Back in the hospital again...........
Dear Family and Friends,
Its 11:10 and I'm going to bed soon. Just got home from being with nan at the Delta Sutter Hospital in Antioch. The nausea was building and building with no relief, her weight had dropped from 130 to 121 in three days, her every waking moment was being pushed by the urge to purge. Interesting how God works things, on Wednesday out of the blue oncology office person called to say Dr. Melynk want to see Nan on Friday at 3:30. So we arranged our plans to be there and by the time we got there it was pretty clear to both of us that she needed to be in the hospital, potassium was low, phosphorous was low, hemoglobin was low, creatins were high. Poor Nan threw up before she got up, after she got up, in the car, in the doctor's office and after we reached the hospital, I just spoke with her and she had gotten all her pills down finally and then 1/2 hour later threw up again but did not lose the pills.
The doctor arranged everything from his office so all we had to do was drive the mile to the hospital and to the 4th floor to her bed. She is in 417B I think, not positive about the room but if you call use her cell phone 925 354 7677 since she has no room phone evident. We settled her in about 6 pm then Nikki called and brought Keanna over to a nearby Chilli's where we had a nice dinner. Nan was sleeping and urged us to meet. As I walked to the table Keanna ran at me and jumped into my arms, you are the best pappa! What joy in a tough day! She talked about lots of things as we ate and made her pasta disappear. Then it was time for them to go home and I went back to the hospital where I stayed with Nan until about 10:15, she was ready to get some sleep and did until her body woke her with nausea again.
There appears to be concensus that Nan is dehydrated. How that is possible when we were putting in about 3,200 ml of fluid is beyond me. Also one of our indicators about dehydration is dark urine and smaller amounts of it, well this time it is running clear and there is lots of it. So out of my confusion I hope to learn what is really going on.
Barb and Gerry left for home around noon today and we hated to see them leave. Yes our cars are shiny including the tires, our counters require sun glasses, they are so bright, the frig now makes sense and the floors are swept, the cardboard boxes are gone so we will remember their time with us, but mostly for the love and encouragement they shared with us. These are two very special people who know how to share the love of Jesus when it is needed most. This has been a very tough week, with nan getting worse and worse and the mail bringing little or no money day after day, its been hard to hold it together, they were a great help to both of us.
The story at the mailbox was different today, just two envelopes but they contained $2,450 and along with the two payments I had already received for appraisals seen this morning the total is over $3,000 for the day. That takes us a long ways toward meeting todays payroll and when Nan opened the checks she just looked up and said, thank you God, just what I felt too.
Nan and I are both glad it is sabbath now, a time when we can set aside work, finances and just concentrate on being together and nice healing thoughts. We have agreed that I will take Keanna to Sabbath School in the morning, then find lunch with her, then bring her to visit her grammy in the hospickle (her word) to see Grammy get blub (blood, her word). It will be a special day.
We received great news today from Bob and Carrol. Her important numbers that have been delayed in arriving finally were revealed and they are even better than last time so no chemo for another two months. We are praising God over this great great news. We may get to see Bob and Carrol tomorrow as they might make the trip over to visit at the hospital. We hope that works out as Nan will be alone for part of the day as I care for Keanna.
We are thankful Sharon is on the mends, Dana is doing cartwheels again, Jason has arrived safely in Peru where he is sleeping in a tent city tonight, Jo is enjoying being pregnant, Steve is finally relaxing after an incredibly hard week of work, Nikki is scrap booking, Barb and Gerry are home safe.
Thankyou for your past prayers and may we ask that you keep on praying that answers will be found for the issues Nan faces right now.
