Nan in ER
Dear Family and Friends,
This day took a decided turn early on. Terry came to do vitals and draw blood, change the picc line dressing and evaluate. When she got the dressing off the picc line she found a very angry red skin, hot and swollen. She thought there might be a blog clot or infection so urged us to go to ER or the see the doctor. The doctors had no openings to see Nan so it was ER. We called Anita, our PICC line lady at Sutter Delta and she said she would watch for us in ER. Gerry and I kept the first of our appointments today in Berkeley since I had already cancelled one appointment with her last Friday. Cute house, nice area, $700K for 1,100 sf. Then we shot comps and Gerry located a donut shop on the way out of town, we stopped since I had no breakfast in the mad rush deciding what to do about Nan and getting her downstairs into her chair last minute before leaving late. When we got into the donut shop it had lots of things including toasted cheese sandwiches on wheat bread. We enjoyed our sandwiches as we drove home and of course Gerry slipped a couple doughnuts in too. Once home we dressed Nan, moved the pump, TPN, meds and Nan to the car then headed to ER. Fortunately they were not all that busy and the lady at the front desk said, why not have your doctors just order the ultra sound and you can skip ER. Nan felt really rough by this time and in a few minutes they came from ultra sound and we did that, turned out nice lady, no clots, then back to ER to be told xray was needed so to Xray where Nan almost folded as she was forced to stand for the photo. Then back to ER to sit in the wheel chair for 30 more minutes, no bed was yet available, then Anita and a doctor appeared, said everything looked good and allowed us to go home. We reached the car and hooked up the pump to Nan immediatelly and before we reached home the canister was 1/2 full. No wonder she felt some nausea. So false alarm, no clots, not infection and no real explanation why so red this morning. Nan was so very tired and full of pain when we reached home, I gave her Dilautid and she slept for awhile. Later she woke to watch a short clip from jason and Jo which shows Jason interacting with Timothy, so cute! Just helped the evening pass.
Barb and Gerry have been wonderful today, it was so nice to head to ER with someone along to help with things and to have encouragement. They read and waited in the waiting room for hours but were ready to head home, we had a Papa Murphy's pizza ready to bake and Barb made salad, Gerry purchased peppermint ice cream and we have a feast while Nan slept. she was doing what she wanted to do and so were we. Great feast! Then Nan woke a bit to watch some of a Murder She wrote Episode and then at 9 asked to go up to bed. I took her and moved the pump up and now have her TPN ready along with meds for the night and ice beside her bed for her water. Althought the day was cruel for Nan she endured it without complaining, amazing depth of character and courage. She is a real hero and a huge example to others who complain about hang nails, dry hands, split ends and sagging body parts. Nan wears her 4 collections bags, her stomach tube, her dressing for the fistula and does not complain, moans some yet indeed but I think that can be understand and appreciated.
Our day saw an income of $1,000 and a check cleared to Citi bank for $1,000. We could easily use $5,000 right now to really catch up but we are so much better than I expected to be at this point of the month I just thank the Almighty.
Tomorrow Gerry and I will do things that had to be cancelled today so we could get to ER. Then they have to go home tomorrow evening. Mike and Sandy are flying in from Hawaii tomorrow evening and Barb and Gerry need to move about 40 empty boxes out of the guest room so they can sleep. Its exciting to have Mike and Sandy home for a few days from Maui where they now live.
Having Barb and Gerry here has been such a lift, they are real friends who don't demand anything, help in every way they can, make things shine, food taste good and life have more meaning.
Well now its time to catch up on sleep. we only were up once last night during the night which is real progress, not so sure about tonight, Nan is so tired and so filled with pain.
Good night friends, please pray that God will guide, heal, comfort and strengthen. Also that Carrol's hand will continue to heal and that Carol in N. Carolina will keep her health until she can find new helpers, she is overworked right now, way too much girl.
