Sabbath evening, Nan is finally sleeping deeply
Dear Family and Friends,
Its been a long day for Nan and most of it has been spent in suffering with uncontrolled pain. Turns out we have been taking much more pain meds at home than they will allow in the hospital. We've been giving Nan between 6 and 8 mg of Dilautid every two to four hours. Here they wanted to give her 2 mg every 4 hours and of course it did not touch the pain. The doctor who was on call this morning decided that nan should get 2 mg every two hours but in a shot, not in the IV, well that adds up to about 12 shots a day and nan is not happy about it, that will change tomorrow for sure. Their thinking is that shots given sub cu have a longer lasting effect than IV. What saved this evening was a hit of Adavan and they are willing to give much more Adavan here than I give at home. I give .25 of a ml and they give a full ml here, at least 4 times as much, no wonder she is now sleeping soundly for the first time today. Thats a lot of relaxing, sleeping medicine for her. I am waiting for Pam to arrive and then I am going to go home to rest but I've been calling and no answer. I hope she is OK and not crashed somewhere along the dangerous roads she has to use to get here. Highway 12 and then 4. Not good roads at all.
I left at 7:30 and went to Red Robin for a vegeburger, it was totally good and along with their side salad and some lemonade it was a great meal. Now I'm sitting in the dark in our recliner writing and listening to her sleep. They have hooked up oxygen since her reading was a little low, I think its because she is sleeping so deeply now. She is about to start her second unit of blood and the nursing staff have been adequate today, not as good as yesterday but OK. I have to tell everyone who starts a new shift that her heart rate is normal at 110 and her blood pressure tends to run very low, otherwise they get all nervous and start doing crazy things Nan does not need.
Nikki and Keanna surprised us both with a visit this afternoon. Nan was awake while they were here and even though in pain was very glad to see them and talked with them. Then all too soon they had to go and it was back to just nan and me in the room. If and when Pam arrives she is planning to stay the night and we have a cot here for her when she needs it. She likes to come in late and spend the night with her buddy Nan and of course we are delighted to have her.
We've learned nothing new today but the burst of antibiotics last night and today seems to have driven away the bugs as nan's temp has been normal or below normal all day today.
I slept in to 7:30 and then showered. I called and got Nan on the phone and was so happy to hear her lucid voice. I mistakenly told her I was coming soon but by the time I collected all the things she needs here in the room and loaded up I was much later than she expected and she let me know about it in her typical low key fashion. Then she sent me out on a search for a fan as the room was stiffling hot and she was miserable. Then she wanted non smelly deep heating cream and then she wanted some wash clothes. I don't question, I just go do as I'm told. So I started at CostCo, no fans, only heaters, then cross town to Target, no fans, only heaters, then Longs, no fans only heaters, then I was heading for Ace hardware when Nikki called to tell me the AC was fixed and mom's room was not comfortable so I aborted the trip to Ace and came back with non smelly cream that did not heat up her knee, she no longer needed the 12 wash clothes I got so I did a lot of running for nothing. Oh well I gave the GPS a good workout.
Nan enjoyed talking to Sharon today and we sure hope things work out so Sharon can come visit as soon as things settle down for her. Nan is now weaker than she has been since she recovered in Boston, the tumors are doing their negative thing and her limbs twitch a lot at times although I notice that when she is this asleep there is no twitching at all. I'm so glad she can rest now and I have a blanket pulled up keeping her warm enough in this now cold room.
I have no clue as to what tomorrow will offer in our ongoing saga but I enjoyed talking at length with Karen Cress this morning, then Art and Pam. Talking to friends and family helps ease the anxiety I feel. Sharon was very helpful too but I think she was someone preoccupied with pursuing three little neighbor dogs that keep digging under her fence and getting into her yard. If the little dogs value their life they probably should stop invading Sharons yard, she does have a firm side and they should beware.
Pam just called and had some plumbing issues at her house but is now on the way, sounds awake and chipper so that is good, safe.
For me I think I feel a nap coming on, Nan is sleeping so peacefully finally and I am so glad. When she is asleep this deep she is not feeling pain, yea!
I love hearing how things are in Lodi, N Carolina and other points in the country as people write to the blog, yes even Tracy and Wes are most welcome friends.
Now I'm winding up. It was good to hear from Jason, this has been an incredible weekend for him, seems he is in charge of a lot of events, vespers, Sabbath School, being referee foot ball games in the rain and then campus supervision. We are proud of our kids, all 6 of them!
Seeking your prayers for Nan at this point in her life, where is God leading? What does He have in store?
Sending our love to each and everyone of you reading these words. Please know we care and we appreciate your caring.
tim and nan
Its been a long day for Nan and most of it has been spent in suffering with uncontrolled pain. Turns out we have been taking much more pain meds at home than they will allow in the hospital. We've been giving Nan between 6 and 8 mg of Dilautid every two to four hours. Here they wanted to give her 2 mg every 4 hours and of course it did not touch the pain. The doctor who was on call this morning decided that nan should get 2 mg every two hours but in a shot, not in the IV, well that adds up to about 12 shots a day and nan is not happy about it, that will change tomorrow for sure. Their thinking is that shots given sub cu have a longer lasting effect than IV. What saved this evening was a hit of Adavan and they are willing to give much more Adavan here than I give at home. I give .25 of a ml and they give a full ml here, at least 4 times as much, no wonder she is now sleeping soundly for the first time today. Thats a lot of relaxing, sleeping medicine for her. I am waiting for Pam to arrive and then I am going to go home to rest but I've been calling and no answer. I hope she is OK and not crashed somewhere along the dangerous roads she has to use to get here. Highway 12 and then 4. Not good roads at all.
