Monday evening - positive action is taking place
Dear Friends and Family,
Nan is once again sleeping but a lot is taking place right now. Our beloved nurse is bringing in IV pumps to handle all the things they are about to do for her. It has become clear that she has a PH which is upside down. Something called acidophus (sp). They are bringing in IV bags of TPN for nutrition, bicarbonate for the PH and several other things that I don't even know about yet. He said he would need three pumps to handle everything.
Dr. Robert Davies, a nephrologist, came by this evening and gave Nan a good physical once over, looked in her eyes, listened to her chest and lungs, her tummy sounds, commented on her higher than normal rate of breathing which he says is associated with the wrong PH levels. Now we are seeing the results of his visit, big time action. He was a real confidence builder to me. Answered questions, listened to my concerns and laid out a plan of action. He said Nan will feel a lot better in the next couple days.
Since arriving Nan has been mostly asleep but not all the time. She says she feels slightly better than yesterday and even humored me by getting up and walking after trying every argument in the book not to. Her baby blues do not cause me to sway from the right thing to do anymore. Not when its for her good. She ate about 5 pieces of melon tonight and a cup of tea and then declared she was full, too full to eat anymore. She only ate that much so she could take her Gleevec and Rapamune. This evening she has had me run her legs and her feet. We have only dumped her colostomy once this afternoon so that extreme flow may be getting back to more normal. The Dr. said she was dumping magnessium and potassium big time somewhere and they are testing the outputs to see where it is going. Her creatin is down to 2.0 right now so that is progress.
I sure want to thank Irene Wing for coming up and sitting with Nan today, she was wonderful help to both of us. I had to be gone for awhile this morning and having Nan watched and cared for was special. I also want to thank Nan's wonderful relatives who have been so supportive all the way through the entire ordeal. Barbara and Gerard have been so very helpful and supportive, what would we do without them and their generosity, same goes for Laura and Milton and Aunt John, David and many others whose names I do not have at the moment. Thank you for all your help, thank you thank you thankyou.
Sounds like Dana is going to be able to come help Nan in a few days. We can't wait for her arrival. She helps Nan is so many ways and it sounds like Nan will be here in good old room 3117 for a few days until they get everything leveled out. I finally feel like the medical staff have a good handle on what to do to help Nan. One thing I thought was very interesting was advice from Dr. Davies, that we use the new yogurt that is being advertized as having active stuff inside. We just happen to have a fresh 4 pack in the frig at home so I'll see if I can get it over. He says sometimes using that special yogurt will slow the colostomy down as the body begins to work better on its own. Worth a try!!
I am starting to wrap it up here. Have a lot of work to do but have not touched it yet. Bummer! But we have had a good evening, sure glad I was here to help her walk, to rub limbs, to empty bags, to kiss fore heads, to just get to be in the same room with this brave lady. We send our love and a special thanks to Loree and Nate, special helpers who have made this day go better for me.
Out of nowhere Nan yelled, bucket and she threw up a little bit, yesterdays grilled cheese sandwich. Not todays fruit. Very strange indeed. Doubt we have figured everything out yet!
We are grateful to God for His presence with us and seek His help, His healing, His peace and comfort for this night. I am sorry this is coming so late but this is the first time I have felt I had the time to write.
Please pray that God will work through the various things that are being done for Nan this evening to help her reclaim her health and strength. So till the next time we send our thanks and our hopes for your happiness. Our friends Bob and Carrol had a fairly good day at the Chemo clinic today with good numbers and a tolerable day. We are thankful for their good news.
tim and nan
Nan is once again sleeping but a lot is taking place right now. Our beloved nurse is bringing in IV pumps to handle all the things they are about to do for her. It has become clear that she has a PH which is upside down. Something called acidophus (sp). They are bringing in IV bags of TPN for nutrition, bicarbonate for the PH and several other things that I don't even know about yet. He said he would need three pumps to handle everything.
Dr. Robert Davies, a nephrologist, came by this evening and gave Nan a good physical once over, looked in her eyes, listened to her chest and lungs, her tummy sounds, commented on her higher than normal rate of breathing which he says is associated with the wrong PH levels. Now we are seeing the results of his visit, big time action. He was a real confidence builder to me. Answered questions, listened to my concerns and laid out a plan of action. He said Nan will feel a lot better in the next couple days.
Since arriving Nan has been mostly asleep but not all the time. She says she feels slightly better than yesterday and even humored me by getting up and walking after trying every argument in the book not to. Her baby blues do not cause me to sway from the right thing to do anymore. Not when its for her good. She ate about 5 pieces of melon tonight and a cup of tea and then declared she was full, too full to eat anymore. She only ate that much so she could take her Gleevec and Rapamune. This evening she has had me run her legs and her feet. We have only dumped her colostomy once this afternoon so that extreme flow may be getting back to more normal. The Dr. said she was dumping magnessium and potassium big time somewhere and they are testing the outputs to see where it is going. Her creatin is down to 2.0 right now so that is progress.
I sure want to thank Irene Wing for coming up and sitting with Nan today, she was wonderful help to both of us. I had to be gone for awhile this morning and having Nan watched and cared for was special. I also want to thank Nan's wonderful relatives who have been so supportive all the way through the entire ordeal. Barbara and Gerard have been so very helpful and supportive, what would we do without them and their generosity, same goes for Laura and Milton and Aunt John, David and many others whose names I do not have at the moment. Thank you for all your help, thank you thank you thankyou.
Sounds like Dana is going to be able to come help Nan in a few days. We can't wait for her arrival. She helps Nan is so many ways and it sounds like Nan will be here in good old room 3117 for a few days until they get everything leveled out. I finally feel like the medical staff have a good handle on what to do to help Nan. One thing I thought was very interesting was advice from Dr. Davies, that we use the new yogurt that is being advertized as having active stuff inside. We just happen to have a fresh 4 pack in the frig at home so I'll see if I can get it over. He says sometimes using that special yogurt will slow the colostomy down as the body begins to work better on its own. Worth a try!!
