What a big day today
Dear Friends and Family,
Nan has made real progress today! She started her day with a broken colostomy bag at 2 am. Kind nurses helped get things in order and she went back to sleep. Doctors told her around 7 this morning that her surgery would be at 11 am. We also learned that her creatines were high, 3.7 yesterday and 3.6 today. We learned that her new picc line is a possible source of infection. Nan has had a number of different kinds of antibiotics today along with several bags of possasium (sp). There is pretty much consensus that it would be good for Nan to eat real food, not have TPN.
Nan was not allowed any water or food after midnight last night and was hungry and thirty this morning. As the day progressed the time for the surgery time was moved later. At 2:10 transportation arrived to take her to IR. Jason was in SF today to visit and school to promote MBA and was able to come over and join us. He came around 12:30 and stayed until about 5:30. It was so good to have him with us and to have someone to talk to when they finally took Nan into IR at 3 pm. She received fairly rough treatment but the outcome was good. This time they did not put her to sleep so she had to endure being on her tummy for over an hour. Shortly after they brought her back to the room she began to search for food. They had saved the sandwich that was supposed to be lunch. She asked for it and amazingly she ate every bite of it. An hour later they brought dinner and she devoured it and had me go to the caf and get her more food. This evening she has had several hot teas, lots of water, cookies, pretzels, you name it and she kept it all down.
Mr. Max Meng came by the room and laid out the plan, if Nan's caloric input is adequate then she will be allowed to go home, that is if all the labs look good as well. In the future we will be having the weekly blood work report faxed to both Dr. Meng and Dr. Bergsland. Hopefully they will be monitoring it carefully so we can keep Nan in good balance.
Nan's mental sharpness improved hour by hour all day. This evening she is vintage Nan and enjoyed reading the email messages and talking to Irene, Sharon, Ronnie (Dana's husband) and especially Nikki who we had a chance to speak to earlier while Mom was in surgery. Keanna talked to Jason and he got such a kick out of it. He is really excited about being a father soon and Jo is doing well with her pregnancy.
As it got dark I walked with Jason over to the parking garage and Jason left for home only to be involved in heavy traffic for awhile on 101. He got home about 8:15 and was glad to be off the road. I'm sure Jo was delighted to have him home safely.
I finally ran out of cash this evening. Day parking is $17, night parking is $15 and that tends to eat up $20s real fast so I was into the change holder in the van to park. I drove the streets for awhile to see if I could find parking but nothing popped up.
Nan may be released tomorrow evening or Sabbath morning depending on a number of factors. They intend to remove her picc line tomorrow and do not plan to replace it so weekly blood work will involve a stick each time. We may get a new one put in just in case.
This day has had tense moments, moments of pain and suffering, moments of happiness and joy and we are thankful that God allowed Jason to make an appointment months ago to be here in the city today. Very nice!
Steve and Loree have been holding the company together and have been very busy. We look forward to getting back and doing our part with the load.
Will you please pray for Nan's leaking incision wound? Her Creatines, the adventure of her having to depend on eating food again?
Thanks so much for your being there and thanks especially to Irene for visiting and for Wes and Bob and Carrol, Roger and Carrol putting such helpful comments in the blog.
Love to all
tim and nan
Nan has made real progress today! She started her day with a broken colostomy bag at 2 am. Kind nurses helped get things in order and she went back to sleep. Doctors told her around 7 this morning that her surgery would be at 11 am. We also learned that her creatines were high, 3.7 yesterday and 3.6 today. We learned that her new picc line is a possible source of infection. Nan has had a number of different kinds of antibiotics today along with several bags of possasium (sp). There is pretty much consensus that it would be good for Nan to eat real food, not have TPN.
