Thursday evening in room 3117
Dear Friends and Family,
Its 9 pm here in Concord and Nan is sort of awake just a bit. She has slept most of the day but has not vomited since during the night. She is once again be allowed some liquid food, jello, broth and such. Our new oncology doctor, a lady with a great mind, visited us this afternoon and promised to check out results of the tests done last time Nan was here. Finally some results that can be useful, Nan's stomach and her small intestine are both very slow in their movements and are not keeping up with their jobs. The doctor has added regulan 4 times a day to stimulate both her stomach and intestines to work harder. She is also going to help us get trained to do an IV of fluids at home when needed. She was very helpful and intelligent, a very pleasant person who engenders confidence.
I have been trying to make a buck today. I arrived home at 2 am this morning from the ER, got up at 6:45 and drove to SF to see two properties, we left the city around noon and drove to Concord for a hospital visit with Nan, then at 2:30 we left for the long drive to Oakdale to see a ranch property. Then back to Discovery Bay and then to Concord to be with Nan. Found Nan sleeping and woke her but she went right back to sleep again and is sleeping now. I had hoped to talk her into a walk but frankly I'm not sure I can sell it to her.
So far today she has had no meds, no Gleevec or anything other than IVs and the regulan. So I'll try to find a nurse and see if she can have a jello and the Gleevec, Nan is concerned about missing out on it all day, she is right.
I'm going to go home early tonight to sleep, first appointment is 8 am in the morning followed by two others on my way back to the hospital. We are trying to do a balancing act between work and caring for Nan, so far we have not found the balance at all. Nan is so weak she needs help, more help than I can give by myself, I know something will work out.
Jo, our daughter in law, was able to stop this afternoon on her way back from PUC, mom enjoyed the visit very much, thanks Jo for visiting.
Here comes the pitch, can you please pray that Nan will be healed, that she will feel better, that her strength will return, that she will be happy again. We thank you for your daily including Nan in your prayers, we certainly need them at this time.
Sending our love and family appreciation,
tim and nan
Its 9 pm here in Concord and Nan is sort of awake just a bit. She has slept most of the day but has not vomited since during the night. She is once again be allowed some liquid food, jello, broth and such. Our new oncology doctor, a lady with a great mind, visited us this afternoon and promised to check out results of the tests done last time Nan was here. Finally some results that can be useful, Nan's stomach and her small intestine are both very slow in their movements and are not keeping up with their jobs. The doctor has added regulan 4 times a day to stimulate both her stomach and intestines to work harder. She is also going to help us get trained to do an IV of fluids at home when needed. She was very helpful and intelligent, a very pleasant person who engenders confidence.
I have been trying to make a buck today. I arrived home at 2 am this morning from the ER, got up at 6:45 and drove to SF to see two properties, we left the city around noon and drove to Concord for a hospital visit with Nan, then at 2:30 we left for the long drive to Oakdale to see a ranch property. Then back to Discovery Bay and then to Concord to be with Nan. Found Nan sleeping and woke her but she went right back to sleep again and is sleeping now. I had hoped to talk her into a walk but frankly I'm not sure I can sell it to her.
So far today she has had no meds, no Gleevec or anything other than IVs and the regulan. So I'll try to find a nurse and see if she can have a jello and the Gleevec, Nan is concerned about missing out on it all day, she is right.
I'm going to go home early tonight to sleep, first appointment is 8 am in the morning followed by two others on my way back to the hospital. We are trying to do a balancing act between work and caring for Nan, so far we have not found the balance at all. Nan is so weak she needs help, more help than I can give by myself, I know something will work out.
Jo, our daughter in law, was able to stop this afternoon on her way back from PUC, mom enjoyed the visit very much, thanks Jo for visiting.
Here comes the pitch, can you please pray that Nan will be healed, that she will feel better, that her strength will return, that she will be happy again. We thank you for your daily including Nan in your prayers, we certainly need them at this time.
Sending our love and family appreciation,
tim and nan
At 11:14 PM,
Anonymous said…
Tim, You sound exhausted! My prayer today is that you will continue to have strength to carry on. Nan is in good hands and is being cared for. You need to take care of Tim. Is home health nursing a possibility? She sounds like she needs extra help at home encouraging her to walk, eat carefully, and get her meds. Did you ever have time to check into disability and Social Security for Nan? It should not be a question as to her eligibility.
I'm so glad you have found some answers to Nan's digestive problem. I know it has become very worrisome. We leave her in the hands of the Great Healer that His will be done. We pray for strength, peace and patience for you both.
Continued love and prayers,
Roger and Carol
At 5:37 AM,
Anonymous said…
Nan & Tim,
Nan, I tried to call you last evening but Nurse said you had the phone turned off. I don't blame you. Rest helps cure much and your body is still in need of it. Hope you feel like walking some today. Every step helps.
Will talk to you sometime today.
Remember that we love you both.
At 9:23 AM,
Anonymous said…
Nan and Tim,
I want to mimic the comments of those who have posted before me today. I watch the progress and set backs daily and continue to keep you both in my thoughts and prayers.
It sounds as if the new doctor will be a blessing to you as you search for the solution to the vomiting problem. Perhaps a more soft liquid diet is what is needed if the digestion is slow. I know Nan cannot handle more of a weight loss but that may help.
Tim, take care of yourself physically and mentally because you have also been though a draining few weeks.
My thoughts and prayers go with you,
Sue Muse
At 1:07 PM,
Anonymous said…
Tim, you need to take care of yourself so you can take care of Nan when she gets home. Nan would definitely qualify for Home Health care and they not only have nursing, but also Physical Therapy in the home and assistance with bathing. They can teach you how to do all the IV's using the PICC line. Be sure and ask for it as it has to be ordered by the doctor. The Discharge Planner will set it up for you. The Social Worker at the hospital can help you get started with S.S. disability papers. They are there to help you, but you sometimes need to remind them of your needs.
We Know the Lord will answer our prayers and give Nan the healing she needs and you the strength to carry on.
Love to you both,
Bob and Carrol
At 4:19 PM,
Anonymous said…
Nan and Tim.
I have been following your ordeal through these writings. It is sad that we are so small and powerless that we cannot make it all better.
I've been there, I know the feeling as I fought cancer for 8 years and thank God I came out on top in the end. Went through at least 2 years of pure 24/7 hell. I know this does not help but what I am trying to say is that there ALWAYS is a light at the end of the tunnel.
Tony S.
At 6:01 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Nan and Tim,
The kids and I will be coming by this weekend. Casheena has started her play so I just need to double check the schedule. I am so sorry that Nan is going through this again. My hope is that they are side effects from the Gleevac because of Nan's weekend immunity. But so far anything i have guessed has been the opposite of doctor advice :) Leave it to me to go the opposite of the right way :) HAHA
My deepests wishes to you Nan that you gain strength and the new problems subside. My prayers to you that you gain strength and get watermelon again. And I pray for you Tim, that you will be able to make the right decisions and help Nan in the best way you can. I know you have your entire heart into trying so maybe if God picks the two of you up for just a second and carries you to a happier time.
Love always,
Pam :)
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