Glimmers of hope perhaps....
Dear Friends and Family,
This afternoon we were able to secure an appointment with Dr. Makker in Tracy. He is a very special person and often has solutions to Nan's problems. We took the email from Boston showing what meds Dr. Morgan had suggested as a possible answer for the nausea. Nan rode in the front seat going to Tracy and we had to sit a few minutes in the waiting room, then we were in to weigh, about 124 lbs and to be able to sit again in the room. Dr. Makker was kind and gentle as usual. He offered accupuncture, he is an expert but Nan reminded him that it didn't help much last time. He looked over the email and explained the drugs that were suggested. He gave us many sample bottles of Zyprexa which is a muscle relaxer, a sedative and can help with nausea. It can only be taken just before going to bed as it makes you very sleepy soon after. The other medicine suggested was Marrinol and he said he could not prescribe it, we needed it to be prescribed by an oncologist. He also pointed out that it is marijuna in pill form. Nan is not to hot on the idea of taking Marrinol. The biggest adjustment came when we told him we were using 100 mg of fantanyl patch to manage pain. He said that the patch can easily be a partial cause of the nausea and we discussed and decided to switch back to 20 mg of oxycontin twice a day like we did last winter. So tonight the patch is gone, the new meds are in. Nan took the patch off late this afternoon and this evening she asked for a toast and chocolate milk and kept them down. She had no feeling of throwing up as we went up the stair chair and is now happily asleep. We certainly can hope that these changes might have a positive effect on the nausea and I can only dream and hope for Nan to feel better. We have not heard from the Concord Oncology group who reads the blood work so no news must mean that Nan does not need a transfusion. We'll see about that.
It was so wonderful to see Nan get dressed in a new velour purple outfit with matching soxs. It is the first time in many days she has left the house or even gotten dressed. She tired quickly and when we left the doctors office she asked to sleep in the bed in the back of the van. I quickly pumped it up and opened the 12 volt heating blanket Nikki got her for Christmas. nan had forgotten about it since I put it in the van right after Christmas day. It worked wonderfully and soon Nan was sleeping, resting and warm and cozy. We went to Brentwood and waited for the prescription to be filled, kept the car running so the blanket would keep working and then came home. She rested most of the time in the car and was relatively comfortable through it all. She complains that I find every chuck hole in the road since the bumping causes her pain. We came home and she changed into a jonny, nightgown in Boston, and watched some TV before eating and then taking her meds. She seems better in spite of being so tired. We hope that tomorrow the wound care nurse can readjust her nephrostomy dressings so they hurt her less.
I worked this morning at home, then did an inspection in Tracy, then back to DB for a few minutes of work and then back to Tracy again. Tomorrow I travel to Vacaville and then Pleasanton before seeing my doctor, Jim Edwards, in Antioch. He treats me so wonderfully and always finds solutions to problems. He will fill me in on the results of the blood work I had done before the end of the year. Plus I am feeling less than ideal today, feel like I am slipping back into the illness I had a couple weeks ago. Hope not as I have a busy week of properties.
I spoke with Nikki and Keanna today and they are having a great time at Tahoe, swimming in the heated pool and spa, sledding in the snow, taking short hikes and I think Keanna even is going to have a lesson at some point. It was nice to know they are doing well and having fun.
We spoke to Sharon in Texas this afternoon and her home has a broken pipe somewhere and every room has water on the floor, plus their weather is terrible right now, sleet and rain. My heart really goes out to her as she battles this new challenge. We are praying for you and for you to find the leak and plug it.
So I feel a little bit more hopeful this evening, my prayer this morning was that God would do whatever and use whatever to help Nan feel better and perhaps that is happening. We will see.
I'm so sorry to be out tomorrow, wish I could just stay home and with her 24/7 but at this point that is not to be. Your calls help and your emails are devoured by nan every day. The time to call or write is not wasted time at all. nan treasures the contact.
Thank you for your compassion and prayers for Nan. And thank you Nan for being the brave and courageous woman you are. I still pinch myself to see if it is real that I've had the honor of being with you for over 36 years. There is no one like you in the whole world and I'm the luckiest man to have you.