I am starting to wrap it up here. Have a lot of work to do but have not touched it yet. Bummer! But we have had a good evening, sure glad I was here to help her walk, to rub limbs, to empty bags, to kiss fore heads, to just get to be in the same room with this brave lady. We send our love and a special thanks to Loree and Nate, special helpers who have made this day go better for me.
Out of nowhere Nan yelled, bucket and she threw up a little bit, yesterdays grilled cheese sandwich. Not todays fruit. Very strange indeed. Doubt we have figured everything out yet!
We are grateful to God for His presence with us and seek His help, His healing, His peace and comfort for this night. I am sorry this is coming so late but this is the first time I have felt I had the time to write.
Please pray that God will work through the various things that are being done for Nan this evening to help her reclaim her health and strength. So till the next time we send our thanks and our hopes for your happiness. Our friends Bob and Carrol had a fairly good day at the Chemo clinic today with good numbers and a tolerable day. We are thankful for their good news.
tim and nan
At 10:02 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Tim & Nan,
Praise the Lord! for the arrival of Understanding & Competent Medical help just when You needed it most.
I'm sure that You will sleep better tonight Tim, We who share Your concerns will do the same.
Carrol woke up in time to go to Band practice tonight and got along just fine, that always makes Her a happy camper!
We will talk in the morning on "I.M." & continue in Prayer for You both.
Love You,
Bob & Carrol.
At 10:56 PM,
Anonymous said…
We are thinking of you and praying for you today, hoping the docs will figure things out for Nan. It was so good to spend the afternoon with you Sabbath. Your little Keana is so sweet and smart--made us want grandkids of our own! Nan, you still have your wonderful wry sense of humor in tact, and we enjoyed visiting with you. Next time we'll expect a soprano solo from you!
Glen and Joyce
At 10:26 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi -
You don't know me...but I think we are now walking in your old shoes at Dana Farber and Brigham/Womens Hospital in Boston. Came here for a "consult" and are now tending to my mom in ICU.
GISTSUPPORT had told me about The Mustards. At DFCI I would hear about a family that came from CA for care...and I would say The Mustards? I always get a "smile" response with a Yes. You must be wonderful people!
My prayers are with you.
JAckie CAmpbell Putman
At 11:09 AM,
Anonymous said…
Dear Nan and Tim,
I have got side tracked this weekend and didn't check on you all. But prayers were still lifted.
I agree with Barb, God has done some pretty awesome miracles over the past months; it's hard for me to think that He is through with the two of you.
God must have you two charted for some pretty powerful impacts on the lives of His children, or satan wouldn't be messing with you so much.
Move aside satan, in the name of The Giver of Life and His precious Son, Jesus Christ.
May God's arms of comfort surround you and His healing hand rest on you as His will unfolds.
Love and prayers,
Phyllis - North Carolina (former SOP member)
At 2:46 PM,
Anonymous said…
You have received some very touching comments. I'm with cousin Barbie (you are still my cousin and I love you all dearly) and feel that we need to analize the intake. I wonder if we did some juicing of vegetables for nutrition. The nutrition goes straight to the cells, so I understand. We need to get this body built up and get some real strength. I know little of what I am talking about but there has to be a way.
As long as God keeps His arms around you both, and you continue to love and serve Him, I know that there are answers, He is still in charge and I know that He wants you both to be in good health and happy enjoying all your blessings.
Know that you are both lifted up before Him moment by moment.
Love you, Sharon
At 7:10 PM,
Anonymous said…
Glad to hear that Nan was doing better. Sorry that today has been a bad day for you.
I am trying to get over to see Nan after work but have been having to rush to pick up kids and be home by 6:00 for play practice, or meeting with lender.
Since the hospitol is so close to my work I am hoping to instead spend my lunch hour with Nan. Usually between 12:00 - 1:00 so please let me know if that inturupts something.
Best wishes to you both. Nan I pray that you keep fighting. There are so many that need you and would loose so much if you did not keep fighting.
You are avery loved woman, and well deserving of that love. I pray the Lord wraps his arms around you both and lend you some comfort.
At 7:10 PM,
Anonymous said…
Glad to hear that Nan was doing better. Sorry that today has been a bad day for you.
I am trying to get over to see Nan after work but have been having to rush to pick up kids and be home by 6:00 for play practice, or meeting with lender.
Since the hospitol is so close to my work I am hoping to instead spend my lunch hour with Nan. Usually between 12:00 - 1:00 so please let me know if that inturupts something.
Best wishes to you both. Nan I pray that you keep fighting. There are so many that need you and would loose so much if you did not keep fighting.
You are avery loved woman, and well deserving of that love. I pray the Lord wraps his arms around you both and lend you some comfort.
At 3:42 AM,
Anonymous said…
Good Morning, I'm so glad Nan is doing a bit better and she is getting some nutrition in her! It's not easy for a body to heal if it isn't getting fed. I'm sure her digestive system is not functioning as it should with all she's been through. I'm glad you have a more aggressive Dr. now and are feeling more confident.
Tim, I'm still concerned about you. You are spreading yourself quite thin. Please be sure you are eating good nutritious food in a timely manner. With the stress you have been on you could get yourself in trouble with the diabetes. You don't need that right now!
How nice that Jason will be there today. There is nothing like having our kids near. I do believe his surprise is no longer a surprise however, since Jo reads your blogs faithfully.
My prayer for you is for continued strength for the day for each of you. Have a good day physically, emotionally, spiritually and nutritionally.
Love and prayers ~ Carol
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