Friends gather to help Nan
Dear Family and Friends,
Nan is snoring gently as I write. Let me tell you she deserves her rest tonight, what a day she has had. After finding the large amount of bleeding last night I spent the night sleeping lightly and checking to see if there was new drainage. During the night Marilyn's excellent packing held pretty darn well but this morning Marilyn discovered some ongoing drainage. Sylvia called to say she was coming to visit and help and I asked her if she could help fund the jell stuff which is created especially to stop bleeding, Steve was kind enough to run to the hospital between patients and snagged some of it. So Sylvia arrived with the needed material. Terry however was busy doing work on picc lines and was not able to come until this afternoon. Together they unpacked the site and found massive bleeding and a hole oozing blood that was about as big as a half dollar. It was much larger than what we had seen last night. Terry did her best to stanch the bleeding, repacked carefully and they began to change her gown, change the linen and clean her up. Suddenly a new line of blood appeared across her belly, I nearly fainted, I was so disappointed. Then they discovered the colostomy had failed and was spilling its stinky fluid. Terry does not think it is blood, rather just normal bowel stuff. So they worked hard and got her cleaned up again. All of this was very trying and at one point Terry thought nan might be dying as they worked. However she was very much still alive.
After getting her settled Nan was awake briefly and then fell fast asleep. She has rested most of the time since then. When she does awake her voice is very quiet and she is so so tired.
Late this afternoon I reached Critical Care Home Health to discover that Nan's white count has gone crazy, its up from 13 to 26. I asked them for immediate antibiotics and they called the doctor. However we are not be allowed any antibiotics until next Sunday at the earliest. 72 hours after this morning's last antibiotic Terry will take blood cultures, then two days later if something grows out, only then will new antibiotics be granted. I guess you can tell how bewildered I am with this strange behavior. If we were in the hospital she would be getting three different kinds of antibiotics every day and in a few days the infection would be controlled. Not this time. Our only option is to call 911 and have her transported in a bumpy ambulance to the ER where hours later she will be admitted to a room and then we will face the same doctors we have now. So we are pretty well stuck. Nan has a raging infection which is not being treated. There is a general consensus that mom has a very short time to live. Her breathing is more labored but her vitals are holding strong.
The house has been humming with activity today, Connie has been cleaning, Art doing special projects like removing the battery backup for the office computers and setting up the snow globe Nan and I bought after Christmas last year. Of course it was broken so he had to fix it too but hours later it is blowing snow as cute as can be. Sylvia has been organizing medical supplies from all over the house to great effect. Marilyn has been keeping watch over Nan and Ive been on the phone, trying to do some business, more on the phone time.
So this evening we are finally sitting and relaxing. Pam is on her way from Stockton to visit for a bit and I need to take some pills for a change.
Tonight we pray for Jesus to hold Nan's bleeding in check, for God to do what we can't do, that is control the infection and mostly for nan to have peace in her heart.
What a comfort it has been today to have these precious dedicated friends with us. They have helped in amazing ways today and really helped Nan a lot. I am so grateful for their help. Terry has been a very big help to us and continues to be the person we turn to most for medical issues.
We are all disappointed in the doctors decision today but short of calling 911 we are stuck with it.
Thank you for the 12 messages to the blog today. I have read every one and reread them again and again, soaking in their words and emotions.
So we send our love,
tim and nan and marilyn and pam
Nan is snoring gently as I write. Let me tell you she deserves her rest tonight, what a day she has had. After finding the large amount of bleeding last night I spent the night sleeping lightly and checking to see if there was new drainage. During the night Marilyn's excellent packing held pretty darn well but this morning Marilyn discovered some ongoing drainage. Sylvia called to say she was coming to visit and help and I asked her if she could help fund the jell stuff which is created especially to stop bleeding, Steve was kind enough to run to the hospital between patients and snagged some of it. So Sylvia arrived with the needed material. Terry however was busy doing work on picc lines and was not able to come until this afternoon. Together they unpacked the site and found massive bleeding and a hole oozing blood that was about as big as a half dollar. It was much larger than what we had seen last night. Terry did her best to stanch the bleeding, repacked carefully and they began to change her gown, change the linen and clean her up. Suddenly a new line of blood appeared across her belly, I nearly fainted, I was so disappointed. Then they discovered the colostomy had failed and was spilling its stinky fluid. Terry does not think it is blood, rather just normal bowel stuff. So they worked hard and got her cleaned up again. All of this was very trying and at one point Terry thought nan might be dying as they worked. However she was very much still alive.
After getting her settled Nan was awake briefly and then fell fast asleep. She has rested most of the time since then. When she does awake her voice is very quiet and she is so so tired.
Late this afternoon I reached Critical Care Home Health to discover that Nan's white count has gone crazy, its up from 13 to 26. I asked them for immediate antibiotics and they called the doctor. However we are not be allowed any antibiotics until next Sunday at the earliest. 72 hours after this morning's last antibiotic Terry will take blood cultures, then two days later if something grows out, only then will new antibiotics be granted. I guess you can tell how bewildered I am with this strange behavior. If we were in the hospital she would be getting three different kinds of antibiotics every day and in a few days the infection would be controlled. Not this time. Our only option is to call 911 and have her transported in a bumpy ambulance to the ER where hours later she will be admitted to a room and then we will face the same doctors we have now. So we are pretty well stuck. Nan has a raging infection which is not being treated. There is a general consensus that mom has a very short time to live. Her breathing is more labored but her vitals are holding strong.
