Bob and Carrol bring good advice on pain.
Dear Ones,
10:10 and the evening is winding up. We had a rough night with several bouts of pain, then meds and then rest again. We also had fever of 102.3 during the night. By morning it was lower and mid morning nan came downstairs. At 1:30 Bob and Carrol came to visit and we plied them with questions re: pain and how they manage it for Carrol. We got many good ideas which we will pursue tomorrow for possible help with this unmanageable pain. Thank you so much for coming, for the sticky buns, yummy and for sharing prayer with us. I wish you could all know Bob and Carrol, you sort of due to the comments they write to the blog nearly every day. These are dear people who have their own battle with Cancer on their hands, a battle they are winning right now. Carrol rubbed Nan's legs and feet today for which nan was very grateful.
Later in the afternoon Nikki and Keanna came to visit, to play and to feed the hungry ducks. However some of the bread looked too good to be fed to ducks so is in the frig saving me a trip to Safeway. Thanks for coming and hanging out with us this afternoon and thanks Keanna for doing such a great job of lifting our spirits.
I've been working on preparing 2006 data for the tax man.
The great news is: the Fiero is sold. A very nice gentleman who is a Fiero expert, has owned many of them and knows everything about them drove the car and liked it, gave me the full price I was asking and it is gone. We are so thankful first to our Heavenly Father who helped it pass smog, led us to the right person and especially to Steve who was kind enough to list it in Craigs List for one week. We had one interested party and he bought it. For this we Praise the Lord. The front driveway seems so empty now, I think I need to plant a little tree in a planter box or something to break up all that concrete.
We intend to attempt to see our family practice doctor in Tracy tomorrow to see if he will work with us in some of the things we want to try to control the pain. Dr. Makker is a very tender hearted and special man who does both eastern and western medicine meaning he also does accupucture. One way or the other we will do better with this pain, enough is enough. I feel that God led Bob and Carrol to us today as an answer to prayer for advice on coping with the pain.
Sylvia has been active in trying to locate people who could come to stay with nan while I work and she has her hands very busy this week already. We hope to tempt someone to come and be with nan for several hours at least a couple days this week so I can get out and do my work.
We are also beginning the process of finding someone who can come several days a week from an agency to care for Nan on a formal basis. We will make the initial calls in the morning. We will also be calling the Social Security office tomorrow to learn about the benefits that have been granted. Our two visiting nurses come tomorrow also, one for blood draw and vitals and the other for wound care. Unfortunately we are having more flow from the fistula again.
I have included a couple photos of the Fiero as it changed hands. It certainly sold at a crucial time for us financially wise and we are very grateful to those who encouraged us to make it available.
Please pray for pain management for Nan and for God's healing. We both are growing tired as the days go by without relief.
tim and nan
At 11:46 PM,
Anonymous said…
It's 2:30 a.m. in NC and I'm having one of those "I can't sleep" nights! Why? Who knows? Just one of those nights. I don't even have a good excuse, no pain, no meds. to take, no bags to empty. I'm just wide awake~ So, I finally got up to check the blog.
Good news! The Fiero is sold! Praise the Lord! Someone bought it that will love it, take care of it and knows the car. It went to a good home and now you have a few $$$ to work with or maybe appease the IRS a little. I'm sure it was a bitter sweet moment as you watched it drive from sight.
More good news ~ hope for pain control! That's the best news yet. I certainly hope Bob and Carrol's cure will work for Nan. Of course that little Keanna medicine is always welcome also. She can bring cheer into the room for at least awhile.
My prayer is for relief from pain for both of you this week and for someone to come stay with Nan so you can work. Also that the SS check will come through. What a blessing that will be!
Well ~ I wonder if I can sleep now if I go back to bed? I guess it's time to try. Morning will be coming soon.
Love and prayers ~ Carol
At 12:08 AM,
Anonymous said…
What a great day! Congratulations! How does it feel? You know, to be without fear. Yep that's my friend Tim he has no Fear-o yeh! Instead there is a pile of cash and a big expanse of concrete. It is like a miracle.
Enjoy your tomorrow as you go where no one has gone before. Without fear! Hopefully it will be a pain reducing experience as well. Praying for that every day. Something good is going to happen.
At 9:09 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Tim & Nan,
It was good to visit with You yesterday and to share Our Pain Intervention Process with you. It seemed at the time that it took forever to get quality relief for Carrol'spain but with the help of the UCDavis Pain center and Our Dear Friend and long time Family Dr. here in Lodi along with the Cancer Center in Stockton relief was found. We know that Our Lord had a major hand in directing all of these people and for that We are most thankfull.
Speaking of Answered Prayers, The empty space in the Driveway is another testament to the Power of Prayer! Glad to see that the Fiero has found a new home with someone that loves that Model of Car. Over the 50 Years that Carrol & I have been Married I have Sold probably close to 100 Cars, Trucks & even a few Motorcycles of all kinds and it always feels good to see Your "Wheels" go to someone that really wants what You are selling and is willing to Pay a fair Price without trying to shave off $$'s in His favor.
Carrol would like to care for Nan for an Afternoon if that would be a help . she feels like She could do the Nurse things that are necessary and I can take care of anything that might involve lifting ,etc. Would need to be noon to not later than 6:00 as I would rather not Drive the Leve Road after Dark. Tue-Friday would be best this week.Let Us know what day or days would wor best for You.
Have a good day & week ahead and We will be Praying for a quick Check from SS and Quality Pain Relief for Nan.
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