Thursday evening, a very challenging day for Nan
Dear Ones,
10:30. Nan rose early today, came downstairs and was in the chair until 8:30 tonight when she signaled she was ready to head upstairs. She and Marilyn are watching something exciting and resting after a long day of pain, napping, Dilautid and more pain.
I left at 8:45 this morning, drove to Dolly's very attractive home in Napa, surrounded by greenbelt and roses, we then headed to Santa Rosa using back roads she knows well. They headed through fields of vineyards, stunning beautiful wineries and GPS guided arrived at our little house. We quickly inspected the home, met and talked with the owners and then shot the comps in the near streets. Then we headed back to 12 and Napa where Dolly took me to lunch at Applebees and introduced me to a thin crust vege pizza that was just wonderful. It was just the right amount of food and every bite was perfect, creamed spinach, muchrooms, diced tomatos, feta cheese, perfect and a drink of fruit juices. Then it was time to head home. Getting to spend the day with this very special and unique person who taught Nan and me the appraising business years ago was a high privilege and I think she also enjoyed trying out her long honed skills of appraising. It was with a heavy heart that I drove back to Brentwood, I felt I had once again gotten to spend time with a legend. This is the youngest senior citizen every made, she loves cars, driving fast, good music, friends and her Lord.
Arriving home I found Nan to be about the same but with short bouts of intense pain. She had slept a good deal of the day Marilyn reported but was awake and curious about my day. I took time to put a new vent cover on the motorhome over the bathroom that has been broken for weeks. It only took a few minutes and it was done. This week I once again checked what I owe on the motorhome versus what I could get out of it and it might cost me up to $20,000 just to sell it, new motorhomes lose value like a rock trying to float in the sea. Seemed like a good idea in 2003 when we purchased it. It does function very well in carrying Nan to Jason and Jo's to see them and Timothy and for that we are thankful.
More orders have come in while I was out today and I'm buried in work right now, some has been done intentionally since after Marilyn leaves I will not be as free to go inspect and leave Nan alone. So I did lots of field work and then I can work here at home with Nan in the next room so the work load is by design this week.
We go to see Dr. Melynk tomorrow in Concord at 11 am. So we need to start getting ready about 9:30 so there will be little work time in the morning. We will be back home by noon and Nan will be ready to rest up. I'll go see a property in the afternoon and then Mary is taking Marilyn to dinner tomorrow evening. We think that is so nice of her to do that, Mary is one of the special people who always think of others and she is soooooo good to Nan and me too.
This evening I want to thank some generous people who have provided help for our immediate needs. It is much easier to be on the giving end than the receiving end but we are aware that God does His work in amazing ways. Once again today the mail was dry of money but did bless us with a 48 hour notice for PG&E so I think they move to the top of the priority list.
I am looking forward to Sabbath but not to Sunday since Marilyn will be leaving us. I could never have guessed how much help she would bring to Nan. She has a tender heart, a willing hand and never a cross word. I wish she could just live her always, she fits in perfectly and adds so much living to the house, her humor is just great, her attitude is perfect, no one ever will walk on Marilyn and she is the perfect balance of a friend. We are deeply thankful to her and her family for sharing her for such a long and meaningful time and we will never forget the gift of her time and kindness.
So now its goodnight friends and family, thank you for your thoughts, your prayers, your calls, your $help, for remembering us as we attempt to live our lives in as positive manner as we can through an unbelieveable experience. We are thankful that Nikki has returned from New Mexico and is home with her family tonight. We are thankful that Jason and Timothy came to visit and we are thankful for each day of life God is granting us.
tim and nan and marilyn
10:30. Nan rose early today, came downstairs and was in the chair until 8:30 tonight when she signaled she was ready to head upstairs. She and Marilyn are watching something exciting and resting after a long day of pain, napping, Dilautid and more pain.
I left at 8:45 this morning, drove to Dolly's very attractive home in Napa, surrounded by greenbelt and roses, we then headed to Santa Rosa using back roads she knows well. They headed through fields of vineyards, stunning beautiful wineries and GPS guided arrived at our little house. We quickly inspected the home, met and talked with the owners and then shot the comps in the near streets. Then we headed back to 12 and Napa where Dolly took me to lunch at Applebees and introduced me to a thin crust vege pizza that was just wonderful. It was just the right amount of food and every bite was perfect, creamed spinach, muchrooms, diced tomatos, feta cheese, perfect and a drink of fruit juices. Then it was time to head home. Getting to spend the day with this very special and unique person who taught Nan and me the appraising business years ago was a high privilege and I think she also enjoyed trying out her long honed skills of appraising. It was with a heavy heart that I drove back to Brentwood, I felt I had once again gotten to spend time with a legend. This is the youngest senior citizen every made, she loves cars, driving fast, good music, friends and her Lord.
Arriving home I found Nan to be about the same but with short bouts of intense pain. She had slept a good deal of the day Marilyn reported but was awake and curious about my day. I took time to put a new vent cover on the motorhome over the bathroom that has been broken for weeks. It only took a few minutes and it was done. This week I once again checked what I owe on the motorhome versus what I could get out of it and it might cost me up to $20,000 just to sell it, new motorhomes lose value like a rock trying to float in the sea. Seemed like a good idea in 2003 when we purchased it. It does function very well in carrying Nan to Jason and Jo's to see them and Timothy and for that we are thankful.
