Moving forward
Dear Family and Friends,
Interesting day! It has been so special to have Sharon and Marilyn here with Nan today and last night. These dear ladies slept in terrible conditions last night just so they could be near Nan and Sharon was up with her several times during the night and got very little sleep. Marilyn ended up sleeping under a spotlight which could not be turned off. But she did not confess...
Today Nan has been given a dilautid drip and overall it seems to be doing a slightly better job of dealing with the pain than the prior 2 hour method, certainly a lot less attention from the nursing staff this way.
Marilyn and I drove cars to Discovery Bay today, I worked and cleaned up after the doggies, repaired (sort of) their ramp to the dog run, did some loads of laundry, went through the weeks mail and found $1,800 which the business account really needed badly. I also found a large envelope from John and Karen Cress who pastor the Denver SDA Church. Enclosed with the encouraging words was a large check, give Karen said by someone who follows our saga and wanted to help. Well the amazing thing is that once again the timing is very special since tomorrow it is highly likely I will need to pay a large amount for the new drug, Nexavar since insurance may not cover it. I have deposited the money into the account for the meds in case we need them and tomorrow will be the day when we find out. Thank you friend for your incredible gift. And thank you John and Karen for forwarding it along.
Marilyn collected items Nan wanted like a robe, basic clothes, new pillow slip for her special pillow and other items and then drove back, did'nt miss a turn and made it here just fine to the hospital. I came much later after trying to get some work done. I"ll have to go back in the morning to work more. With Marilyn and Sharon here Nan has someone to be with her and I will try to get some work done that I'm falling behind in finishing.
Now its time to wrap up another day. Nan continues to do well and is making progress on the antibiotic and infection front. When the doctors are comfortable that the infection is managed then she will be released we believe. We just want the safe thing for Nan, no rush. It is such a good feeling to have these two ladies here to be with Nan and to encourage her and help her and listen to her. It seems that God sent them and we are both very grateful for their presence.
Please continue to pray for Nan, tomorrow is a big day with Bayer making a decision regarding the Nexavar, the insurance company making a decision and hopefully we are going to get them very very soon. Then we pray that Nan can experience some relief from these rapidly growing monsters.
Sending our love
Tim and Nan and Marilyn and Sharon
ps I can't get the photos to connect this evening so stand by for exciting photo of roses surrounded by beautiful people!
Interesting day! It has been so special to have Sharon and Marilyn here with Nan today and last night. These dear ladies slept in terrible conditions last night just so they could be near Nan and Sharon was up with her several times during the night and got very little sleep. Marilyn ended up sleeping under a spotlight which could not be turned off. But she did not confess...
Today Nan has been given a dilautid drip and overall it seems to be doing a slightly better job of dealing with the pain than the prior 2 hour method, certainly a lot less attention from the nursing staff this way.
Marilyn and I drove cars to Discovery Bay today, I worked and cleaned up after the doggies, repaired (sort of) their ramp to the dog run, did some loads of laundry, went through the weeks mail and found $1,800 which the business account really needed badly. I also found a large envelope from John and Karen Cress who pastor the Denver SDA Church. Enclosed with the encouraging words was a large check, give Karen said by someone who follows our saga and wanted to help. Well the amazing thing is that once again the timing is very special since tomorrow it is highly likely I will need to pay a large amount for the new drug, Nexavar since insurance may not cover it. I have deposited the money into the account for the meds in case we need them and tomorrow will be the day when we find out. Thank you friend for your incredible gift. And thank you John and Karen for forwarding it along.
Marilyn collected items Nan wanted like a robe, basic clothes, new pillow slip for her special pillow and other items and then drove back, did'nt miss a turn and made it here just fine to the hospital. I came much later after trying to get some work done. I"ll have to go back in the morning to work more. With Marilyn and Sharon here Nan has someone to be with her and I will try to get some work done that I'm falling behind in finishing.
Now its time to wrap up another day. Nan continues to do well and is making progress on the antibiotic and infection front. When the doctors are comfortable that the infection is managed then she will be released we believe. We just want the safe thing for Nan, no rush. It is such a good feeling to have these two ladies here to be with Nan and to encourage her and help her and listen to her. It seems that God sent them and we are both very grateful for their presence.
Please continue to pray for Nan, tomorrow is a big day with Bayer making a decision regarding the Nexavar, the insurance company making a decision and hopefully we are going to get them very very soon. Then we pray that Nan can experience some relief from these rapidly growing monsters.
Sending our love
Tim and Nan and Marilyn and Sharon
ps I can't get the photos to connect this evening so stand by for exciting photo of roses surrounded by beautiful people!
At 11:35 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hey...tell us more about your interesting day on Sunday, Oct. 21.
At 11:35 PM,
Anonymous said…
Was it an interesting great day? Maybe it was and interesting good day. It could have been and interesting horrible no good day. Most likely it was a day with friends and family that took up so much or your time that you couldn't write in the blog. One of those special days that nothing other that the joy of being together happened. That is and interesting day. I know you enjoyed it!
At 8:55 AM,
Anonymous said…
Thanks Tim for telling us about your interesting day. Last night the blog only said "an interesting day" but this morning it tells us more. Sounds like good things are happening. Marilyn and Sharon brought cheer. Today our prayers ascend for help from your insurance or Bayer to cover Nan's new medicine.
It's a beautiful day here. Any chance that you could get Nan out in the sunshine for a few minutes? Push her in the wheelchair?
Hello to Marilyn and Sharon. Have a good day.
Love, Barbie
At 7:03 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hey Tim,
It looks like things are moving forward to get help shrinking Nan's tumors. I hope she is in that % that will be helped.
Today was more "interesting" here than I would like. This last week end our web site was messed up. In checking it out today we find that our domain has expired and was canceled. How can that be? We paid the renewal fee 2 months ago. The host forgot to send in the paperwork on it. They were able to buy it back and now will be reinstated in 3-9 days. In the meantime ~ Lakemont does not exist. This is peak season. I had pending reservations. People are making holiday reservations. We have no business e-mail because it is tied to our domain web site. So, we have been down since Thursday. We won't have as many cottages to clean anyway. We did 4 today.
When I think of what you are going through right now our "problems" seem so petty. We continue to keep you close in thought and prayer throughout the day.
Love and prayers ~ Carol
At 8:09 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Tim & Company,
Sounds like Nan will be needing a bigger room for Visitors. How wonderful it must be for Her to have such dear friends so close by at this very special time. We are all hopeing that the new med will arrive (Covered by Ins) and above all that it will shrink the Tumors rapidly. How wonderful that would be for Nan.
We had a "Grand Opening" of the English Oaks Church "New Kitchen & Fellowship Hall" addition Yesterday Afternoon .It is really something to See, It should be at more than a Million dollars!! The Farimont Church is having an open House for their "New East Side" (Now Main)Entrance Addition this Week too.
Carrol is at band Practice right now and I need to pick her Up at 9:00, Yesterday the Band Played at the Phillips Pumpkin Patch just east of town on hwy 12.
Have a good rest tonight and as always We will be Praying for Nan's Comfort & Healing.
Bob & Carrol.
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