Nan was not allowed any water or food after midnight last night and was hungry and thirty this morning. As the day progressed the time for the surgery time was moved later. At 2:10 transportation arrived to take her to IR. Jason was in SF today to visit and school to promote MBA and was able to come over and join us. He came around 12:30 and stayed until about 5:30. It was so good to have him with us and to have someone to talk to when they finally took Nan into IR at 3 pm. She received fairly rough treatment but the outcome was good. This time they did not put her to sleep so she had to endure being on her tummy for over an hour. Shortly after they brought her back to the room she began to search for food. They had saved the sandwich that was supposed to be lunch. She asked for it and amazingly she ate every bite of it. An hour later they brought dinner and she devoured it and had me go to the caf and get her more food. This evening she has had several hot teas, lots of water, cookies, pretzels, you name it and she kept it all down.
Mr. Max Meng came by the room and laid out the plan, if Nan's caloric input is adequate then she will be allowed to go home, that is if all the labs look good as well. In the future we will be having the weekly blood work report faxed to both Dr. Meng and Dr. Bergsland. Hopefully they will be monitoring it carefully so we can keep Nan in good balance.
Nan's mental sharpness improved hour by hour all day. This evening she is vintage Nan and enjoyed reading the email messages and talking to Irene, Sharon, Ronnie (Dana's husband) and especially Nikki who we had a chance to speak to earlier while Mom was in surgery. Keanna talked to Jason and he got such a kick out of it. He is really excited about being a father soon and Jo is doing well with her pregnancy.
As it got dark I walked with Jason over to the parking garage and Jason left for home only to be involved in heavy traffic for awhile on 101. He got home about 8:15 and was glad to be off the road. I'm sure Jo was delighted to have him home safely.
I finally ran out of cash this evening. Day parking is $17, night parking is $15 and that tends to eat up $20s real fast so I was into the change holder in the van to park. I drove the streets for awhile to see if I could find parking but nothing popped up.
Nan may be released tomorrow evening or Sabbath morning depending on a number of factors. They intend to remove her picc line tomorrow and do not plan to replace it so weekly blood work will involve a stick each time. We may get a new one put in just in case.
This day has had tense moments, moments of pain and suffering, moments of happiness and joy and we are thankful that God allowed Jason to make an appointment months ago to be here in the city today. Very nice!
Steve and Loree have been holding the company together and have been very busy. We look forward to getting back and doing our part with the load.
Will you please pray for Nan's leaking incision wound? Her Creatines, the adventure of her having to depend on eating food again?
Thanks so much for your being there and thanks especially to Irene for visiting and for Wes and Bob and Carrol, Roger and Carrol putting such helpful comments in the blog.
Love to all
tim and nan
At 7:37 AM,
Anonymous said…
Good Morning!
You have had quite an adventurous couple of days! Tim with his adventure of finding a couple of cell phone chargers and Nan with her surgery and back to eating food! Tim, think of all the good exercise you got that you never have time for. It sounds like a full time job now keeping Nan fed. Just think ~ no TPN to deal with and so far no nausea. Sounds good to me. If only you can find a cheap place to park you'll be all set. Basic good news today!
I go home tomorrow! It's been good to be here with Linda and family, but I'll sure be glad to be home again. Linda is doing very well except for being very sore from the PT. She can drive and gets around well. She has had 4 months practice on crutches already.
Roger had quite an adventure in cooking yesterday. Someone gave him a plastic container of hot soup so he was holding it by the lid to keep from burning his hands. The lid popped off and sent the soup splashing all over the floor. After cleaning that up he decided to heat some other soup that had been given to him. He took it out of the refrigerator and put it in the microwave. After checking the temperature he decided to give it an additional minute. When he opened the microwave the plastic container had melted and his soup was all over the microwave! About then Taco Bell looked very good. It's good to be needed ~
I hope you have another good day and the nausea stays away so you can enjoy food again!
Love and Prayers ~ Carol
At 12:57 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Mustards,
It's good to read the good news about Nan and to know that there are people doing positive things for Her each day. How great will that be to not have to deal with "TPN" all the time and to eat like a normal person again.(Praise The Lord).
The gentle Rain is a welcome treat for Our parched Yards and the soil in general.
Sounds like Roger needs to have Carol back on the Job, Good to read that Their Daughter is doing well too.
We will be praying that things continue to improve for Nan and that She will soon be home. Let Us know when that happens so We can plan a visit.
Much Love & Continued Prayers for You Both,
Bob & Carrol.
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