Nan recovering slowly, 2006 taxes paid, friends call!
Dear Family and Friends,
8:38 pm in room 3117, Nan is resting quietly with brief waking moments as the nurse hangs her tpn for the night. Sure more complicated than what we do at home. When I returned about 8 Nan was mostly awake and not liking it much, was feeling pain and her last Dilautid fix was at 4. The nurse said she had turned down a dilautid in between. Right after she got her 4 mg of Dilautid it was time to take the AMN pills, hard when you are awake, impossible when you are asleep. The clever nurse made a slurry of the powder from the pills and a bit of water and Nan took that down easily followed up by several drinks of water from a bottle she held herself, all signs of progress.
Now I have the lights turned out so she can get some rest. Later I will change her tummy bandage which has needed it all day long, I think we may move to doing it twice a day. Right now there is a lot more coming out the little fistula than before, probably caused by the large tumor which is next to it. How I hate these tumors. Take them away and Nan can recover, deal with them and they just keep growing larger taking up more and more valuable space in her little body.
I slept here last night, went to bed about 9:30 in my little luxury cot under two hospital blankets and my trusty breathing machine. I only woke when Nan needed some water as she slept well the entire night only waking when she needed further pain meds. I did not roll out this morning until 7:30, felt good to sleep in and have Nan so close by. I think she felt more secure this way too, so I'm back to sleep here again tonight. Somehow Discovery Bay seems a very long ways away when she is this ill.
This morning I kept an Oakland appointment for a FHA appraisal and then drove back here to the hospital, stayed a while and then drove to DB to pick up the checkbook and back to Brentwood to Ken's office where he had 2006 tax year prepared. It was less than I expected and I gladly wrote a check I would never have guessed I could write due to Nan's diligence in getting her papers filed with the Social Security system and getting the disability check. I still have left toward purchasing the new medicine when Nan beats the staph infection in her blood.
It was a huge answer to prayer that the money would be available to cover last years taxes. The worry about those taxes has hung over me for many months and it is another thing that I can safely say God provided. How I appreciate Kens' hard work preparing these taxes, since we run a business our taxes tend to be much more complicated with extra forms to file and issues to deal with. An amazing fact emerged as we prepared for the tax filing, our medical expenses, airline tickets, hotels, medical bills and meals came to about the same amount as was kindly donated to Nan's recovery fund during 2006. No wonder all our credit cards are maxed out, it cost a lot to live in Boston, to travel to City of Hope, to deal with this terrible disease. Once again God has provided just what was needed.
Today I got to talk to a number of clients but even more enjoyable was talking to our friends and family. I got to converse with Art a couple times today as he made the trip back from Indio to Tracy and now Discovery Bay this evening. He is tired but safe. He had to divert his planned route due to Highway 5 being closed near the tunnel down south. I also got to talk to Sylvia who has just returned from Christian Womens Retreat where she helps with the leadership. This is the wonderful retreat that our friend Pam started many years ago. Sylvia was just checking in on Nan's progress and it was good to get to talk to her. I also got to talk to my brother Jerry as he is in town for a fortnight waiting for the next train north that will need a engineer. Nikki called as she was driving home from work and its always fun to get to catch up with her busy life. I also got to speak briefly to Steve today who was working very hard on a construction job locally. This evening I caught up with Pam and we reviewed Nan's current condition. Pam really helped a lot by staying with Nan on Sat night. How we hated to see her drive away.
Now Nan is waiting for a promised extra hit of Dilautid to calm her painful knee and stomach. I just changed the bandage and the tumor seems larger every day.
So once again I draw this method of communicating to a close. I have discovered that its hard to be alone for hours at a time when facing such challenging health issues for Nan, a call or a visit really lightens the load for a time. Nan took a couple calls today, one from Mary and one from Irene. Although she could not do a lot of talking she could listen and respond a bit and I know she was touched by the calls. We have found that her phone is not holding a charge very well right now so if you have called and not gotten through it could be a technical problem with the phone or Nan cannot respond quick enough, so let it ring a few more rings before giving up. She has to think through what she is hearing and then respond, wrestle with the phone to get it open, all very hard jobs for her right now.
Please pray for staph removal, fevers to diminish, clarity of thought to return and pain reduction. Oh and yes tumor reduction would be nice too.
