Sunday evening - Nan had an amazing day

Dear Friends and Family,
Nan was full of surprises today once again. As I mentioned yesterday that about noon on Sabbath after the first unit of blood was starting to hit Nan seemed to start feeling much better. A number of factors came together which may have had an effect. We rose and went to the hospital in a very weak condition, Nan was in intense pain and on the edge of nausea for the entire trip in. The nurses are so kind and assessed the situation. They gave her another dose of zophram for nausea and in anticipation of the blood transfusion gave her benedryl (sp) and a steriod, then they started the blood. That morning Nan had also decided to add a 25 patch for pain to her 50 which she had just started on friday evening. So she went from 25 to 75 in one day. I talked to God a lot during the hours we were at the hospital seeking His direct healing help, telling Him how nice it would be if we could sit on a picnic bench or a walk through a park and just talk. Seeking His will be done in Nan.
By 1 pm she was much more animated and vocal, sleeping less and talking on the phone to family. Finally they came to take her to the CT scan which went well. We anxiously await the results of that scan fearing new tumor growth. Also compounding our concerns was the fact that the new drug supplier of Gleevec that our insurance company has forced us to use did not keep their word and although they promised to ship Nan's Gleevec on Tuesday it has yet to arrive. This afternoon nan remembered that she had a small supply in her backup med case in her purse so she is set for a few days, thank you Lord for this small blessing.
By mid afternoon Nan was much more alert and ready to rumble, she woke me by mentioning lets go have a banana split on the way home. Considering Nan had eaten almost nothing for the prior 3 days I was shocked and delighted. We planned to drive to Tracy to Sonic but then Nan decided we could make them at home with Barb and Gerry's help. When we got home Barb and Gerry were at the house and we set to work to get Nan settled and banana splits constructed. They were great and Nan ate all of hers, amazing! Then we played train Dominos until 12:30, Nan was still wide awake but I urged her to head to sleepy land. Well we went to bed but she was wired, was not able to sleep for a couple hours and then only fitfully. Finally early this morning she did get some better sleep. For some reason her incision wound is putting out lots of liquid and soaking the dressings rapidly, we long for the wound vac to be put into place which would solve all of that. Soon we hope.
Nan is now on 20 hour TPN so has a few hours each day without being tethered to the bag. She and Barb worked all day sorting clothes and opening boxes in the living room, in fact Nan worked too hard. She also helped with making dinner this evening. We had tostadas with fresh tomatoes, sweet lettuce, good beans, yummy cheese and avocado. So good. Barb and Nikki prepared the food. Earlier this afternoon Barb and Nan drove to Longs for supplies and then Safeway. Nan drove the little cart around and did a lot of walking, well this evening after eating a full meal which included lettuce she did not feel so strong and was resting. She went up around 8:30 with a bit of a sore throat and sort of beat. Yet she was in such good spirits, was upset with herself that she had not accomplished more, 2 days ago she was not able to be out of the chair or bed and was very very tired, the blood helped, the increased pain control helped and her attitude is just wonderful. She told me this morning that she wished she could go to apple hill today, a place we enjoy going each fall where there are lots of farms and orchards and yummy things to eat. Our friends Bob and Carrol are going up this week but I can't break free this week from work since we will be in SF with the surgeon Dr. Warren on Wednesday and back to the oncologist on friday. Plus Gerry had be working so hard today in the garage that I've not gotten my appraisal work completed like I usually do on sundays.
Short story, Nan is much better, feeling better and with more energy and spirit for which we are thankful, she went from 10 am yesterday until 5 pm this afternoon without any new zophram, without back pain. Amazing.
Barb and Gerry have once again worked like mad troopers all day and are so sore they can hardly move. Seems like their visits always bring such hope and help.
It was fun to watch Keanna and Nikki do homework for Keanna's school day tomorrow. She is starting to draw nice stick figures and Nikki found some very neat photos to include. I took a picture of it. Her first homework! at 3 years old.
Steve came over today and helped a bunch with the garage, left his enclosed trailer to pile full of trash. Nikki and STeve found several things that they can sell on EBay or in an upcoming massive yard sale Nikki helps with in Livermore. Nice to see the things get used. We also have a bunch of giveaway items on the street for a charity that is coming in the morning.
We send our love and would appreciate your continued prayers. While it is true that nan is better now we know that life and recovery has ups and downs. We are loving this up and this woman is so easy to love and admire, such courage, such beauty, such a cutie!!
with love
tim and nan
At 3:31 PM,
Anonymous said…
I guess everyone thinks you're doing great ~ no comments today. Well, here's mine anyway!
Been buried in laundry today ~ sheets, towels, shower curtains, rugs. So far I've done 5 loads. I'll be glad when Paulette is back on her feet. The phone has been ringing non stop and people at the door. Oh when will Lakemont sell? It's getting to be way too much for Roger and me.
Glad you are enjoying your "guests". They are probably more like family than family. Friends are so special that know you well, see you at your worst and not only love you but give you a hand to help you up. Thank God for those special friends!
Love and prayers ~ Carol
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