Nan rests but wakes up feeling better this evening
Dear Ones,
As I listen around the door I can hear Nan and Marilyn having a conversation and they have been doing so for awhile. Nan has finally woken up and sounds like she might be feeling better. Today she has tried a small glass of ice tea and some gatoraide too. She has been in her recliner since about 10 when she finally woke up. I think the rest is good as the fever tires her out and she is fairly low energy right now anyway. She is walking pretty good and sounds pretty contented right now. Nikki leaves tomorrow for New Mexico for a week of work and will drop Keanna off at school in the morning and then drive to the plane. She has been working very hard today trying to sort things and get stuff cleaned up, lots of work for her and she feels she has made little progress.
Nikki gave Marilyn a Mr. Potato Head, something that was very popular as a clever toy years ago, it was in its box and has costumes, so cute, Marilyn loved it and Nikki gave mom some new blouses, the kind she likes and Nan will try them on tomorrow, she was touched by Nikki's every present kindness.
Steve's brother David has moved to Oakland and is working with Steve has they try to get some new businesses started up, landscaping, industrial maintenance plus appraising when there is work to do. Steve is such a hard worker you just know he will succeed.
I have spent the day preparing for the week ahead. I am trying to jam as much work in this week while Marilyn is still here. I really have no idea how I will manage next week as I don't really feel mom can be left alone more than very short periods in case she needs something that is beyond her reach or has a health setback come on suddenly. Frankly I feel my world sort of closing in my me. While I am feeling better I am not well yet but there is no time to rest or recouperate. This week I will do appraisals in Santa Rosa, Stockton, Madera, Coursegold, San Ramon and Brentwood. I am in hopes Steve can handle Oakland and San francisco if he has the time. He will be much busier since Nikki will be in New Mexico.
I continue to face financial disaster and that is not overstating it at all. In the last 8 days money has come only 1 day. I'm trying to remain faithful and trusting but I've got to admit that at this point I see no way out which means things will begin to happen to us beyond our control. The years of plane tickets, hotel rooms, rental cars, medical bills and days, weeks away from work are catching up at last. All the credit cards are full now, AMEX is owed a huge amount. While the work has been pretty good lately and we are generating considerable income with the appraisals going out we need income from prior work to come to us. Today we tried to repair our accounting system which creates statements we send to our clients but no matter how hard Jim worked it would not repair. Our problem right now is the statements include appraisals that have already been paid for in the past and yet show as due. Clients don't really care for that much when they know they have paid and we are billing them again. Yet another challenge to somehow get fixed, and tomorrow I pick up a letter from the IRS demanding money.
Please pray for us tonight, most importantly Nan needs God continued creative and healing power so badly, oh that the blockage would break, the fevers subside, the tumors shrink.
I feel like the perfect financial storm is approaching and can only seek God's help through it.
Thank you for your prayers, your honest care and for the time you invest in writing to the blog or cards or calls to Nan. Our life is pretty tough, every day our struggles are with life and death issues and it seems things never let us, but like Job we have decided, tho He slay me yet will I trust Him.
tim and nan and gratefully still, Marilyn
As I listen around the door I can hear Nan and Marilyn having a conversation and they have been doing so for awhile. Nan has finally woken up and sounds like she might be feeling better. Today she has tried a small glass of ice tea and some gatoraide too. She has been in her recliner since about 10 when she finally woke up. I think the rest is good as the fever tires her out and she is fairly low energy right now anyway. She is walking pretty good and sounds pretty contented right now. Nikki leaves tomorrow for New Mexico for a week of work and will drop Keanna off at school in the morning and then drive to the plane. She has been working very hard today trying to sort things and get stuff cleaned up, lots of work for her and she feels she has made little progress.
Nikki gave Marilyn a Mr. Potato Head, something that was very popular as a clever toy years ago, it was in its box and has costumes, so cute, Marilyn loved it and Nikki gave mom some new blouses, the kind she likes and Nan will try them on tomorrow, she was touched by Nikki's every present kindness.
Steve's brother David has moved to Oakland and is working with Steve has they try to get some new businesses started up, landscaping, industrial maintenance plus appraising when there is work to do. Steve is such a hard worker you just know he will succeed.
I have spent the day preparing for the week ahead. I am trying to jam as much work in this week while Marilyn is still here. I really have no idea how I will manage next week as I don't really feel mom can be left alone more than very short periods in case she needs something that is beyond her reach or has a health setback come on suddenly. Frankly I feel my world sort of closing in my me. While I am feeling better I am not well yet but there is no time to rest or recouperate. This week I will do appraisals in Santa Rosa, Stockton, Madera, Coursegold, San Ramon and Brentwood. I am in hopes Steve can handle Oakland and San francisco if he has the time. He will be much busier since Nikki will be in New Mexico.
