Friday evening, home safe, tired
Dear Family and Friends,
I've traveled a lot of miles since last evenings blog. Up and on the road at 7 this morning for Rancho Cordoba where I found a very well kept home with lovely people, then on to a home in nearby Sacramento which was also well maintained and had a new granite kitchen with stainless steel appliances. Being an hour ahead of schedule I contacted my brother Jerry who lives in Sacramento part of the time. He was in town and we met for lunch. One huge Boca burger later I was once again on the road. My poor car looks terrible right now. Yesterdays trip to the rainy city of Oakhurst included one excursion down a very muddy road to shot a photo of a home which had sold recently, I was all over the road slipping and spinning and the car looks like I've been 4 wheeling. No time to slow down to wash it right now. After I left lunch I headed to Livermore but grew sleepy as I left Sac. I found a quiet neighborhood and a shade tree and slept for a bit. Then I drove to Livermore, Nan's wonderful Christmas gift from last year keeps on giving as it directed me to each address today without fail. The Livermore property turned out to be well maintained with a new furnace system. After shooting the comps then it was time to head to Milpitas where I met up with Jo, Jason, Timothy, Clayton and friends. We had a nice dinner and celebrated Jo's birthday which is actually the 25th and John's as well. Jo got a new Imac computer from apple, from Jason really. She was thrilled. As the evening drew on I sensed I was fading and knowing I had an hour to drive I bid them goodnight. Timothy was in rare form, tired but so very cute, we all took turns holding him and shooting photos.
God has blessed me with 10 appraisals this week, even in good times that is a good week and for this time of year that is nothing short of wonderful. It has kept me busy, so busy I've only had a chance to load and unload the dishwasher, no house cleaning, just open the mail, moan when there is no money and do research for the next day. Now finally a break, a sabbath day to rest and recoup. I plan to begin tomorrow morning at attending church again. With Nan so ill I was usually not able to attend services, sometimes Keanna and I would make it to Sabbath School. Nan missed attending as she loved to learn, to be challenged and to have her faith stimulated. The satellite dish here at home was a wonderful way to enjoy music, preaching, worship services and she often asked if we could do that.
So this week I have worked and enjoyed the comments to the blog. I read each one and can picture the person writing, I can see Laurie as she writes checks to pay bills and wonders where the rest of the bills will get paid, I can see Wes as he exhorts me to some new thinking, Bob and Carrol with their arms folded enjoying a moment after their meal at the Center, I can see Richard, fellow GISTer and editor of the newspaper in Hilo folding his umbrella and longing for sunshine. Through the magic of this blog I am transported into each of these lives and reminded of better times in the past and better days ahead I guess.
I can report that several appraisals were paid for today which helps allow me to in turn to cover payroll and data, supplies etc. My biggest hurdle right now is the AMEX. We have used the AMEX card for our business and travel expenses for the last 20 years. This year we have not been able to get it paid off. They have been extremely patient but finally their computer turned it over to a collections firm. Well there is one person there that is not patient or kind. I now have until the end of the month to pay the entire amount of over $6,000 or a ding will go against my credit,a guess it is a pretty serious ding. I have explained that there is a life insurance payment coming but I cannot control when it will be processed, I'm sure it won't be by the end of the year. So that is sort of on my mind. When the payment comes it will bring everything up to date payment wise and I can repay amounts I have borrowed to survive this past 15 months. I can't honestly say I am losing sleep over this, in the past months I've had so much larger issues to lose sleep over that money no longer holds the power. Sleep is just too precious anymore. I'm praying that some means will open so I can save the account, they have already issued a new card to be sent when the past due amount is paid up, they want to continue to do business with me and my company but they have run out of time, so it is an interesting situation. I especially appreciated the comments today from divatobe regarding the Lord coming through at crucial times. As you know faithful reader that Nan and I have experienced that over and over during the past year or so.
I'm looking forward to seeing Nikki, Steve and Keanna. It seems like forever since I saw them last and it will be so fun to get warm, be relaxed and catch up on some reading and ocean watching. It is my fervent hope that they are having a great time in Kona.
