Keanna and Pappa visit Grammy, so do Bob and Carrol
Dear Fellow Warriors,
What a busy day and a day with many blessings! It started with a call from Nan this morning. She called to report she had a good night with only one small bout of nausea, had slept pretty well in spite of receiving two units of blood during the night. Perhaps the Composine and Benydrl helped keep her zonked. She woke with a thick tongue and pretty groggy voice but feeling better. She had breakfast, lunch and dinner and kept all three down. We had agreed that I would take Keanna to Sabbath School in Tracy this morning which I did, then she and I drove back to the house, changed into play clothes, Keanna spent time giving Starr extra love since she seems to have hurt a front paw.
Keanna had selected a place to have lunch, what our family calls the trailer, its a little place on the Byron Highway called the Byron Inn. Great home cooking. Keanna eats there so often she knows them all by name. She had the children's #3 and devoured most of it plus some heavy duty coloring. Then we loaded up and had to come back to the house, I had forgotten my cell phone. Then we loaded again and drove to the hospital to see Grammy who had special guests, Bob and Carrol from Lodi. When they had arrived Nan was sleeping so they quietly sat down and waited, finally Nan woke up and found them waiting. Keanna was glad to see them and they played hide and seek with her, talked kindly with her and helped Grammy enjoy the afternoon. Later we all left so nan could rest. Bob and Carrol headed home to play dominos and Keanna and I headed to her house. She requested apple pieces so we went to McDonalds. Inside she discovered the slide and childrens play area and had a very hard time leaving all the fun a long time later. So about 5:30 we found Steve and turned her back into her parents control. I know why parents are young, they have lots of energy, this child is bright, has an amazing memory, sees everything and teases, questions and is a sparkplug. What an amazing lift after a tough week, to see her stop in the family room and pray on her own for her Grammy to feel better and for Starr to have her foot heal. Nikki had a great day scrapbooking creating pages of wonderful memories for the whole family to enjoy.
After I dropped Keanna off to her dad's custody I drove back to spend time with Nan. She was willing for me to rub her feet, was feeling very good, looked wonderful and had three IVs running in at the same time. Her potassium had dropped to 2.6 when it needs to be 3.5 or higher, no wonder she was feeling rough. Her hemoglobin was 12.1 but I know from experience that the first blood work after a transfusion is never right on. Just like one should suspect any hemoglobin numbers taken when a person is dehydrated, the numbers are always too high at that point.
It is unclear if Nan will be released tomorrow afternoon or on monday. She is bouncing back to health quickly this time with the bolis of hydration being given. The kidney doctor urged us today to include a weight check every day at the same time, saying that such a measurement is the best way to know if the fluids levels are proper or not. At this point no one has suggested a way to keep the potassium in the proper range all the time. That is an important factor in all of this.
We are so grateful tonight for the many prayers we can only assume have been transcending to our loving Father in Nan's behalf. We do not know the future but we do know who does know. We thank Him for His guidance and help for Nan over the past 24 hours. We feel really strongly that God arranged for Nan to be admitted to the hospital on friday afternoon. It was right and quick action has helped her feel better sooner than last time.
I have enjoyed talking with Art today, Art has become such a friend over the years and I have called him late, early and often and he is God's man for me. I also enjoyed talking again tonight with Jo. She shipped Clayton, her brother who lives with them, home to their mothers in Denver and is enjoying some quiet time. She took a knitting class and is well along with her first scarf, the an ardvark that she says is so cute. She has heard nothing more from Jason today. She was having a nice evening with her knitting needles.
Tomorrow I will work from Nan's room doing appraisal stuff which sorely needs to be completed. That way I can be with her for company and yet get work done that is needed for peoples finances.
Tonight we thank you for your involvement in Nan's recovery. We praise God for you and you and you....
tim and nan
ps It sure has been nice to drive a shiny clean car today, thanks Gerry!
What a busy day and a day with many blessings! It started with a call from Nan this morning. She called to report she had a good night with only one small bout of nausea, had slept pretty well in spite of receiving two units of blood during the night. Perhaps the Composine and Benydrl helped keep her zonked. She woke with a thick tongue and pretty groggy voice but feeling better. She had breakfast, lunch and dinner and kept all three down. We had agreed that I would take Keanna to Sabbath School in Tracy this morning which I did, then she and I drove back to the house, changed into play clothes, Keanna spent time giving Starr extra love since she seems to have hurt a front paw.
