Bob and Carrol to the rescue
Dear Friends and Family,
Busy day, Bob and Carrol came about noon and sat with Nan for the afternoon and early evening. I drove to Half Moon Bay to see a nice home near the beach and then back to Oakland to shoot a couple comp photos for home I saw yesterday. Then the fun started. Traffic was terrible all the way home and I did not get home until after 7 pm. bob and carrol had hoped to be home before dark but they ended up having to drive the levee road after dark. I feel bad about that. They called from Stockton where they were having a bite later in the evening so i know they managed the levee road safely. Nan has had a decent day with less pain and enjoyed talking to Carrol and Bob.
Now its time to go up to bed. This morning Steve and Keanna came to visit. Steve did some serious work on the front yard with his new power tools and it looks so much better. Keanna helped out inside with her fun ways and personality. Tomorrow I pick her up from school and then she is with us for the night, a sleep over! We can't wait.
We continue to experiment with the pain systems and I think we are making progress. Yet Nan has some pain and nausea, her legs are weak and she continues to run a fever, so far a low grade one.
Tomorrow I am in instead of being in the field. We meet someone from the agency tomorrow morning and I pick up Keanna from school in the afternoon.
We are looking forward to the weekend and some rest time. We are loving the cool weather since Nan does not deal with warm rooms very well. It is a beautiful time of the year and I wish we could enjoy it more with less stress and concerns.
Please remember Nan in your prayers. Oh that she could feel better and enjoy life more like she used to.
We send our love
tim and nan
We want to thank all those who have helped this week with sitting with Nan. Each of you has made a big contribution this week to our lives and we appreciate it.
Busy day, Bob and Carrol came about noon and sat with Nan for the afternoon and early evening. I drove to Half Moon Bay to see a nice home near the beach and then back to Oakland to shoot a couple comp photos for home I saw yesterday. Then the fun started. Traffic was terrible all the way home and I did not get home until after 7 pm. bob and carrol had hoped to be home before dark but they ended up having to drive the levee road after dark. I feel bad about that. They called from Stockton where they were having a bite later in the evening so i know they managed the levee road safely. Nan has had a decent day with less pain and enjoyed talking to Carrol and Bob.
Now its time to go up to bed. This morning Steve and Keanna came to visit. Steve did some serious work on the front yard with his new power tools and it looks so much better. Keanna helped out inside with her fun ways and personality. Tomorrow I pick her up from school and then she is with us for the night, a sleep over! We can't wait.
We continue to experiment with the pain systems and I think we are making progress. Yet Nan has some pain and nausea, her legs are weak and she continues to run a fever, so far a low grade one.
Tomorrow I am in instead of being in the field. We meet someone from the agency tomorrow morning and I pick up Keanna from school in the afternoon.
We are looking forward to the weekend and some rest time. We are loving the cool weather since Nan does not deal with warm rooms very well. It is a beautiful time of the year and I wish we could enjoy it more with less stress and concerns.
Please remember Nan in your prayers. Oh that she could feel better and enjoy life more like she used to.
We send our love
tim and nan
We want to thank all those who have helped this week with sitting with Nan. Each of you has made a big contribution this week to our lives and we appreciate it.
At 10:53 AM,
Anonymous said…
God has answered our prayers for pain relief! I'm so glad you have had some success with pain control. It makes sense that the long acting oral pain control cannot do its job being pumped out of the stomach every 2 hours.
Have a great week end with the Keanna medicine. She should brighten up your home for a couple of days. Kids are so full of life and energy ~ very good medicine for all of us.
What a blessing to have your own personal nurse yesterday with Carrol on the job and Bob as back up. I'm sure they have forgiven you for not getting back before dark.
Back to finishing up today's cottage laundry. I did 5 loads yesterday and 2 more today. Sometime I need to get our own in. I have a lady helping clean this week. What a blessing!
Love and Prayers ~ Carol
At 8:13 PM,
Anonymous said…
Tim and Nan,
This note is from a regular reader, regular pray-er, very infrequent commenter. Your blog continues to be a daily source of inspiration to me.
Lately I've been thinking about the healing miracle in Luke 8--the woman who touched the hem of Christ's garment--in relation to your situation. A couple of points really struck me:
1. This woman had been suffering for a very long time--12 years!-- before she was healed. Good news: A long illness is no obstacle to Christ's compassion and healing power!
2. In verse 48 Jesus tells the woman that her faith has made her "whole" (KJV). Some other versions say "well," but I like "whole" because it is especially good news to any of us who have ever lost a part of our bodies to disease, injury, surgery. In His perfect timing, we will be made whole!
I'm praying for strength, relief from pain, and peace of mind for both of you while you await your miracle.
Happy Sabbath,
Bev Scott
At 9:06 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Tim & nan,
We did so much enjoy visiting with and caring for Nan Yesterday. What a little charmer Your Grand Daughter is. Nan and Carrol had some quality chat time and I sort of filled in when I was needed. Ice & lifting things etc.
Too bad the traffic got You Tim, but We did not mind staying till You got Home. Our Drive home went fine. You need to have that cooling system on the Bug tested and fixed before You do some serious damage to the Motor. May be just something simple like a thermostat.
Be sure to inquire of S.S. about a Medicare Card for Nan. That would be a big help with Insurance premiums.
Sure was nice to finally get to meet Steve, He seems like a Great Guy to have around. He is one busy Man with all the things that He has going on in His Life & work too.
Have a Good Sabbath Day of rest and as always We will be Praying for You Both.
Love You,
Bob & Carrol.
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