Nan is having a rough day, please pray.
Dear Friends and Family,
Nan has had to spend most of today resting in bed. Her energy level is low and the nausea level is high, very high. Right now, 10 pm, she is in her recliner with Starr and the evening has not been an easy one for her.
Pam left this morning after only sleeping about 5 hours and working her little hands off. The bathrooms are in great shape, the upstairs curio cabinet is clean and beautifully arranged, it has Nan's creche displays, nativity figures and they are clean and gleam. She did an amazing amount of cleaning while she was here and we have more trash than space in the garbage can. Fortunately the truck comes in the morning to take away the trash and we can start all over again. Pam did baths, floors, numerous loads of wash and a whole lot of other things as well. Nan was so touched by Pam's all night vigil. Thank you Pam and hope your time with Ryan went well today.
We would find a doctor tomorrow for help with the nausea as serious as it is but tomorrow is a holiday. Nan is going to take an Adavan tonight which will help her get some rest and calm the nausea. She has not been able to keep anything down today but fortunately she had clean sheets on the bed so was comfortable. I put new dressings on her nephrostomy tubes and keepers. I need to move the butterfly locks but I'm not that sure of myself to go ahead and do it. Wish I knew what to do.
Thanks to Pam's cleaning the treadmill is now clear so as we go up to rest I'm going to do a few miles on it before turning in. We hope to be able to get Nan on it as well only at a very slow pace so not to rush her, just take gentle steps. Probably not tonight though, she is just too ill.
We've been in all day today, I was writing appraisals and cleaning my desk, Nan has been doing the thing most important to her, resting and getting much needed sleep.
Pam is trying to get an idea of who will be with us for Nan's birthday celebration on the 28th. We are looking forward to having a nice afternoon for Nan and her friends. We hope you can come and join us.
We sure enjoyed having Jason and Jo with us, we hope that Nikki and Steve with Keanna are having a wonderful time at Tahoe. We miss them the moment they drive away and love to see them whenever they can. I know you feel the same about your children, its a special honor having children and a great joy as they grow up and succeed.
Please have special prayer for Nan's nausea. It is growing more serious. We desperately need God's intervention and soon.
thank you in advance for remembering Nan in your prayer time. there is a biblical concept of God not allowing more pressure than a person can handle. We claim God's promises that He cares and loves.
tim and nan
Nan has had to spend most of today resting in bed. Her energy level is low and the nausea level is high, very high. Right now, 10 pm, she is in her recliner with Starr and the evening has not been an easy one for her.
Pam left this morning after only sleeping about 5 hours and working her little hands off. The bathrooms are in great shape, the upstairs curio cabinet is clean and beautifully arranged, it has Nan's creche displays, nativity figures and they are clean and gleam. She did an amazing amount of cleaning while she was here and we have more trash than space in the garbage can. Fortunately the truck comes in the morning to take away the trash and we can start all over again. Pam did baths, floors, numerous loads of wash and a whole lot of other things as well. Nan was so touched by Pam's all night vigil. Thank you Pam and hope your time with Ryan went well today.
We would find a doctor tomorrow for help with the nausea as serious as it is but tomorrow is a holiday. Nan is going to take an Adavan tonight which will help her get some rest and calm the nausea. She has not been able to keep anything down today but fortunately she had clean sheets on the bed so was comfortable. I put new dressings on her nephrostomy tubes and keepers. I need to move the butterfly locks but I'm not that sure of myself to go ahead and do it. Wish I knew what to do.
Thanks to Pam's cleaning the treadmill is now clear so as we go up to rest I'm going to do a few miles on it before turning in. We hope to be able to get Nan on it as well only at a very slow pace so not to rush her, just take gentle steps. Probably not tonight though, she is just too ill.
We've been in all day today, I was writing appraisals and cleaning my desk, Nan has been doing the thing most important to her, resting and getting much needed sleep.
Pam is trying to get an idea of who will be with us for Nan's birthday celebration on the 28th. We are looking forward to having a nice afternoon for Nan and her friends. We hope you can come and join us.
We sure enjoyed having Jason and Jo with us, we hope that Nikki and Steve with Keanna are having a wonderful time at Tahoe. We miss them the moment they drive away and love to see them whenever they can. I know you feel the same about your children, its a special honor having children and a great joy as they grow up and succeed.
Please have special prayer for Nan's nausea. It is growing more serious. We desperately need God's intervention and soon.
thank you in advance for remembering Nan in your prayer time. there is a biblical concept of God not allowing more pressure than a person can handle. We claim God's promises that He cares and loves.
tim and nan
At 8:27 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Mustards,
So sorry you are feeling so miserable! Maybe it was a let down from all the company from the week end. I do hope you feel better today. You did have a very full week end. Just watching Pam clean would be tiring! That was a big job.
May you have a less painful day with less nausea and more peace.
Love and prayers ~ Carol
At 8:27 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Mustards,
So sorry you are feeling so miserable! Maybe it was a let down from all the company from the week end. I do hope you feel better today. You did have a very full week end. Just watching Pam clean would be tiring! That was a big job.
May you have a less painful day with less nausea and more peace.
Love and prayers ~ Carol
At 9:17 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Tim & Nan,
How we wish there was something that we could do for Nan to relieve the constant nausea that She suffers with. There must be an answer somewhere. We will pray for the answer to be found soon.
Our weekend visitors are gone now and We enjoyed many hours of Games & Small talk. Good to have friends to "Play " with. We even dug out the Old standby game of "Phase 10", remember that one ?
It is 22 again here this morning, BURRR Yesterday I took the time to clean out Our Backyard Fountian, Installing New Water, Bleach & for good measure I put in 2 quarts of Antifreeze, ran the pump for about an hour and it realy looks great. Also picked all the Grapefruit & Lemons from Our Small trees and then covered them with old sheets. Fruit seems to be fine.
How are the Tires coming along Tim? & Have You got the furnace going ?
Have a good Day and know that We love You & are Praying for Nan's healing. Re, Party. We are keeping the 28th open so that We can make an appearence for Nan's B. Day Bash. We can not stay for a long time but we do want to be there to wish Nan the best and Meet the rest of Your Family .
Much Love & continued Prayers,
Bob & Carrol.
At 12:51 PM,
Irene Wing said…
Dear Nan and Tim,
It just tears my heart to hear that you are having more nausea and pain. How we are all praying that there are answers to bring improvement and comfort to you soon. Tim, you are so diligent in seeking all the medical resources for Nan. We are so much in awe of your devotion to both Nan and to God.
In my bible study (BSF) on Romans this past week I learned In Romans 8:18 Paul is comparing the future glory to be enjoyed by God's people to their present sufferings, saying that the glory will far outstrip the suffering. Paul also provides a parallel to Romans in 2 Corinthians 4:16-18. "Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal."
Although many of us have not experienced the pain that Nan is going through now, I hope that these passages will bring comfort to you. What I do know is that both of you are glorifying God with your relentless trust in Him.
Blessings and love,
At 8:47 PM,
Anonymous said…
Dear Nan and Tim,
I am praying right now. Rest well dear Nan.
Phyllis, NC
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