Keanna had selected a place to have lunch, what our family calls the trailer, its a little place on the Byron Highway called the Byron Inn. Great home cooking. Keanna eats there so often she knows them all by name. She had the children's #3 and devoured most of it plus some heavy duty coloring. Then we loaded up and had to come back to the house, I had forgotten my cell phone. Then we loaded again and drove to the hospital to see Grammy who had special guests, Bob and Carrol from Lodi. When they had arrived Nan was sleeping so they quietly sat down and waited, finally Nan woke up and found them waiting. Keanna was glad to see them and they played hide and seek with her, talked kindly with her and helped Grammy enjoy the afternoon. Later we all left so nan could rest. Bob and Carrol headed home to play dominos and Keanna and I headed to her house. She requested apple pieces so we went to McDonalds. Inside she discovered the slide and childrens play area and had a very hard time leaving all the fun a long time later. So about 5:30 we found Steve and turned her back into her parents control. I know why parents are young, they have lots of energy, this child is bright, has an amazing memory, sees everything and teases, questions and is a sparkplug. What an amazing lift after a tough week, to see her stop in the family room and pray on her own for her Grammy to feel better and for Starr to have her foot heal. Nikki had a great day scrapbooking creating pages of wonderful memories for the whole family to enjoy.
After I dropped Keanna off to her dad's custody I drove back to spend time with Nan. She was willing for me to rub her feet, was feeling very good, looked wonderful and had three IVs running in at the same time. Her potassium had dropped to 2.6 when it needs to be 3.5 or higher, no wonder she was feeling rough. Her hemoglobin was 12.1 but I know from experience that the first blood work after a transfusion is never right on. Just like one should suspect any hemoglobin numbers taken when a person is dehydrated, the numbers are always too high at that point.
It is unclear if Nan will be released tomorrow afternoon or on monday. She is bouncing back to health quickly this time with the bolis of hydration being given. The kidney doctor urged us today to include a weight check every day at the same time, saying that such a measurement is the best way to know if the fluids levels are proper or not. At this point no one has suggested a way to keep the potassium in the proper range all the time. That is an important factor in all of this.
We are so grateful tonight for the many prayers we can only assume have been transcending to our loving Father in Nan's behalf. We do not know the future but we do know who does know. We thank Him for His guidance and help for Nan over the past 24 hours. We feel really strongly that God arranged for Nan to be admitted to the hospital on friday afternoon. It was right and quick action has helped her feel better sooner than last time.
I have enjoyed talking with Art today, Art has become such a friend over the years and I have called him late, early and often and he is God's man for me. I also enjoyed talking again tonight with Jo. She shipped Clayton, her brother who lives with them, home to their mothers in Denver and is enjoying some quiet time. She took a knitting class and is well along with her first scarf, the an ardvark that she says is so cute. She has heard nothing more from Jason today. She was having a nice evening with her knitting needles.
Tomorrow I will work from Nan's room doing appraisal stuff which sorely needs to be completed. That way I can be with her for company and yet get work done that is needed for peoples finances.
Tonight we thank you for your involvement in Nan's recovery. We praise God for you and you and you....
tim and nan
ps It sure has been nice to drive a shiny clean car today, thanks Gerry!
At 6:45 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Mustards,
We are home again and checking the blog. I thought you weren't going to do anything dramatic while we were gone.... I was surprised to hear Nan is back in the hospital! I'm glad she got there when she did and was able to receive help in a timely manner this time. It looks like things are looking up.
We had a whirl wind trip to the DC area this week end. We attened a memorial concert for my mother's sister. It was fun seeing cousins I hadn't seen for about 20 years. Friday night we went out to dinner with the cousins. When we walked into the room it hit me.... Who are all these old people? We are now that senior generation. It's a sobering thought. We drove home today and all is still going ok here.
Continue to take care of yourselves. Keep doing your part and God will continue doing His part.
Love and prayers ~ Carol
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