love to all
tim and nan
This afternoon we were able to secure an appointment with Dr. Makker in Tracy. He is a very special person and often has solutions to Nan's problems. We took the email from Boston showing what meds Dr. Morgan had suggested as a possible answer for the nausea. Nan rode in the front seat going to Tracy and we had to sit a few minutes in the waiting room, then we were in to weigh, about 124 lbs and to be able to sit again in the room. Dr. Makker was kind and gentle as usual. He offered accupuncture, he is an expert but Nan reminded him that it didn't help much last time. He looked over the email and explained the drugs that were suggested. He gave us many sample bottles of Zyprexa which is a muscle relaxer, a sedative and can help with nausea. It can only be taken just before going to bed as it makes you very sleepy soon after. The other medicine suggested was Marrinol and he said he could not prescribe it, we needed it to be prescribed by an oncologist. He also pointed out that it is marijuna in pill form. Nan is not to hot on the idea of taking Marrinol. The biggest adjustment came when we told him we were using 100 mg of fantanyl patch to manage pain. He said that the patch can easily be a partial cause of the nausea and we discussed and decided to switch back to 20 mg of oxycontin twice a day like we did last winter. So tonight the patch is gone, the new meds are in. Nan took the patch off late this afternoon and this evening she asked for a toast and chocolate milk and kept them down. She had no feeling of throwing up as we went up the stair chair and is now happily asleep. We certainly can hope that these changes might have a positive effect on the nausea and I can only dream and hope for Nan to feel better. We have not heard from the Concord Oncology group who reads the blood work so no news must mean that Nan does not need a transfusion. We'll see about that.
It was so wonderful to see Nan get dressed in a new velour purple outfit with matching soxs. It is the first time in many days she has left the house or even gotten dressed. She tired quickly and when we left the doctors office she asked to sleep in the bed in the back of the van. I quickly pumped it up and opened the 12 volt heating blanket Nikki got her for Christmas. nan had forgotten about it since I put it in the van right after Christmas day. It worked wonderfully and soon Nan was sleeping, resting and warm and cozy. We went to Brentwood and waited for the prescription to be filled, kept the car running so the blanket would keep working and then came home. She rested most of the time in the car and was relatively comfortable through it all. She complains that I find every chuck hole in the road since the bumping causes her pain. We came home and she changed into a jonny, nightgown in Boston, and watched some TV before eating and then taking her meds. She seems better in spite of being so tired. We hope that tomorrow the wound care nurse can readjust her nephrostomy dressings so they hurt her less.
I worked this morning at home, then did an inspection in Tracy, then back to DB for a few minutes of work and then back to Tracy again. Tomorrow I travel to Vacaville and then Pleasanton before seeing my doctor, Jim Edwards, in Antioch. He treats me so wonderfully and always finds solutions to problems. He will fill me in on the results of the blood work I had done before the end of the year. Plus I am feeling less than ideal today, feel like I am slipping back into the illness I had a couple weeks ago. Hope not as I have a busy week of properties.
I spoke with Nikki and Keanna today and they are having a great time at Tahoe, swimming in the heated pool and spa, sledding in the snow, taking short hikes and I think Keanna even is going to have a lesson at some point. It was nice to know they are doing well and having fun.
We spoke to Sharon in Texas this afternoon and her home has a broken pipe somewhere and every room has water on the floor, plus their weather is terrible right now, sleet and rain. My heart really goes out to her as she battles this new challenge. We are praying for you and for you to find the leak and plug it.
So I feel a little bit more hopeful this evening, my prayer this morning was that God would do whatever and use whatever to help Nan feel better and perhaps that is happening. We will see.
I'm so sorry to be out tomorrow, wish I could just stay home and with her 24/7 but at this point that is not to be. Your calls help and your emails are devoured by nan every day. The time to call or write is not wasted time at all. nan treasures the contact.
Thank you for your compassion and prayers for Nan. And thank you Nan for being the brave and courageous woman you are. I still pinch myself to see if it is real that I've had the honor of being with you for over 36 years. There is no one like you in the whole world and I'm the luckiest man to have you.
love to all
tim and nan
At 12:14 AM,
Anonymous said…
Glad to hear the news. All news that in not bad by default must be good, so I am even gladder to hear the good news! Good news on the perscription front with the free samples. I was thinking about the hemp pills that Nan prefers not to take, are there the same negative side effects to the pills that there are to the smoked version of the product?
I take it that the ebay devise that you had mentioned previously, some braclet I think, didn't work out very well for the nausea? Sounds like this recent meds change will do the trick.
Great that you and Nan got out and about, a change of scenery can do wonders for your perspective. Then to have one of your CHRISTmas presents, 12 volt blanket, work out so well. Very nice.
When I was learning to drive on the dirt roads of Texas my dad always commented when I had missed a one of the holes we drove past but with lots of practice I got to where I could get them all. Nice to see that a non Texican can perform this feat as well. Congratulations?!
Love and continuing prayers,
At 8:17 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Tim and Nan,
I really do hope the nausea has subsided some. I got to thinking last night ~ is the med with the Marijuana any different than the Morphine or Opium you have had to take in the past? If it works ~ go for it girl! Quality of life is what you're looking for right now. If it helps you cope with pain, nausea or whatever take it! I know you are not so happy about the connotation, but you didn't like taking Opium either. Remember, most potent drugs are derived from something that has been abused in some way. Do what you have to do for your own comfort right now. Anything that would help would be worth it!
Maybe you can get that transfusion soon and you will be feeling good by the time of your party. Rest up ~ sounds like quite a bash.
My thoughts go your way many times a day.
Love and prayers ~ Carol
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