I continue to face financial disaster and that is not overstating it at all. In the last 8 days money has come only 1 day. I'm trying to remain faithful and trusting but I've got to admit that at this point I see no way out which means things will begin to happen to us beyond our control. The years of plane tickets, hotel rooms, rental cars, medical bills and days, weeks away from work are catching up at last. All the credit cards are full now, AMEX is owed a huge amount. While the work has been pretty good lately and we are generating considerable income with the appraisals going out we need income from prior work to come to us. Today we tried to repair our accounting system which creates statements we send to our clients but no matter how hard Jim worked it would not repair. Our problem right now is the statements include appraisals that have already been paid for in the past and yet show as due. Clients don't really care for that much when they know they have paid and we are billing them again. Yet another challenge to somehow get fixed, and tomorrow I pick up a letter from the IRS demanding money.
Please pray for us tonight, most importantly Nan needs God continued creative and healing power so badly, oh that the blockage would break, the fevers subside, the tumors shrink.
I feel like the perfect financial storm is approaching and can only seek God's help through it.
Thank you for your prayers, your honest care and for the time you invest in writing to the blog or cards or calls to Nan. Our life is pretty tough, every day our struggles are with life and death issues and it seems things never let us, but like Job we have decided, tho He slay me yet will I trust Him.
tim and nan and gratefully still, Marilyn
At 7:06 AM,
Anonymous said…
The things you face each day are a real and ever present burden. It is because of that, that I wish to share my burden with you. Since you are so good at carring burdens I thought, what the heck, just throw another one on the top. Tim can handle it! I am sure that camel and straw story is just some sort of myth designed to keep people from sharing their problems with their friends. So here goes!
I have a hang nail! It's true every moment of every day, at least the last two anyway, there is a constant reminder that there is a problem. If I pick something up or put something down, if I put my hand in my pocket or take it out there is that constant reminder. If I sit very still there is a constant dull sore ache.
Sleep is my only solice but sometimes it even wakes me up and then I have to go to the bathroom. It has even turned some of my finger red!
Ah! I feel better except that the typing hurts my little pain in the nail.
Each good or needful action you take today will provide you with some diversion and relief from some of the pressing problems. Your a guy and you shouldn't be able to multitask. When you are working on something you are to give it your best attention and that leaves no room for worry, which I hear adds nothing to the hair on your head.
Love and prayers for you, Nan and Marilyn as you face another spectacular day!
At 7:09 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Tim,
Another busy day with Linda and Andrew here and the extra work around here. The laundry is finished, the Sam's Club supplies are purchased, the day is gone and I'm just now getting to my computer. I'm trying to get ready for our choir "week end" this time at our house. The weather should cooperate and a lot of it will be outside.
I'm sorry you are having such a tough time. You had a lot of thigs happen in the last few years that you had no control over. We do our best with the knowledge and resources we have. "Things" happen that derail us and life looks like a train wreck for awhile. Yes, you may lose a lot of "stuff", but life will go on and you will survive. It's amazing what we can live without if we have to!
Our prayer for you is for peace! I hope Timothy and Jason were able to come today and give you a lift. Some of that Timothy medicine will do wonders for you.
Love and Prayers ~ Carol
At 7:28 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Tim & Nan,
Carrol's Clinic appointment went well and faster than usual yesterday which was a plesant surprise. 3 hours instead of 4+, Our regular Nurse was on vacation and the Replacement One (that We are aquainted with) said that She felt the Aridia infusion could be set for a shorter time frame now and it went just fine, no side effects at all. Carrols Blood work was again Much improved over the last visit, all of Her counts were in Normal ranges except two which were only .05 off the normal range. the Dr was very pleased, No Procrit as Her HG was 13.5,coming up nicely, the red flag on that one is 11, last visit it was 11.9 so it was just good enough,now much better. Her all important "Ratio" number was again only 1/2 of what it was the last time and getting very close to the normal range, No Protien Spike at all, again Very Good. We are Most thankful to The Lord,Our Doctors and for all the Prayers and thoughtful support from so many Dear Friends on Carrol's behalf.
My Personal Health Numbers continue to be "Boring" says My DR.again I'm thankful to the Lord that He is keeping Me strong to be able to care for My Sweetie. Things are so different when You are dealing with a life threatening Disease.
Continued Prayers & Best Wishes & that Your Accounts "PAY UP".How I remember Wondering what My Check would look like each month, Who Paid,& Who did Not! made a big difference. Now it is Just Uncle Sam & the Retirement Plans that We had the good sense to put in place 20 years ago. Thank Goodness for Medicare & Blue Cross that are taking care of Us so Well.
How is Your Attorney coming along with SS Claim, What a blessing that will be when it kicks in . Nan is so deserving of that compensation.
Much Love & Prayers Always,
Bob & Carrol.
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