Dear Family and Friends,
Nan is in incredible pain right now. It is evening and we are in an isolation room. It appears that they have overdone the hydration to the point that her little toe and foot on the left side are in incredible pain. A few minutes ago they came in to take vitals, temp is 103 and heart rate is 158.
I'm writing but things are happening between my words, nurses got the doctor on the phone, tried to give 650 tylenol but we protested due to Gleevec, so they relented and did 325 instead, gave pain meds too to calm down the pain from the toe, lab sent a uncaring person to draw blood, announced she had done lots of these and we told her we had had lots of them done and she needed to use the hand, refused, did the arm anyway, errrrrrr, now Nan is in this cold room without blankets at all covering her, they were going to do ice packs, soon the leviquin will be here and here we go again with messed up GI tract, oh well, a runaway infection in the blood would be worse. Finally she has fallen asleep and I am freezing, I wore shorts today since it looked sunny and I knew I would be in her room on the 4th floor that is always too hot. We almost immediatelly after I arrived they came in to tell us that the msrn bug or something like that had been discovered in her urine and she was moving to isolation ward, its a huge room which is nice but cold with no thermostat available at all. I've been freezing most of the day. I've tried to work but lost the entire appraisal I was working on just when I got it done so have to start over, took two trips to Staples to get ink for my mobile printer, what I had inside was dryed out.
When I got in the car this morning the fix engine light came on. What a nice start to the day.
With Nan so ill I think I will be spending the night tonight in a recliner, hopefully with a blanket and pillow, not good for Nan because I snore when I don't have my cpap machine to help me breathe. I might go home later tonight, will have to see how things work out.
Just helped Nan pull up a bit of a blanket over her and she is more lucid now but said her pain level is pretty high all over. She is drinking water from her bottle which is a good sign and she is making sense with her comments now. I told her I got to talk to Keanna and Nikki before they went to bed and she was very pleased with that. They came to see us this evening and that was so fun to see them both. Keanna does a great job of cheering us all up with her love and excitement for life. Nan really is touched when Nikki drives all the way over here so we can spend a few minutes together. Especially today which has been a tough day their coming was the bright spot of the day for sure.
It is finally quiet, Nan is slipping in and out of sleep now with more pain meds to come shortly. I know her fever is coming down. Earlier Nan was shivering and cold after being warm enough all day in this freezer of a room. So the nurse brought her two warmed blankets and Nan settled in to enjoy them, however they probably contributed to her having such a high fever. In about a half hour they will come and check her vitals again and hopefully we will show progress toward normal. She has been flirting with a fever all day in the 99+ range after weeks of no fevers. So I think we are going to be dealing with a bug of some kind that is growing and threatening her.
Now Nan is awake again, sipping water and gently moaning. If you have not heard your spouse moan in pain with an unknown reason let me assure you it is gut wrenching. This loving with your whole heart is hard work, caring deeply really controls you, grabs you and holds you.
Now the nurse has come in and is giving Nan the Loviquin, her Oxycotin for the night, Zyprexa, Flor something for GI good bugs. While she was here she took Nan's temp. Down from 103 to 99.6, now I am breathing easier again. Nan is resting but counting minutes until she can have Dilotud again. Since she no longer needs all those blankets I have stolen one to wrap around my bare legs. Nikki gave me a girlie sweater when I walked her to the car which I reluctantly took, well let me tell you, now I'm very glad I have it, girlie or not, it is warm and for the first time today I am starting to have feeling in my legs again and my shoulders.
I'm facing a challenge once again. The ongoing balance between care and production. I have several appraisals that need to be completed and emailed out. I am also needing to get out and see other properties yet how can I think of being somewhere else when Nan might need me like tonight. I had hoped to write 3 appraisals today and as of yet have not completed any.
Now Nan is expressing pain once again and no dilotid for another 30 minutes at least. In a few minutes they will take vitals again and I'm guessing the heart rate will be way down also. Sure hope so.
I don't for a minute think Nan and I are the only ones suffering or struggling, I am sharing our experiences because I know you care about Nan, are interested in what she is experiencing and are prayer warriors for her recovery. My sharing also helps me because I am not so alone in what we go through.
So this night must still be experienced and we pray, we hope, we anticipate that we will be all right. I know this is a night that Nan will want to forget as soon as possible.
Back now from rubbing her feet lightly and talking quietly to her. She is better now and I could hear her tummy gurgling, she actually had some solid food tonight for dinner, mashed potatoes.
The doctors had thought Nan would head home tomorrow but now its wait and see.
Well I'm going to wrap up now. Please keep Nan in your prayers as she faces these serious challenges to her recovery.
Sending our love tonight
tim and nan
Nan is in incredible pain right now. It is evening and we are in an isolation room. It appears that they have overdone the hydration to the point that her little toe and foot on the left side are in incredible pain. A few minutes ago they came in to take vitals, temp is 103 and heart rate is 158.
I'm writing but things are happening between my words, nurses got the doctor on the phone, tried to give 650 tylenol but we protested due to Gleevec, so they relented and did 325 instead, gave pain meds too to calm down the pain from the toe, lab sent a uncaring person to draw blood, announced she had done lots of these and we told her we had had lots of them done and she needed to use the hand, refused, did the arm anyway, errrrrrr, now Nan is in this cold room without blankets at all covering her, they were going to do ice packs, soon the leviquin will be here and here we go again with messed up GI tract, oh well, a runaway infection in the blood would be worse. Finally she has fallen asleep and I am freezing, I wore shorts today since it looked sunny and I knew I would be in her room on the 4th floor that is always too hot. We almost immediatelly after I arrived they came in to tell us that the msrn bug or something like that had been discovered in her urine and she was moving to isolation ward, its a huge room which is nice but cold with no thermostat available at all. I've been freezing most of the day. I've tried to work but lost the entire appraisal I was working on just when I got it done so have to start over, took two trips to Staples to get ink for my mobile printer, what I had inside was dryed out.