Tonight I feel that I have much to be thankful for. I have great memories, years of shared wisdom to guide me and an opportunity to take better care of myself and be ready for what God has in store. I love my family and I love each one of you. Your cards now fill a small box and I sift through them and read them and treasure them, some of the cards even had checks in them and I'll be getting personal letters written to you thanking you for your help.
Tonight my dogs are happy. I finally brought them some new treats and wow was that ever met with excitement. I'm ready for whatever treats God has in store, I think we call them blessings.
Tonight my prayers go to the precious Ahn family as they face this challenging time of loss and I also am praying for Clair who is recovering from serious carotid surgery. I am thinking of Irene as well, our precious GISTer who blesses everyone all the time. She needs God's special healing now.
Good night or morning my friends,
I've traveled a lot of miles since last evenings blog. Up and on the road at 7 this morning for Rancho Cordoba where I found a very well kept home with lovely people, then on to a home in nearby Sacramento which was also well maintained and had a new granite kitchen with stainless steel appliances. Being an hour ahead of schedule I contacted my brother Jerry who lives in Sacramento part of the time. He was in town and we met for lunch. One huge Boca burger later I was once again on the road. My poor car looks terrible right now. Yesterdays trip to the rainy city of Oakhurst included one excursion down a very muddy road to shot a photo of a home which had sold recently, I was all over the road slipping and spinning and the car looks like I've been 4 wheeling. No time to slow down to wash it right now. After I left lunch I headed to Livermore but grew sleepy as I left Sac. I found a quiet neighborhood and a shade tree and slept for a bit. Then I drove to Livermore, Nan's wonderful Christmas gift from last year keeps on giving as it directed me to each address today without fail. The Livermore property turned out to be well maintained with a new furnace system. After shooting the comps then it was time to head to Milpitas where I met up with Jo, Jason, Timothy, Clayton and friends. We had a nice dinner and celebrated Jo's birthday which is actually the 25th and John's as well. Jo got a new Imac computer from apple, from Jason really. She was thrilled. As the evening drew on I sensed I was fading and knowing I had an hour to drive I bid them goodnight. Timothy was in rare form, tired but so very cute, we all took turns holding him and shooting photos.
God has blessed me with 10 appraisals this week, even in good times that is a good week and for this time of year that is nothing short of wonderful. It has kept me busy, so busy I've only had a chance to load and unload the dishwasher, no house cleaning, just open the mail, moan when there is no money and do research for the next day. Now finally a break, a sabbath day to rest and recoup. I plan to begin tomorrow morning at attending church again. With Nan so ill I was usually not able to attend services, sometimes Keanna and I would make it to Sabbath School. Nan missed attending as she loved to learn, to be challenged and to have her faith stimulated. The satellite dish here at home was a wonderful way to enjoy music, preaching, worship services and she often asked if we could do that.
So this week I have worked and enjoyed the comments to the blog. I read each one and can picture the person writing, I can see Laurie as she writes checks to pay bills and wonders where the rest of the bills will get paid, I can see Wes as he exhorts me to some new thinking, Bob and Carrol with their arms folded enjoying a moment after their meal at the Center, I can see Richard, fellow GISTer and editor of the newspaper in Hilo folding his umbrella and longing for sunshine. Through the magic of this blog I am transported into each of these lives and reminded of better times in the past and better days ahead I guess.
I can report that several appraisals were paid for today which helps allow me to in turn to cover payroll and data, supplies etc. My biggest hurdle right now is the AMEX. We have used the AMEX card for our business and travel expenses for the last 20 years. This year we have not been able to get it paid off. They have been extremely patient but finally their computer turned it over to a collections firm. Well there is one person there that is not patient or kind. I now have until the end of the month to pay the entire amount of over $6,000 or a ding will go against my credit,a guess it is a pretty serious ding. I have explained that there is a life insurance payment coming but I cannot control when it will be processed, I'm sure it won't be by the end of the year. So that is sort of on my mind. When the payment comes it will bring everything up to date payment wise and I can repay amounts I have borrowed to survive this past 15 months. I can't honestly say I am losing sleep over this, in the past months I've had so much larger issues to lose sleep over that money no longer holds the power. Sleep is just too precious anymore. I'm praying that some means will open so I can save the account, they have already issued a new card to be sent when the past due amount is paid up, they want to continue to do business with me and my company but they have run out of time, so it is an interesting situation. I especially appreciated the comments today from divatobe regarding the Lord coming through at crucial times. As you know faithful reader that Nan and I have experienced that over and over during the past year or so.
