Back in the hospital
Dear Friends,
Nan is in her room by now at Mt Diablo / John Muir hospital in Concord. We left about 9 pm after she vomited up watermelon and was very sick. It is now 1:45 am, just got home to Disco Bay and will head to bed until 7 am when Nate and I are set to drive to SF to do two inspections. Nan wants us to keep the appointments that are made already.
Nan woke and vomited at 3:30 Wednesday morning but was able to keep some water, tea and small amounts of food down during the day. She was very low energy and felt bad with a major headache, mostly she just wanted to sleep. Emily Dunston arrived about 10 am and worked like a trooper all day ironing, sorting clothes, doing loads of washing, cooking delicious meals and watching over Nan carefully. Emily did not leave until evening and helped out a lot. She and Sylvia had consulted so were on the same page care wise for Nan.
This evening Art and Connie, friends from Gilroy came to visit and so did Nikki and Keanna. Nan was touched by the attention but felt so badly that she could hardly participate in the conversations. Nikki prepared her some watermelon which has been one of her favorite foods over the last month but after eating about half she lost it all and more. She was so sad knowing that she needed to head back to the hospital but not wanting to at all. It is amazing how much joy Keanna can bring to her grammie even this evening when she was so sick. Nikki and Keanna are like angels when they come in, the room gets brighter and our hearts are lighter as well.
We are all praying for a breakthrough, a discovery of what is making her so sick after a few days of normal eating and drinking, something is wrong and we desperately need to know what it is and to get a handle on it. ER doctor said some dehydration had already set in, heart rate was 122 when we arrived but settled back to normal after she was lying down again. She still has her PICC line so getting the IV going was simple. Nan sent me home before they took her to her room since she knew I had an early call in the morning to head to the city. We both slept a bit while waiting for care. Her spirits are as good as can be expected considering this is the third time she has had to go back to a hospital after a couple days of being away.
Please pray that the cause can be discovered and that Nan can catch another break here. God has led us and delivered us through many dangers so far in the past 3 months and once again we desperately need His help and healing.
Thank you for your faithfulness in praying for Nan. If anyone happens to be free tomorrow to visit Nan it would be nice since I am booked for nearly the entire day out and she wants me to keep my appointments. If you need directions my cell is 925 998 9855. The hospital number is 682 8200 and ask for Erin Mustard's room. I don't know the room number yet.
Regards to each of you and many thanks for your faithful prayers on her behalf.
tim and nan
Nan is in her room by now at Mt Diablo / John Muir hospital in Concord. We left about 9 pm after she vomited up watermelon and was very sick. It is now 1:45 am, just got home to Disco Bay and will head to bed until 7 am when Nate and I are set to drive to SF to do two inspections. Nan wants us to keep the appointments that are made already.
Nan woke and vomited at 3:30 Wednesday morning but was able to keep some water, tea and small amounts of food down during the day. She was very low energy and felt bad with a major headache, mostly she just wanted to sleep. Emily Dunston arrived about 10 am and worked like a trooper all day ironing, sorting clothes, doing loads of washing, cooking delicious meals and watching over Nan carefully. Emily did not leave until evening and helped out a lot. She and Sylvia had consulted so were on the same page care wise for Nan.
This evening Art and Connie, friends from Gilroy came to visit and so did Nikki and Keanna. Nan was touched by the attention but felt so badly that she could hardly participate in the conversations. Nikki prepared her some watermelon which has been one of her favorite foods over the last month but after eating about half she lost it all and more. She was so sad knowing that she needed to head back to the hospital but not wanting to at all. It is amazing how much joy Keanna can bring to her grammie even this evening when she was so sick. Nikki and Keanna are like angels when they come in, the room gets brighter and our hearts are lighter as well.
We are all praying for a breakthrough, a discovery of what is making her so sick after a few days of normal eating and drinking, something is wrong and we desperately need to know what it is and to get a handle on it. ER doctor said some dehydration had already set in, heart rate was 122 when we arrived but settled back to normal after she was lying down again. She still has her PICC line so getting the IV going was simple. Nan sent me home before they took her to her room since she knew I had an early call in the morning to head to the city. We both slept a bit while waiting for care. Her spirits are as good as can be expected considering this is the third time she has had to go back to a hospital after a couple days of being away.
Please pray that the cause can be discovered and that Nan can catch another break here. God has led us and delivered us through many dangers so far in the past 3 months and once again we desperately need His help and healing.
Thank you for your faithfulness in praying for Nan. If anyone happens to be free tomorrow to visit Nan it would be nice since I am booked for nearly the entire day out and she wants me to keep my appointments. If you need directions my cell is 925 998 9855. The hospital number is 682 8200 and ask for Erin Mustard's room. I don't know the room number yet.
Regards to each of you and many thanks for your faithful prayers on her behalf.
tim and nan
At 4:46 AM,
Anonymous said…
SO Sorry! I know it is very hard on both of you right now. Nan has had a break and has been able to enjoy her special family. Perhaps she just isn't ready for the real world and real food yet.
Can you believe I dreamed about Nan last night. She had a beautiful slim trim body and NO TUBES OR BAGS! She did have scars however.
I worried last night when there were no blogs. I even got up at 4:00 a.m. (EDT) to check. Your blog came through about 45 minutes later.
You both remain in our prayers. May God give you peace and healing according to His will.
Love and many prayers,
Carol and Roger
At 5:34 AM,
Anonymous said…
Nan & Tim,
What a bummer! Hope for that breakthrough so we will know what to do next. Remember that God is still in charge and that's the way we want to keep it. Love to both of you. I think Jessie chewed the phone lines again, so call me on my cell if you need to.
Will call later today.
At 8:42 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Mustards,
This is incredible!, seems that somewhere something is being missed by all the Med Staff ! What could it be?., We continue in prayer that the remedy can be found and quickly resolved. Nan so deserves some "feeling good" times.
Take care today Tim and the Lord will watch over Nan and bring Her comfort.
Again , thank Goodness for the good weather that we are being blessed with .
Much Love ,
Bob & Carrol.
At 7:36 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Tim!
We were both former students at Laurelwood ('66-68)and I just happened on to Classmates and read Judy Cates info about you and Nan. I read with utmost sympathy the plight you both are facing.
To that end I am emailing you. Tim, you mentioned the drug Gleevec. You may want to, for your own information and knowledge research You can read the full scope of this drug and it's side effects. It sounds like Nan is experiencing just that. The vomiting and headaches and likely, edema, muscle cramps. The page/link is very in formative and may lead you back to your doctor with questions.
I have not read in total all of your blog, but you both have pushed yourselves to the limits.You mentioned pancreatitus in an earlier blog. Do you have a definitive diagnosis after this much time? I applaud both of you and pray for your well being. Our health is a gift (I thank the Lord every morning when I set foot on the floor that I have been blessed.)
Have you all considered nutritional supplementation to build up Nan's immune sytem? Something along the lines of Natural Medicine. Nan's body can only be stressed to it's max and fighting for nutrients in order to return to health. Bless her heart and spirit. Tim I will look for your email from an earlier blog date and make contact with you all again.
While you may not remember me, I knew you as the voice of Laurelwood Choral. I can only imagine you used that gift throughout the years. God Bless you both.
Warm Wishes
Robina Madsen-Lyons Class of '68
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