I left at 7:30 and went to Red Robin for a vegeburger, it was totally good and along with their side salad and some lemonade it was a great meal. Now I'm sitting in the dark in our recliner writing and listening to her sleep. They have hooked up oxygen since her reading was a little low, I think its because she is sleeping so deeply now. She is about to start her second unit of blood and the nursing staff have been adequate today, not as good as yesterday but OK. I have to tell everyone who starts a new shift that her heart rate is normal at 110 and her blood pressure tends to run very low, otherwise they get all nervous and start doing crazy things Nan does not need.
Nikki and Keanna surprised us both with a visit this afternoon. Nan was awake while they were here and even though in pain was very glad to see them and talked with them. Then all too soon they had to go and it was back to just nan and me in the room. If and when Pam arrives she is planning to stay the night and we have a cot here for her when she needs it. She likes to come in late and spend the night with her buddy Nan and of course we are delighted to have her.
We've learned nothing new today but the burst of antibiotics last night and today seems to have driven away the bugs as nan's temp has been normal or below normal all day today.
I slept in to 7:30 and then showered. I called and got Nan on the phone and was so happy to hear her lucid voice. I mistakenly told her I was coming soon but by the time I collected all the things she needs here in the room and loaded up I was much later than she expected and she let me know about it in her typical low key fashion. Then she sent me out on a search for a fan as the room was stiffling hot and she was miserable. Then she wanted non smelly deep heating cream and then she wanted some wash clothes. I don't question, I just go do as I'm told. So I started at CostCo, no fans, only heaters, then cross town to Target, no fans, only heaters, then Longs, no fans only heaters, then I was heading for Ace hardware when Nikki called to tell me the AC was fixed and mom's room was not comfortable so I aborted the trip to Ace and came back with non smelly cream that did not heat up her knee, she no longer needed the 12 wash clothes I got so I did a lot of running for nothing. Oh well I gave the GPS a good workout.
Nan enjoyed talking to Sharon today and we sure hope things work out so Sharon can come visit as soon as things settle down for her. Nan is now weaker than she has been since she recovered in Boston, the tumors are doing their negative thing and her limbs twitch a lot at times although I notice that when she is this asleep there is no twitching at all. I'm so glad she can rest now and I have a blanket pulled up keeping her warm enough in this now cold room.
I have no clue as to what tomorrow will offer in our ongoing saga but I enjoyed talking at length with Karen Cress this morning, then Art and Pam. Talking to friends and family helps ease the anxiety I feel. Sharon was very helpful too but I think she was someone preoccupied with pursuing three little neighbor dogs that keep digging under her fence and getting into her yard. If the little dogs value their life they probably should stop invading Sharons yard, she does have a firm side and they should beware.
Pam just called and had some plumbing issues at her house but is now on the way, sounds awake and chipper so that is good, safe.
For me I think I feel a nap coming on, Nan is sleeping so peacefully finally and I am so glad. When she is asleep this deep she is not feeling pain, yea!
I love hearing how things are in Lodi, N Carolina and other points in the country as people write to the blog, yes even Tracy and Wes are most welcome friends.
Now I'm winding up. It was good to hear from Jason, this has been an incredible weekend for him, seems he is in charge of a lot of events, vespers, Sabbath School, being referee foot ball games in the rain and then campus supervision. We are proud of our kids, all 6 of them!
Seeking your prayers for Nan at this point in her life, where is God leading? What does He have in store?
Sending our love to each and everyone of you reading these words. Please know we care and we appreciate your caring.
tim and nan
At 10:12 PM,
efargusson said…
Our Prayers are with you both. Anne is at Leoni for CWR so she will catch up when she gets home. I am always inspired by both of you.
Ed Fargusson
At 4:08 AM,
Anonymous said…
Good Morning from NC!
It sounds like things are settling down again to a more peaceful routine. It is good that Nan is in the hospital getting her pain level regulated and giving you some much needed rest. It will probably take some time to get the pain under control with different amounts and combinations of the meds.
The concerts went well yesterday. They are doing a lot of 8+ part harmony that is very difficult. Personally I prefer the "old" style better. Even when they are spot on I find it difficult to listen to. It's just me though. I'm simple minded and prefer simple music with lots of heart. They did do a good job however and Roger was exhausted! He does very little talking between numbers now and modulates from one song to another. I do like that part.
May Nan have pain control today ~ if they can't stop the pain source. When she is in the hospital at least you don't have to train new "sitters" and worry that she is being cared for properly. Well, even in the hospital you have to tell them what to do. But at least they have the equipment to take care of emergencies. And you can rest knowing she is in good hands.
I'm off to my early Sunday morning Wal-Mart run. Got to get there before the Mexican invasion.
Love and prayers ~ Carol
At 8:38 AM,
Anonymous said…
Good Morning from Lodi,
We enjoyed the Asian Feast that Bob Tan created for Us Yesterday at His Beautiful Home here in south Lodi. The weather was perfect and the company was good too. About 80 attended. Including Congressman Alan Nakanishi & His Wife, They are long time Friends from the English Oaks Church.We taught the same Sabbath School Class for several Years and also shared Leadership in the Youth Division for several years.
Played Mexican Train Dominos & Tile Rummy with friends till about 11:00 or so between watching the Nascar Race & the Boston/Cleveland Ball Game. Full Day and evening so today it's rest up a bit . Big German Octoberfest Dinner coming up on Tuesday at the Eagals Hall up town in Lodi. It is always a treat and You never go away hungry!
It was good to read that Nan was finally able to get comfortable and sleep soundly. We will pray for more of the same for Her today. Great news that Her Temp is now under control too. The New Blood should also be a big help.
We will plan to visit You at the Hospital on Wed if things work out, will call first before making the drive over to Concord.
Have a Restful Sunday,
Love & Prayers,
Bob & Carrol.
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