Friday evening in SF
Dear Friends and Family,
Its 9:30 and our day is winding down. We have just been visited by two surgical people on Dr. Warren's team. They were great and had Nan tell the whole story from the beginning of her GIST experience. Earlier we were visited by two urologists who laid out a plan for monday which will include introduction of dye into each side of Nan's system, xrays and CT related scans tracking the flow of liquid. All of this is an attempt to locate where the leak is taking place. Then a plan will be put into place to block or seal the leak. No one is suggesting that the processes are going to be easy or for sure. We certainly would appreciate your prayers in nan's behalf as we move forward seeking a solution. There is some general talk of getting Nan off TPN in the future, speaking of which no TPN has appeared yet this evening, bummer. A little while ago we walked and Nan did great charging down the hallways and I tried to keep up without hitting her ankles with the tower for her IVs.
Her trip over was uneventful, her room is quiet and the nurses are great and very kind. She has had a double lunch and her dinner was not to shabby tonight. She let them know she would like a regular menu, not the strained stuff from Concord. So far she is doing well with the sandwich, the mashed potatoes and the other things like Cheetos she has had. I am about to leave now hoping I still have a car in one piece since it is parked on the street with Nan's wheel chair inside and my suitcase with my breathing machine, hope it is still there. I drove over and met Kathy, Irenes sister who is kindly letting me stay at their home for a few nights. It is relatively nearby and will offer an alternative to driving all the way home tonight.
We hope for a quiet sabbath tomorrow with time to rest and have quiet talks and short walks. We are told that there will be xrays tomorrow but they don't take long at all. Well to all of you who have offered encouragement and urged us to be patient, well we are here and settled in and we are feeling pretty good about this place and the level of concern and care. We have no complaints at all. Thank you for your support over the past few days.
We send our love and seek your prayers yet again for Nan's leaking, for Nan's general health and for Nan's recovery. We are very grateful for God's hands in everything.
tim and nan
ps, thanks for the phone calls, they really help to pass the time for Nan.
Its 9:30 and our day is winding down. We have just been visited by two surgical people on Dr. Warren's team. They were great and had Nan tell the whole story from the beginning of her GIST experience. Earlier we were visited by two urologists who laid out a plan for monday which will include introduction of dye into each side of Nan's system, xrays and CT related scans tracking the flow of liquid. All of this is an attempt to locate where the leak is taking place. Then a plan will be put into place to block or seal the leak. No one is suggesting that the processes are going to be easy or for sure. We certainly would appreciate your prayers in nan's behalf as we move forward seeking a solution. There is some general talk of getting Nan off TPN in the future, speaking of which no TPN has appeared yet this evening, bummer. A little while ago we walked and Nan did great charging down the hallways and I tried to keep up without hitting her ankles with the tower for her IVs.
Her trip over was uneventful, her room is quiet and the nurses are great and very kind. She has had a double lunch and her dinner was not to shabby tonight. She let them know she would like a regular menu, not the strained stuff from Concord. So far she is doing well with the sandwich, the mashed potatoes and the other things like Cheetos she has had. I am about to leave now hoping I still have a car in one piece since it is parked on the street with Nan's wheel chair inside and my suitcase with my breathing machine, hope it is still there. I drove over and met Kathy, Irenes sister who is kindly letting me stay at their home for a few nights. It is relatively nearby and will offer an alternative to driving all the way home tonight.
We hope for a quiet sabbath tomorrow with time to rest and have quiet talks and short walks. We are told that there will be xrays tomorrow but they don't take long at all. Well to all of you who have offered encouragement and urged us to be patient, well we are here and settled in and we are feeling pretty good about this place and the level of concern and care. We have no complaints at all. Thank you for your support over the past few days.
We send our love and seek your prayers yet again for Nan's leaking, for Nan's general health and for Nan's recovery. We are very grateful for God's hands in everything.
tim and nan
ps, thanks for the phone calls, they really help to pass the time for Nan.
At 2:07 AM,
Anonymous said…
Good news! So good to hear that someone is trying to do something. How frustrating to sit in Concord with nothing happening all week. No, you don't have answers yet, but at least you know someone is looking for answers. That's a good start!
Have a blessed day today. Keep up your courage. We're all here praying for you both. Consider yourself long distance hugged!
Love and prayers ~ Carol
At 5:27 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi, Now that things are in motion time will go by fast. Will keep you as a priority in my thoughts and prayers. Talk to you this evening. Love, Sharon
At 9:56 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Mustards,
So good to read that things are moving to a real soulition that will bring Nan back to a more normal state of life. We thank the Lord for answered Prayers.
Glad to read that you have a place to stay that is not so far away from Nan . We will add Your Cars well being to Our prayers. S.F. is not a good place to be left un attended on the curb side. Over the 20 Years that Our Son lived there We had many things removed and broken while parked in front of His House in a "Very Good" part of town.
Have a good Sabbath Your many friends are thinking of and praying for You both.
Love You.
Bob & Carrol.
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