I'm looking forward to seeing Nikki, Steve and Keanna. It seems like forever since I saw them last and it will be so fun to get warm, be relaxed and catch up on some reading and ocean watching. It is my fervent hope that they are having a great time in Kona.
Tonight I feel that I have much to be thankful for. I have great memories, years of shared wisdom to guide me and an opportunity to take better care of myself and be ready for what God has in store. I love my family and I love each one of you. Your cards now fill a small box and I sift through them and read them and treasure them, some of the cards even had checks in them and I'll be getting personal letters written to you thanking you for your help.
Tonight my dogs are happy. I finally brought them some new treats and wow was that ever met with excitement. I'm ready for whatever treats God has in store, I think we call them blessings.
Tonight my prayers go to the precious Ahn family as they face this challenging time of loss and I also am praying for Clair who is recovering from serious carotid surgery. I am thinking of Irene as well, our precious GISTer who blesses everyone all the time. She needs God's special healing now.
Good night or morning my friends,
At 4:24 AM,
Anonymous said…
Good Morning from NC...
It's beginning to look a lot like a good day for you today. You will be back in the routine of going to church, worshiping with friends, and enjoying fellowship with God and friends. That all helps with healing. Don't be surprised if the tears begin to flow at strange times though.
What a busy week you had ~ another blessing not only monetary but filling your time. And the COD's help a lot with no waiting for the checks in the mail to come in.
For us, the next few days will be filled with Christmas parties and getting together with friends. It's a busy time of year, but a special time. I love the Christmas season with it's good feelings of joy, peace and good will toward men. For me it's a time to forget the troubles of the world and remember the gift of Jesus and that He will be coming soon. "This world is not my home...I'm just a pilgrim here."
Tim, we think of you often and pray that you will find more healing basking in the warm sunshine of Hawaii and being with family! I too appreciate your honesty about your feelings. It's ok to hurt, feel lonely and even not feel like praying at times. God understands, He is there for you and will bring you the peace and healing that you need.
Have a good day!
Love and prayers ~ Carol
At 6:01 AM,
Anonymous said…
Tim, It is early Sabbath morning for you people in CA.We folks in Texas move a little faster. Of all the appointments you have had this week, today's is the most important. You have a vital appointment with God and I don't expect you to dilly-dally around and be late. If we expect God to be there for us, I think we should be there for Him, and He has never been late for us.
I trust we all will have a safe and restful Sabbath. Hang in there, love to all the kids.
Love you all,
At 9:13 AM,
Anonymous said…
Good Morning from Chilly Lodi,
Temp got down to 29 last night and things are covered with frost this morning.
We hope to have a restful Sabbath day and Pray that You will have the same.
This Evening there is a Hand Bell Choir giving a program at the Farimont Church. We will be there for a while at least, Sometimes Hand Bells can be a "one way sound"
I'm sure You know what I'm refering to.
Let Me know when would be a good time for Me to pick up the ramps and I will drive over to get them out of Your way. Do You remember where We put the Box for the Tracks? (East Side Garage wall Center bottom). If You are going to be around Lodi maybe We could hook up for lunch and You could bring them with You one at a time?
Have a good day,
Love & Prayers,
Bob & Carrol.
At 10:33 PM,
Anonymous said…
As I am writing late on this BLOG I can vouch for Tim's start to Saturday. He was at church and was in good spirits. Still visibly sad but standing up visiting with friends connecting to the events around him. It will be a long time before we see him without the black arm band on his heart. There was a strong bond between he and Nan that increased during her struggles and reached complete one ness during the last days. He is like a baby trying to walk again. For many years he has not had a life of his own so this will have to be learned again and we can help. Just staying connected is a plus, a card, note or letter is a plus/plus. Phone calls and a hand to hold on to and maybe a hug or two will go a long long way towards helping our friend to learn to walk on his own again.
The journey continues and as always we get by with a little help from our friends!
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