Thank you my friend for caring enough to read these words and to pray for Nan.
tim and nan
8:38 pm in room 3117, Nan is resting quietly with brief waking moments as the nurse hangs her tpn for the night. Sure more complicated than what we do at home. When I returned about 8 Nan was mostly awake and not liking it much, was feeling pain and her last Dilautid fix was at 4. The nurse said she had turned down a dilautid in between. Right after she got her 4 mg of Dilautid it was time to take the AMN pills, hard when you are awake, impossible when you are asleep. The clever nurse made a slurry of the powder from the pills and a bit of water and Nan took that down easily followed up by several drinks of water from a bottle she held herself, all signs of progress.
Now I have the lights turned out so she can get some rest. Later I will change her tummy bandage which has needed it all day long, I think we may move to doing it twice a day. Right now there is a lot more coming out the little fistula than before, probably caused by the large tumor which is next to it. How I hate these tumors. Take them away and Nan can recover, deal with them and they just keep growing larger taking up more and more valuable space in her little body.
I slept here last night, went to bed about 9:30 in my little luxury cot under two hospital blankets and my trusty breathing machine. I only woke when Nan needed some water as she slept well the entire night only waking when she needed further pain meds. I did not roll out this morning until 7:30, felt good to sleep in and have Nan so close by. I think she felt more secure this way too, so I'm back to sleep here again tonight. Somehow Discovery Bay seems a very long ways away when she is this ill.
This morning I kept an Oakland appointment for a FHA appraisal and then drove back here to the hospital, stayed a while and then drove to DB to pick up the checkbook and back to Brentwood to Ken's office where he had 2006 tax year prepared. It was less than I expected and I gladly wrote a check I would never have guessed I could write due to Nan's diligence in getting her papers filed with the Social Security system and getting the disability check. I still have left toward purchasing the new medicine when Nan beats the staph infection in her blood.
It was a huge answer to prayer that the money would be available to cover last years taxes. The worry about those taxes has hung over me for many months and it is another thing that I can safely say God provided. How I appreciate Kens' hard work preparing these taxes, since we run a business our taxes tend to be much more complicated with extra forms to file and issues to deal with. An amazing fact emerged as we prepared for the tax filing, our medical expenses, airline tickets, hotels, medical bills and meals came to about the same amount as was kindly donated to Nan's recovery fund during 2006. No wonder all our credit cards are maxed out, it cost a lot to live in Boston, to travel to City of Hope, to deal with this terrible disease. Once again God has provided just what was needed.
Today I got to talk to a number of clients but even more enjoyable was talking to our friends and family. I got to converse with Art a couple times today as he made the trip back from Indio to Tracy and now Discovery Bay this evening. He is tired but safe. He had to divert his planned route due to Highway 5 being closed near the tunnel down south. I also got to talk to Sylvia who has just returned from Christian Womens Retreat where she helps with the leadership. This is the wonderful retreat that our friend Pam started many years ago. Sylvia was just checking in on Nan's progress and it was good to get to talk to her. I also got to talk to my brother Jerry as he is in town for a fortnight waiting for the next train north that will need a engineer. Nikki called as she was driving home from work and its always fun to get to catch up with her busy life. I also got to speak briefly to Steve today who was working very hard on a construction job locally. This evening I caught up with Pam and we reviewed Nan's current condition. Pam really helped a lot by staying with Nan on Sat night. How we hated to see her drive away.
Now Nan is waiting for a promised extra hit of Dilautid to calm her painful knee and stomach. I just changed the bandage and the tumor seems larger every day.
So once again I draw this method of communicating to a close. I have discovered that its hard to be alone for hours at a time when facing such challenging health issues for Nan, a call or a visit really lightens the load for a time. Nan took a couple calls today, one from Mary and one from Irene. Although she could not do a lot of talking she could listen and respond a bit and I know she was touched by the calls. We have found that her phone is not holding a charge very well right now so if you have called and not gotten through it could be a technical problem with the phone or Nan cannot respond quick enough, so let it ring a few more rings before giving up. She has to think through what she is hearing and then respond, wrestle with the phone to get it open, all very hard jobs for her right now.