When I got in the car this morning the fix engine light came on. What a nice start to the day.
With Nan so ill I think I will be spending the night tonight in a recliner, hopefully with a blanket and pillow, not good for Nan because I snore when I don't have my cpap machine to help me breathe. I might go home later tonight, will have to see how things work out.
Just helped Nan pull up a bit of a blanket over her and she is more lucid now but said her pain level is pretty high all over. She is drinking water from her bottle which is a good sign and she is making sense with her comments now. I told her I got to talk to Keanna and Nikki before they went to bed and she was very pleased with that. They came to see us this evening and that was so fun to see them both. Keanna does a great job of cheering us all up with her love and excitement for life. Nan really is touched when Nikki drives all the way over here so we can spend a few minutes together. Especially today which has been a tough day their coming was the bright spot of the day for sure.
It is finally quiet, Nan is slipping in and out of sleep now with more pain meds to come shortly. I know her fever is coming down. Earlier Nan was shivering and cold after being warm enough all day in this freezer of a room. So the nurse brought her two warmed blankets and Nan settled in to enjoy them, however they probably contributed to her having such a high fever. In about a half hour they will come and check her vitals again and hopefully we will show progress toward normal. She has been flirting with a fever all day in the 99+ range after weeks of no fevers. So I think we are going to be dealing with a bug of some kind that is growing and threatening her.
Now Nan is awake again, sipping water and gently moaning. If you have not heard your spouse moan in pain with an unknown reason let me assure you it is gut wrenching. This loving with your whole heart is hard work, caring deeply really controls you, grabs you and holds you.
Now the nurse has come in and is giving Nan the Loviquin, her Oxycotin for the night, Zyprexa, Flor something for GI good bugs. While she was here she took Nan's temp. Down from 103 to 99.6, now I am breathing easier again. Nan is resting but counting minutes until she can have Dilotud again. Since she no longer needs all those blankets I have stolen one to wrap around my bare legs. Nikki gave me a girlie sweater when I walked her to the car which I reluctantly took, well let me tell you, now I'm very glad I have it, girlie or not, it is warm and for the first time today I am starting to have feeling in my legs again and my shoulders.
I'm facing a challenge once again. The ongoing balance between care and production. I have several appraisals that need to be completed and emailed out. I am also needing to get out and see other properties yet how can I think of being somewhere else when Nan might need me like tonight. I had hoped to write 3 appraisals today and as of yet have not completed any.
Now Nan is expressing pain once again and no dilotid for another 30 minutes at least. In a few minutes they will take vitals again and I'm guessing the heart rate will be way down also. Sure hope so.
I don't for a minute think Nan and I are the only ones suffering or struggling, I am sharing our experiences because I know you care about Nan, are interested in what she is experiencing and are prayer warriors for her recovery. My sharing also helps me because I am not so alone in what we go through.
So this night must still be experienced and we pray, we hope, we anticipate that we will be all right. I know this is a night that Nan will want to forget as soon as possible.
Back now from rubbing her feet lightly and talking quietly to her. She is better now and I could hear her tummy gurgling, she actually had some solid food tonight for dinner, mashed potatoes.
The doctors had thought Nan would head home tomorrow but now its wait and see.
Well I'm going to wrap up now. Please keep Nan in your prayers as she faces these serious challenges to her recovery.
Sending our love tonight
tim and nan
At 10:54 PM,
Anonymous said…
Tim and Nan,
That alone feeling is not fun. Just know that God is there - he never leaves you - you are NOT alone. Try to get a little rest and tomorrow is a new day!!
Prayers and love to you both,
At 4:07 AM,
Anonymous said…
Tim and Nan,
I read your progress everyday but do not comment much.
I have not words of wisdom because I know you have heard them all by now. The stamina of both of you is amazing.
I know how important it is to try to balance between the work load and knowing you need to be with Nan, I hope Wednesday is a better day for you both and you can accomplish what you need to do to "pay the bills".
Wishing you did not have to choose.
It is oh so painful to watch someone you love suffer and not being able to do anything medically to help, and then to have uncaring nurses! The care, love and watchful eye you do give helps to keep Nan's spirits up. You guys are a "team".
Hoping for a better day for both of you.
Sue Muse
At 4:11 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Tim,
I hope today is dawning with better news for Nan. I can't imagine what it has been like for you the last year! The cold you are feeling is not just the temperature ~ concern, exhaustion, fear, desperation can also leave you feeling cold. The temperature just accentuates it!
We love you both and will keep you close in our thoughts and prayers today.
Love and prayers ~ Carol
At 7:45 AM,
Anonymous said…
We at Nikki's work keep up on Nan's status, and we will include your family in our prayers.
Nikki's Work Pals
At 9:12 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Mustards,
We are very concerned about Your plight there in that cold lonely place.
We will continue to Pray that the Lord will intervine and bring relief to You both at this most critical time.
We know the Lord is in control because We have asked Him to be but may He give Us all the strength and understanding to accept what He has planned for each of Us.
Be assured that Your vast Prayer Support Team is in Full Ahead Mode Today.
Tim & Nan, We love You both very much and are putting You in the Lord's Hands in Prayer today.
Much Love ,
Bob & Carrol
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