More orders have come in while I was out today and I'm buried in work right now, some has been done intentionally since after Marilyn leaves I will not be as free to go inspect and leave Nan alone. So I did lots of field work and then I can work here at home with Nan in the next room so the work load is by design this week.
We go to see Dr. Melynk tomorrow in Concord at 11 am. So we need to start getting ready about 9:30 so there will be little work time in the morning. We will be back home by noon and Nan will be ready to rest up. I'll go see a property in the afternoon and then Mary is taking Marilyn to dinner tomorrow evening. We think that is so nice of her to do that, Mary is one of the special people who always think of others and she is soooooo good to Nan and me too.
This evening I want to thank some generous people who have provided help for our immediate needs. It is much easier to be on the giving end than the receiving end but we are aware that God does His work in amazing ways. Once again today the mail was dry of money but did bless us with a 48 hour notice for PG&E so I think they move to the top of the priority list.
I am looking forward to Sabbath but not to Sunday since Marilyn will be leaving us. I could never have guessed how much help she would bring to Nan. She has a tender heart, a willing hand and never a cross word. I wish she could just live her always, she fits in perfectly and adds so much living to the house, her humor is just great, her attitude is perfect, no one ever will walk on Marilyn and she is the perfect balance of a friend. We are deeply thankful to her and her family for sharing her for such a long and meaningful time and we will never forget the gift of her time and kindness.
So now its goodnight friends and family, thank you for your thoughts, your prayers, your calls, your $help, for remembering us as we attempt to live our lives in as positive manner as we can through an unbelieveable experience. We are thankful that Nikki has returned from New Mexico and is home with her family tonight. We are thankful that Jason and Timothy came to visit and we are thankful for each day of life God is granting us.
tim and nan and marilyn
At 11:29 PM,
Anonymous said…
Life is a bowl of cherries but as Emma Bombeck says, "Why am I always in the pits"? This of course is the great cunumdrum. Which a short way of saying I don't know. So much for my know it all reputation. Gone in a heartbeat!
At school today the quote we used in class was from MLK. It goes sort of like this. It is always the right time to do the right thing. It encourages those that are watching and helps them to have the courage to do right as well. Dolly and Marilyn are those persons. Doing right daily right before our eyes. It is a blessing to all that get to be part of it. Even reading about is uplifting.
Tim see more money in your future! Nan I see less pain in your future! Marilyn I see continued joy in your future! Readers I see more encouragement in your future.
At 5:37 AM,
Anonymous said…
Good Morning!
I'd better get this out early this a.m. as I know when the day gets started it will be non stop until I fall into bed tonight.
I know you will miss Marilyn terribly! What a blessing she has been for you both! Not many have such a dedicated friend who would take that much time to come to help out. You truly have been blessed!
I hate it when I start a very busy day tired! I don't think it's going to get better, so might as well get going! First stop is getting Dad and Barbara to the airport. Glad to get that job out of the way! Life is very complicated at 92.
I would like to add to Wes's comment ~ Yes, I'm sure Tim and Nan can use all the support you can give. Just a few minutes to add a comment to the blog really does help them know you are out there thinking of them and that you care!
Love and Prayers ~ Carol
At 7:14 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Tim, Nan & Marilyn,
What a day You had! Speaking of Motor Homes, Our Dear friends Dick & Rose, ( Dick Just Passed away last week wed)) have a 36 ft "Pusher" that needs to be disposed of and from what their relatives are saying it will cost many dollars just to sell it also. I can't believe how many of those things are sitting around here in Storage Lots! How do so many People afford to have them is a mystery to Me.
We both are headed to the Dentist this Morning for Our Cleaning & General Annual Checkups. Seems like the Older We get the more time & Money We devote to DR'S. What would We do without them?
We want to again thank You Marilyn for all of the personal attention that You have given to Nan these past many weeks and wish You a safe journey Home to the Atlantic Coast on Sunday.
I talked to Bernice White last evening and She was in good spirits and has been informed(After a brief test session ) that Her new Pacemaker is working well and She will soon be healed from the surgery that installed it . She asked that We thank All of those on the blog who were praying for Her. She says that She hopes to be back at the Keyboard by the first of the Month.
Have a good Dr visit today Nan, and as always We will be thinking of & Praying for You to be feeling better and stronger.
Bob & Carrol.
At 8:30 AM,
Anonymous said…
Tim & Nan
I was going to tell you all about Mom; but Bob beat me to it!
I hope today is a better day for you all and that the trip to the Dr. goes well.
Have a wonderful Sabbath!
At 8:01 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi you 3! Just checking in to let you know we have been thinking of you. Went to Reno Air Races today. No races today as they had another plane accident. We enjoyed the Jelly Belly plane stunts and the Jelly Bellies that were passed out. And the Canadian Snowbirds put on a great show. And we saw other acrobatic events then it was time to head home along with a zillion other vehicles. Finally cleared the traffic and made it down the hill and back to our dear Lincoln Hills.
We hopd Nan's doctor visit was good. So sorry Marilyn has to leave (love you, Marilyn!) and hope she can work it out to come back again soon.
Our friends from Ohio are here and we are having a great visit. He is a retired surgeon and has treated many cancer patients and knows about GIST.
Tomorrow is a big day for NCC churches down at the convention center in Sacramento. We are going down on light rail in the morning. In the afternoon Ralph Carmichael will be directing a choir with various Adventist choirs participating plus the Sacramento Symphony. Should be good.
Love, Barbie
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