The house has been humming with activity today, Connie has been cleaning, Art doing special projects like removing the battery backup for the office computers and setting up the snow globe Nan and I bought after Christmas last year. Of course it was broken so he had to fix it too but hours later it is blowing snow as cute as can be. Sylvia has been organizing medical supplies from all over the house to great effect. Marilyn has been keeping watch over Nan and Ive been on the phone, trying to do some business, more on the phone time.
So this evening we are finally sitting and relaxing. Pam is on her way from Stockton to visit for a bit and I need to take some pills for a change.
Tonight we pray for Jesus to hold Nan's bleeding in check, for God to do what we can't do, that is control the infection and mostly for nan to have peace in her heart.
What a comfort it has been today to have these precious dedicated friends with us. They have helped in amazing ways today and really helped Nan a lot. I am so grateful for their help. Terry has been a very big help to us and continues to be the person we turn to most for medical issues.
We are all disappointed in the doctors decision today but short of calling 911 we are stuck with it.
Thank you for the 12 messages to the blog today. I have read every one and reread them again and again, soaking in their words and emotions.
So we send our love,
tim and nan and marilyn and pam
At 11:38 PM,
Anonymous said…
"They cry out to the lord in their trouble, and He brings them out of their distresses. He calms the storm, so that its waves are still. Then they are glad because they are quiet; so He guides them to their desired haven." (Ps. 107: 28-30, NKJV) Tim, you and Nan are going through a terrible storm right now. I'm praying that in the midst of the crashing waves, you will feel the strong arm of the Lord upholding you and know that He will calm the storm and guide you to a safe haven.
Bev Scott
At 11:45 PM,
Anonymous said…
Well I am pleased with today's blog! Just a few moments ago there was this great burden that seemed to weigh everyone down but now with a little love from some friends. Wala! The burden is gone. Which where it should be. Gone.
Also note that Nan is recieving the very best care that anyone ever has recieved in her situation. Congratulations to all those that have and are participating. Thank you for the care you have given my friend Nan. It is much appreciated.
Oh! And this additional reason for joy. Nan's God. The one who loves her and cares for her each moment of every day. The one who sacrificed his son to secure a forever happy eternity for Nan as well as the rest of us. The one who gives her a much larger portion of courage than the rest of us.
PS Improved my prayer life along the way as well.
At 2:42 AM,
Anonymous said…
Dear Lord, whether we live or die, we are Yours. You have promised to never give us a burden we can't bear. According to your promise, preserve Nan in faith, and strengthen Tim and family as they care for her even as You have cared for us. Keep us in true faith and bind us to You, that we may remain faithful to the end. Amen.
At 2:57 AM,
Anonymous said…
I continue to send my love and prayers for each of you. This old world is only a holding ground for each of us. When He comes, we must all be ready. I pray each of us will think long and hard and make things right with each other and with Him. Nan may out live several of us, this we do not know. We must live today as if it were our last, it may very well be. Make things right today, tomorrow may be too late. What a lesson Nan has taught us all. I challenge each of you to seek Him TODAY.
Know that you are deeply loved and are in the Hands of the Almighty. Give Nan a big hug for me and tell her I love her more. Will call mid morning. I love you all.
At 6:28 AM,
Unknown said…
While Denver is covered white as snow this morning, I can't help hearing the words of Scott Krippayne's song, "Every Single Tear." The words of the chorus in particular:
"He sees every single tear
He feels everything you're feeling
He wants to hold you close
And dry your eyes
Your heart is what He hears
When the world just hears
You crying
No matter what the pain He cares
About every single tear
Overwhelmed by circumstances
Out of your control
Hope can be the hardest thing
To find
When you're like a heart
Without a home
You don't have to face
This hurt alone."
Tim, Nan, Nicki and Jason, you are surrounded physically by friends who love you and are helping and praying for you. But around this old world there are hundreds of us feeling your heart, lifting you up in prayer, and looking forward to the day when we all understand what God meant when He said, "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." (Jer. 29:11)
This one thing I know--God's plan for Nan never included this! However, my God WILL make all things new--including Nan. So, my dear, dear friends, we love each of you, and are sending God's angels to surround you and love you and to specifically hold Nan close to God's heart.
John and Karen Cress
At 6:52 AM,
Anonymous said…
We hold you near in thought and prayer many times a day.
"Do not fear, for I am with you. Do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will uphold you with my right hand.... For I am the Lord, your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear, I will help you" Isaiah 41:10 & 15
"The Lord Himself goes before you and will be with you. He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid. Do not be discouraged." Deuteronomy 31:8
Yes, Tim, He is near you and has given you strength to sustain you during this very difficult time. He will not leave you now. We all love you and our hearts are with you even if we can't be there physically.
Love and continued prayers ~ Carol
At 8:50 AM,
Anonymous said…
We feel keenly connected to You through these electronic lines and wish that there was something that We could do that would provide a more personal touch. For now We will continue to Pray that the Lord will keep His arms around You both and give You strength beyond measure.
We will lift Nan up in Prayer this evening at Choir Practice, Joyce & Glenn will be there too. As We sing of Christ's Birth We will be thinking of His return to restore Us all to Life Eternal with Him.
Thank You to the very "Special People" that are there with You attending to Nan.The support of friends is a wonderful blessing. You are truly blessed with so many of them.
Love & Continued Prayers today,
Bob & Carrol.
At 10:43 AM,
Anonymous said…
You are in our thoughts and prayers
~The LRG Staff
At 11:17 AM,
Irene Wing said…
How we are yearning that Nan will be relieved of all her pain and feel the Lord's loving arms as He embraces her and gives her peace.
God bless you all.
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