for her constant cards which always hit the spot, to Bob and Carrol who called from somewhere in middle America today where they are staying for a week at a cabin by a lake, for Art and Connie who write and call lending vital support to the sagging emotions and faith, to my brother Jerry who is so faithful about calling and always has a positive word, to Pam who cares with her whole heart, to Sue M for her great encouraging comments, to Nancy for her fresh words of faith and to all of you who pray, care and encourage. To George and Yvonne who have been surgical warriors with us on 4 different occasions as Nan was in surgery.
This phase of our life is definitely not easy or calm or warm and fuzzy. It is raw with pain, suffering, broken dreams, fear and frustration. Yet we seem to make it through each day somehow and your interventions when you feel led to make a great redemptive difference.
Thank you and please keep Nan in your prayers along with Irene, Bernice, the Allen family, Ted and Lavonne and others I do not know about that need God's special help.
tim and nan and marilyn
At 10:48 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hey, look at that I beat Wes to the blog tonight!
Sorry you guys had a hard day today. I was going to suggest an electiric massager for the leg to try to confuse the nerve pathways and fill them so the pain sensations can't travel to the brain- I think that is maybe why masaging your leg brings relief. Sounds like you have tried that too. Besides praying for pain relief for Nan I am going to pray that those people with the big account due pay up now.
Maybe a less carefully crafted letter should follow soon if our prayers don't nudge them to send a check asap.
Really enjoyed being with you both Sab afternoon.
At 10:56 PM,
Anonymous said…
Tim and Nan:
Again, it is so hard to understand why Nan has to go through so much pain and for so long. Tim, you must take care of yourself and put all your faith in God, He knows what is best for each of us, I pray that He will help you come out of this painful situation.
Today was a busy day for us doing things around the house. Art bought a couple of cabinets and he spent time putting them together, then his cousin came for dinner and to get some computer help. It was after 10:30 that we read your e-mail and the blog. Art thought that you may be asleep and decided not to call as you need all the rest you can get. Please if you read this and want to talk at any time, just call day or night.
We pray that Nan's pain goes away and that you get well soon. Let's hope that the people that owe you money come through as soon as possible.
At 1:34 PM,
Anonymous said…
Happy Labor Day!
At least I hope it is a happy day for you with little or no pain, no nausea, and a good flow in the bag! So sorry to hear that Nan has been in so much pain the last few days. Sometimes there are no good answers. It sounds like you are doing the best you can and still keep her lucid.
Today I'm getting ready for fall. The first of Sept. every one starts getting out their fall decorations. There is a tinge of color beginning in the dogwood and sourwood leaves which tells us that fall is on its way. People decorate for all seasons around here, so I try to get with the program and help contribute to the ambiance of the Smokey Mountains. It's also good for business.
I hope you have a better day today and a visit from family members would be nice. Maybe tomorrow ~ when the mail runs again ~ you will start getting in some of that money owed to you. The Lord knows your needs and will bring it in at just the right time. You haven't lost your house, your power hasn't been turned off, you have clothing on your back, transportation and you seem to have food and water. Those are your basic needs. God is good!
Love and prayers ~ Carol
At 10:10 PM,
Anonymous said…
Today was not near so fun as yesterday because I didn't get to spend any time with you and Nan. I was additionally disappointed to read that Nan has not had one of her better days.
We continue to pray for you and Nan as both of you try to juggle all of the responsibilites and challenges of your daily lives. I am truely amazed every time I read this blog. Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to share, encourage and model Christian living for me. I am better for it.
Peace, joy and love for you both and pain relief for Nan is my prayer today.
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