love to all
tim and nan and barb and gerry
This day took a decided turn early on. Terry came to do vitals and draw blood, change the picc line dressing and evaluate. When she got the dressing off the picc line she found a very angry red skin, hot and swollen. She thought there might be a blog clot or infection so urged us to go to ER or the see the doctor. The doctors had no openings to see Nan so it was ER. We called Anita, our PICC line lady at Sutter Delta and she said she would watch for us in ER. Gerry and I kept the first of our appointments today in Berkeley since I had already cancelled one appointment with her last Friday. Cute house, nice area, $700K for 1,100 sf. Then we shot comps and Gerry located a donut shop on the way out of town, we stopped since I had no breakfast in the mad rush deciding what to do about Nan and getting her downstairs into her chair last minute before leaving late. When we got into the donut shop it had lots of things including toasted cheese sandwiches on wheat bread. We enjoyed our sandwiches as we drove home and of course Gerry slipped a couple doughnuts in too. Once home we dressed Nan, moved the pump, TPN, meds and Nan to the car then headed to ER. Fortunately they were not all that busy and the lady at the front desk said, why not have your doctors just order the ultra sound and you can skip ER. Nan felt really rough by this time and in a few minutes they came from ultra sound and we did that, turned out nice lady, no clots, then back to ER to be told xray was needed so to Xray where Nan almost folded as she was forced to stand for the photo. Then back to ER to sit in the wheel chair for 30 more minutes, no bed was yet available, then Anita and a doctor appeared, said everything looked good and allowed us to go home. We reached the car and hooked up the pump to Nan immediatelly and before we reached home the canister was 1/2 full. No wonder she felt some nausea. So false alarm, no clots, not infection and no real explanation why so red this morning. Nan was so very tired and full of pain when we reached home, I gave her Dilautid and she slept for awhile. Later she woke to watch a short clip from jason and Jo which shows Jason interacting with Timothy, so cute! Just helped the evening pass.
Barb and Gerry have been wonderful today, it was so nice to head to ER with someone along to help with things and to have encouragement. They read and waited in the waiting room for hours but were ready to head home, we had a Papa Murphy's pizza ready to bake and Barb made salad, Gerry purchased peppermint ice cream and we have a feast while Nan slept. she was doing what she wanted to do and so were we. Great feast! Then Nan woke a bit to watch some of a Murder She wrote Episode and then at 9 asked to go up to bed. I took her and moved the pump up and now have her TPN ready along with meds for the night and ice beside her bed for her water. Althought the day was cruel for Nan she endured it without complaining, amazing depth of character and courage. She is a real hero and a huge example to others who complain about hang nails, dry hands, split ends and sagging body parts. Nan wears her 4 collections bags, her stomach tube, her dressing for the fistula and does not complain, moans some yet indeed but I think that can be understand and appreciated.
Our day saw an income of $1,000 and a check cleared to Citi bank for $1,000. We could easily use $5,000 right now to really catch up but we are so much better than I expected to be at this point of the month I just thank the Almighty.
Tomorrow Gerry and I will do things that had to be cancelled today so we could get to ER. Then they have to go home tomorrow evening. Mike and Sandy are flying in from Hawaii tomorrow evening and Barb and Gerry need to move about 40 empty boxes out of the guest room so they can sleep. Its exciting to have Mike and Sandy home for a few days from Maui where they now live.
Having Barb and Gerry here has been such a lift, they are real friends who don't demand anything, help in every way they can, make things shine, food taste good and life have more meaning.
Well now its time to catch up on sleep. we only were up once last night during the night which is real progress, not so sure about tonight, Nan is so tired and so filled with pain.
Good night friends, please pray that God will guide, heal, comfort and strengthen. Also that Carrol's hand will continue to heal and that Carol in N. Carolina will keep her health until she can find new helpers, she is overworked right now, way too much girl.
love to all
tim and nan and barb and gerry
At 11:10 PM,
Anonymous said…
Lets hear more about the donuts! I haven't seen one in weeks. Can you and Gerry shoot a comp in Tracy. Then donut man Gerry could root out the best places here. Maybe even do some taste testing! Come on Gerry you can do it! $%@%^$&(%^&*$%#%&$&*(^&%^%@$%#$(^&(%^#%@#^$%&*^&()^&*(*^&^&*^^^%*(&^&%@#& Sorry I was just fighting with myself. Trying to keep from going out right now in search of you know what. Sometimes food can be over powering. It can really WEIGH you down. yuck yuck yuck @$%@#$^#$%^#$%##$%^#$% Sorry bad joke. Don't worry though, I have a day job and the 6th graders have to laugh at my jokes. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha well at least the A students do.
Can't wait to hear about more of your exciting adventures, minus the ER of course. Should be really enteresting with Sandy and Mike coming on the scene. Enjoy!
May your today be filled with the hope and joy the God wants for all how know him.
At 5:19 AM,
Anonymous said…
Good Morning ~
Now that was an exciting wasted day in ER. Don't you hate it when that happens? It didn't sound like fun at all to me. At least there was no infection this time. Not sure the pain and suffering were worth knowing that though.
Thank you for sharing that darling clip of Jason and Timothy! What a ham.... both of them! Yup! what can I say? They are Mustards!
I hope you have a nice boring day today with little going on like rushing off to ER ~ just boring TV and rest. Better watch that Gerry and the doughnuts. Though I see you made wise choices and had the toasted cheese sandwich on WW bread. Sure beats TPN!
I promised not to complain today. I have no hang nails, dry hands or splitting ends. Hmmm ~ sagging body? We won't go there.
I hope today brings you a measure of joy and peace. Hang in there!
Love and Prayers ~ Carol
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