Please pray for staph removal, fevers to diminish, clarity of thought to return and pain reduction. Oh and yes tumor reduction would be nice too.
Thank you my friend for caring enough to read these words and to pray for Nan.
tim and nan
At 10:25 PM,
Anonymous said…
I am so glad to hear that you have completed your 2006 tax return and overjoyed that you have paid the taxes as well! Congratulations! I have been waiting for you to settle your debt with the IRS so I could continue to recieve my military retirement check. Thanks! Now I better file my 2006 tax return so Nan can get her S/S check. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I held out longer than you did. YUC YUC YU wait someone is knocking at my door. OH NO it is the Tax man. Can this be real does the tax man comuth? Yeh but not today! I better get that in soon. Don't want to worry about anything that I don't need to. Hey why don't I just file the return. Now there is a good Idea. I think I will.
I've got to get ready for Avalanche Ranch. Look out the lucust are coming. Don't worry Tim you are not plagued though it may seem so sometime, you are not. Blessings on you and Nan for this day. Sufficient for all needs!
At 11:33 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hello dear ones, What a relief for you, Tim, to get those taxes off your back!!
Sleeping at the hospital in Nan's room is a good idea so you can keep the medical people informed and so you can keep up to date with what they are doing for Nan. You certainly know how Nan "ticks" and now if you could just figure out why those tumors keep growing that would be a wonderful discovery!! And besides sleeping there, it means you don't have to be driving home in the middle of the night.
Sabbath I had to tell children's story and those kids didn't listen. We only had a few (6) and 4 of them could barely walk and my story was geared for 7 year olds. Anyway, several adults said they liked the story so I guess that made up for the kids' not listening.
Tomorrow is our LSV meeting and then we go to lunch afterwards. On Wednesday we are going to Apple Hill, an alpaca farm, and Thomas Kinkade art gallery in Placerville. Kinkade grew up in Placerville. Before we get off the bus I am going to read a little history about Kinkade. We are hoping for no rain...especially while we are at the alpaca farm...such soft and cuddly little animals could turn out to be stinky whey they are wet. I'm thinking of getting Jeni a pair of Alpaca ski socks; they run about $35 a pair and I'm only used to paying $1.99, or less, for a pair of socks!!
Whisper to Nan that I love her and I'm praying for less pain. Have a nice rest tonight. Love, Barbie
At 5:22 AM,
Anonymous said…
Dear Nan and Tim,
Just stopping in to tell you both that you are in my heart, thoughts and prayers daily.
May our God of love and faithfulness cover you with His blessings today; comfort, peace, joy, and healing of body, mind and soul.
Love and prayers,
Phyllis - North Carolina Stranger
At 6:12 AM,
Anonymous said…
Good Morning from our neck of the woods!
What a blessing to get those taxes off your mind and paid! It's DONE!!! No need to carry that burden any longer. Now it's time to start getting ready for the 2007 tax bill while you are on a roll.
It sounds like you did quite well on your "little luxury cot". You went to bed at 9:30 and slept until 7:30. Not bad at all. And you both felt more secure knowing you were in good hands and help was only a few steps away if you needed it. I'm glad you are able to get some rest.
Roger is in Chicago already this a.m., waiting for his brother to join him and head on to Seattle to visit with their other brother who is ill. He now has pneumonia on top of his other problems ~ not good. So, I'm here running the shop. I'll miss his help with cleaning cottages this week. I hope we don't have any major repairs to be done while he is away.
I keep you both close in thought. My prayer for you today is for peace, less pain and suffering for Nan. May you have another blessed day.
Love and prayers ~ Carol
At 9:03 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Tim & Nan,
Good news that the Taxes are a finished Item for the time being anaway.
We will continue in Prayer today for relief for Nan's many problems, She so deserves to feel good again.
Today is "Octoberfest Dinner" at the Eagals Hall. We usually attend, hard to beat a good German Dinner once in a while.
Where did the "Rain" go that those Weather People said was coming? We got about 10 drops last night,If that much! The Ground is so dry We do need some serious moisture. maybe later this week?
Today ia a busy Day for Us, seems like there are to many appointments but We will do the best We can to keep them all. Dentist, Car service , Insurance Man, Lunch & Dinner etc.
Bob & Carrol.
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