Slow sunday with friends
Dear Friends and Family,
It is 9:23 pm, Nan is settling in after a rousing afternoon of friendship, snacking and some Gin Rummy. Nan taught Irene and Pam but they thanked her by winning. Late afternoon they went to find some Mexican food nearby and Nan rested and talked to Sharon who also wishes she were here but is stuck in beautiful south Texas.
When I got home last night I dealt with the cat box, time to empty its little bin, thank you Pam for this wonderful device, an electric cat box, no it does not stun the cats, just waits until they are done and then combs the goodies out of the litter and into a little bin and then closes a door over the bin, amazing device and it has taken the whole odor out of the house. I love it. Then I sat down and while sipping a mocha wrote an appraisal that was overdue. Then at 11 went to bed and back up at 6 this morning to complete the appraisal and do research for today. Of course one of the MLS boards would not work at all this morning and after a few minutes of trying I gave up and went to a back up source of data. I met two very nice families and very homey properties both with larger sites than others in the areas. First I went to lovely downtown Newman and then cross country on little roads to Waterford. Then more back roads to Taco Bell, then to Highway 99, then to Discovery Bay, empty the tanks on the motorhome, take it back to storage, drive Fiero home, pack needed items, hit the road for Brentwood, pick up meds, drove appaisals off at Jeans and then settle in for drive to SF. Just a bit over an hour and I arrived to find Pam and Irene winding up and getting ready to head home. I walked each of them to their cars and now its just Nan and me relaxing. Mom ate her whole bag of cheetos which I snuck in to her and share the rest of the garden burger with me.
Tonight I stay nearby so I can be here early tomorrow to be with Nan through things she has going tomorrow. Nan is talking to Jason to see if he could come tomorrow but he can't, has appointments and we totally understand how that is. Mom was just trying to find someone to be with me while she is in procedures, she thinks I tend to get emotional, what ever made her think that?
We are really praying that God will guide the doctors as they do CTs with dye and things like that to locate the LEAK. We don't know exactly what to expect tomorrow but while we are apprehensive we are also hopeful. I will blog when I can tomorrow with updates but only when Nan can spare me being away from her for a minute or two.
We sure want to thank Steve for his surprise visit last night. Early evening we got a call from Steve and he and Keanna had just left the zoo here in SF. They came by and Nan got to see Keanna for a few minutes. It was the most wonderful ending to a slow day and we both loved it. Thanks STeve for your wonderful thoughtfulness and for sharing Keanna.
Please pray for Nan tonight. How we long to rejoin the path to recovery! Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers tomorrow as she endures these various invasive procedures. Oh that God would help us in His mighty ways.
Just know, we are OK, we are hanging in and we lean on each other and we really appreciate talking to you. Today Art and I talked for a long time as I drove down Highway 5 and Nikki called mom this morning, Jason this evening and Sharon this afternoon.
We send you our love and thanks,
tim and nan
It is 9:23 pm, Nan is settling in after a rousing afternoon of friendship, snacking and some Gin Rummy. Nan taught Irene and Pam but they thanked her by winning. Late afternoon they went to find some Mexican food nearby and Nan rested and talked to Sharon who also wishes she were here but is stuck in beautiful south Texas.
When I got home last night I dealt with the cat box, time to empty its little bin, thank you Pam for this wonderful device, an electric cat box, no it does not stun the cats, just waits until they are done and then combs the goodies out of the litter and into a little bin and then closes a door over the bin, amazing device and it has taken the whole odor out of the house. I love it. Then I sat down and while sipping a mocha wrote an appraisal that was overdue. Then at 11 went to bed and back up at 6 this morning to complete the appraisal and do research for today. Of course one of the MLS boards would not work at all this morning and after a few minutes of trying I gave up and went to a back up source of data. I met two very nice families and very homey properties both with larger sites than others in the areas. First I went to lovely downtown Newman and then cross country on little roads to Waterford. Then more back roads to Taco Bell, then to Highway 99, then to Discovery Bay, empty the tanks on the motorhome, take it back to storage, drive Fiero home, pack needed items, hit the road for Brentwood, pick up meds, drove appaisals off at Jeans and then settle in for drive to SF. Just a bit over an hour and I arrived to find Pam and Irene winding up and getting ready to head home. I walked each of them to their cars and now its just Nan and me relaxing. Mom ate her whole bag of cheetos which I snuck in to her and share the rest of the garden burger with me.
Tonight I stay nearby so I can be here early tomorrow to be with Nan through things she has going tomorrow. Nan is talking to Jason to see if he could come tomorrow but he can't, has appointments and we totally understand how that is. Mom was just trying to find someone to be with me while she is in procedures, she thinks I tend to get emotional, what ever made her think that?
We are really praying that God will guide the doctors as they do CTs with dye and things like that to locate the LEAK. We don't know exactly what to expect tomorrow but while we are apprehensive we are also hopeful. I will blog when I can tomorrow with updates but only when Nan can spare me being away from her for a minute or two.
We sure want to thank Steve for his surprise visit last night. Early evening we got a call from Steve and he and Keanna had just left the zoo here in SF. They came by and Nan got to see Keanna for a few minutes. It was the most wonderful ending to a slow day and we both loved it. Thanks STeve for your wonderful thoughtfulness and for sharing Keanna.
Please pray for Nan tonight. How we long to rejoin the path to recovery! Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers tomorrow as she endures these various invasive procedures. Oh that God would help us in His mighty ways.
Just know, we are OK, we are hanging in and we lean on each other and we really appreciate talking to you. Today Art and I talked for a long time as I drove down Highway 5 and Nikki called mom this morning, Jason this evening and Sharon this afternoon.
We send you our love and thanks,
tim and nan
At 3:42 AM,
Anonymous said…
Good Morning Tim and Nan,
Our thoughts and prayers are definitely with you today as Nan goes trough the procedures. We pray that you will both be at peace and you will get the good news you desire today. May you feel God's presence with you as you wait and wait for answers.
Love and continued prayers,
At 7:34 AM,
Anonymous said…
Dear Nan and Tim,
Praying that you will continue to lean on each other as you face yet another challenge. Praying that the procedures will provide the answers and solutions you are seeking and that you will both feel the presence and love our our Heavenly Father and His ministering angels.
As Nan so often reminded are "In God's Grip".
Love and prayers,
Phyllis Lytle - NC
At 8:35 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Tim & Nan,
We along with all who hold Nan so dear to Our Hearts will be praying for a most productive day today . May the Good Lord give You comfort and peace as the Medical People do what they do best.
Much Love,
Bob & Carrol.
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