A restful Sabbath
Dear Family and Friends,
Its 10:20 and Nan and Marilyn are already upstairs settled in. I came down for one last round and to blog. As I report this last 24 hours I am reminded of how much has taken place and how much has stayed the same. We had a good night with only one time of waking and caring for things at 3:30 this morning. I am sleeping some better with fewer lung tearing coughing episodes and less left leg pain. We finally woke and came down at 9:30 this morning. I think the rest was good for both of us but extreme pain in Nan lower back drove her out of bed. She has spent the day in her recliner with quite a bit of pain and required some iv dilautid from time to time. She continues to run a 100 degree temperature nearly all the time now. Her voice is weak but this evening as we prepared to go up she seemed to rally and was doing knee bends when she got out of the wheelchair to board the stair chair. We laughingly expected her to do cartwheels between the stair chair and her bed at the top. Late this afternoon Keanna called to say they were coming over to visit. We enjoyed Keanna playing games, doing dressups, drawing pictures, placing stickers on all our hands and then she was gone off to Chucky Cheese to see friends. It is always great to see the kids and it helped us through missing our trip to see Timothy's dedication. We have now heard that Jason and Timothy are coming to see us on Monday and Nan is thrilled with that news.
Marilyn and I enjoyed our cheap pizza from Pappa Murthys last night so much that I went back for more tonight. This time armed with a coupon we got bread too. Well this time we could only eat half of the pizza so we have some for tomorrow and beyound.
This morning I decided to make Belgium Waffles and they happened to turn out great. We 've had lots to drink today and just rested up. At one point this afternoon my temperature was 100.5 which was a surprise to me. I am feeling better. A brief trip to the mailbox today yielded a magazine, advertizements and NO money once again. I'm really getting parinoid about money. Not sure where to turn and I keep trying very hard to trust God to guide us in our financial challenges.
So we rest again with subtle changes in the placement of Nan's pains, some pills showed up in her colostomy bag, little else but some pills, now is that weird or not!
Please continue to pray that Nan's blockage can break, that her pain can subside, that the medicine will continue to control the tumors and that God will give us all peace in our hearts.
I thank God tonight for Marilyn who has a sweet and tender spirit, is so caring and kind and never seems to be put out with our strange ways. I thank God for precious children and grandchildren, for friends and extended family who call and who care, I thank God for you the faithful reader of this blog and for your prayers and help in our lives. We are a very blessed family.
tim and nan and marilyn
Its 10:20 and Nan and Marilyn are already upstairs settled in. I came down for one last round and to blog. As I report this last 24 hours I am reminded of how much has taken place and how much has stayed the same. We had a good night with only one time of waking and caring for things at 3:30 this morning. I am sleeping some better with fewer lung tearing coughing episodes and less left leg pain. We finally woke and came down at 9:30 this morning. I think the rest was good for both of us but extreme pain in Nan lower back drove her out of bed. She has spent the day in her recliner with quite a bit of pain and required some iv dilautid from time to time. She continues to run a 100 degree temperature nearly all the time now. Her voice is weak but this evening as we prepared to go up she seemed to rally and was doing knee bends when she got out of the wheelchair to board the stair chair. We laughingly expected her to do cartwheels between the stair chair and her bed at the top. Late this afternoon Keanna called to say they were coming over to visit. We enjoyed Keanna playing games, doing dressups, drawing pictures, placing stickers on all our hands and then she was gone off to Chucky Cheese to see friends. It is always great to see the kids and it helped us through missing our trip to see Timothy's dedication. We have now heard that Jason and Timothy are coming to see us on Monday and Nan is thrilled with that news.
Marilyn and I enjoyed our cheap pizza from Pappa Murthys last night so much that I went back for more tonight. This time armed with a coupon we got bread too. Well this time we could only eat half of the pizza so we have some for tomorrow and beyound.
This morning I decided to make Belgium Waffles and they happened to turn out great. We 've had lots to drink today and just rested up. At one point this afternoon my temperature was 100.5 which was a surprise to me. I am feeling better. A brief trip to the mailbox today yielded a magazine, advertizements and NO money once again. I'm really getting parinoid about money. Not sure where to turn and I keep trying very hard to trust God to guide us in our financial challenges.
So we rest again with subtle changes in the placement of Nan's pains, some pills showed up in her colostomy bag, little else but some pills, now is that weird or not!
Please continue to pray that Nan's blockage can break, that her pain can subside, that the medicine will continue to control the tumors and that God will give us all peace in our hearts.
I thank God tonight for Marilyn who has a sweet and tender spirit, is so caring and kind and never seems to be put out with our strange ways. I thank God for precious children and grandchildren, for friends and extended family who call and who care, I thank God for you the faithful reader of this blog and for your prayers and help in our lives. We are a very blessed family.
tim and nan and marilyn
At 12:18 AM,
Anonymous said…
Thank the Lord for Marilyn,
It sounds like both you and Nan need looking after just now. Not sure which of you needs to be in bed more, you or Nan! Praying for both your feavers to go down. Also praying for $ in the mail. How great to look forward to seeing Jason and Timothy. Did someone vidio the service so you could see it?
May this next week see both of you more comfortable.
I had sent you this blessing a few years ago but it still holds.
May you always have
enough happiness to keep you sweet:
enough trials to keep you strong:
enough success to keep you eager:
enough faith to give you courage:
and enough determination to make each day a good day.
With the trials constantly facing you,
you are the strongest people I know-
I wish you fewer trials and more sucesses and good days!
At 5:17 AM,
Anonymous said…
Good Morning!
I'm glad you had a restful day. You needed it. How about another one back to back? That should help you get well. Tim, your poor body is crying out for rest. I'm glad you got at least one night of decent sleep. Maybe your leg pain is sympathetic pains for Nan's leg pains.
Roger's concert was awesome yesterday!!! A couple of blunders, but all in all ~ awesome! I will try to get the DVD copy and send it to you. It's not professionally done at all, but it will give you an idea of the music they are doing. Remember this is their first formal concert of the year so it is a bit rough around the edges and they need work on the diction in some songs. An 11 year old girl made the statement, "He sure puts a lot of emotion into his directing." True! I sat there teary eyed through most of the concert as did many others. He did very little talking and mostly directing.
Enjoy Jason and little Timothy tomorrow. That little guy is a darling! A real keeper!
We pray for a better week for you both and for no more bugs in your bug!
Love and prayers ~ Carol
At 7:48 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Tim & Nan,
We are home again after Our Trip to MN. for time by the lake & Visiting with Cousins that are still around the Home Places there.
Our Flights went off with out a hitch for which We were most thankful. We were on Northwest Non Stop Sac to Mpls, Same for the return today.
Tomorrow is Clinic day 8:30 am for Carrol so We need to turn in early as We are still on MN. time and need to catch up those 2 hours. It was very warm back there most of the time mid 90's with 85% or more humidity, very STICKY! Nice to be home to Our Dry Heat here in the Valley.
We will continue to Pray for All of Your pressing Issues as Well as Nan's Health.
We have relatives back there that are in Real Estate too Appraisals are way off they were telling Us that they had not written one in 6 weeks or more, Last Year they sold nearly 300 houses and this Year only a hand full,a small hand at that.
Love & Prayers,
Bob & Carrol.
PS: We feasted on Wall-Eyed Pike 5 times and it was wonderful!
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