With love,
Its 11:10 and I'm going to bed soon. Just got home from being with nan at the Delta Sutter Hospital in Antioch. The nausea was building and building with no relief, her weight had dropped from 130 to 121 in three days, her every waking moment was being pushed by the urge to purge. Interesting how God works things, on Wednesday out of the blue oncology office person called to say Dr. Melynk want to see Nan on Friday at 3:30. So we arranged our plans to be there and by the time we got there it was pretty clear to both of us that she needed to be in the hospital, potassium was low, phosphorous was low, hemoglobin was low, creatins were high. Poor Nan threw up before she got up, after she got up, in the car, in the doctor's office and after we reached the hospital, I just spoke with her and she had gotten all her pills down finally and then 1/2 hour later threw up again but did not lose the pills.
The doctor arranged everything from his office so all we had to do was drive the mile to the hospital and to the 4th floor to her bed. She is in 417B I think, not positive about the room but if you call use her cell phone 925 354 7677 since she has no room phone evident. We settled her in about 6 pm then Nikki called and brought Keanna over to a nearby Chilli's where we had a nice dinner. Nan was sleeping and urged us to meet. As I walked to the table Keanna ran at me and jumped into my arms, you are the best pappa! What joy in a tough day! She talked about lots of things as we ate and made her pasta disappear. Then it was time for them to go home and I went back to the hospital where I stayed with Nan until about 10:15, she was ready to get some sleep and did until her body woke her with nausea again.
There appears to be concensus that Nan is dehydrated. How that is possible when we were putting in about 3,200 ml of fluid is beyond me. Also one of our indicators about dehydration is dark urine and smaller amounts of it, well this time it is running clear and there is lots of it. So out of my confusion I hope to learn what is really going on.
Barb and Gerry left for home around noon today and we hated to see them leave. Yes our cars are shiny including the tires, our counters require sun glasses, they are so bright, the frig now makes sense and the floors are swept, the cardboard boxes are gone so we will remember their time with us, but mostly for the love and encouragement they shared with us. These are two very special people who know how to share the love of Jesus when it is needed most. This has been a very tough week, with nan getting worse and worse and the mail bringing little or no money day after day, its been hard to hold it together, they were a great help to both of us.
The story at the mailbox was different today, just two envelopes but they contained $2,450 and along with the two payments I had already received for appraisals seen this morning the total is over $3,000 for the day. That takes us a long ways toward meeting todays payroll and when Nan opened the checks she just looked up and said, thank you God, just what I felt too.
Nan and I are both glad it is sabbath now, a time when we can set aside work, finances and just concentrate on being together and nice healing thoughts. We have agreed that I will take Keanna to Sabbath School in the morning, then find lunch with her, then bring her to visit her grammy in the hospickle (her word) to see Grammy get blub (blood, her word). It will be a special day.
We received great news today from Bob and Carrol. Her important numbers that have been delayed in arriving finally were revealed and they are even better than last time so no chemo for another two months. We are praising God over this great great news. We may get to see Bob and Carrol tomorrow as they might make the trip over to visit at the hospital. We hope that works out as Nan will be alone for part of the day as I care for Keanna.
We are thankful Sharon is on the mends, Dana is doing cartwheels again, Jason has arrived safely in Peru where he is sleeping in a tent city tonight, Jo is enjoying being pregnant, Steve is finally relaxing after an incredibly hard week of work, Nikki is scrap booking, Barb and Gerry are home safe.
Thankyou for your past prayers and may we ask that you keep on praying that answers will be found for the issues Nan faces right now.
With love,
At 10:10 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Mustards,
It was so good to see You both again and visit for a while. Your G. Daughter is a real Spark Plug and a Q-tee Pie to Boot!
We made it home Safe & Sound and send You warm greetings from the Guptills. We just finished a good Game of Mexican Train , with Pizza from PaPa Murphys You bake it Yum Yum.
We will pray that Nan continues to improve and that the good Lord will see to it that the Nausea stays under control.
God Bless you Both, We thank you for Your Friendship & understanding. We do indeed have much to be thankful for but were'nt the "Music Days" a time to remember with fondness. What a Choir We will have "When We All get to Heaven" What a day of rejoycing that will be !!
Love & Continued Prayers,
Bob & Carrol.
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