A busy Sabbath

Dear Friends and Family,
Nan is resting in her recliner preparing to go up to bed. She has had a big day. We woke up late this morning after a pretty good night. I always wake to very quiet moaning sounds from Nan as she begins to wake and the pain in her hip overcomes her ability to sleep. First we do a zophram for nausea which has now been replaced by a new drug called kytril which is also infused into the picc line. Then we switch from a large collection bag which lies on the floor and connects to the right nephrostomy back to a small leg bag for better mobility during the day. Then we drain the other three bags. Then Nan sits up in bed with great effort and pain, turns to put her feet down, I slip her slippers on and give her her robe and we are off for the beloved stair chair. Starr and Lady are dancing around our feet happy that we are finally up and going somewhere. Then we head down to the family room where I have already turned on a small room heater directed at the chair and a heating pad to warm the leather. She sits down and then we cover her with a blanket and I build a fire to take off the house chill. Then we decide if she is to have a mocha, hot water or just cold water. We check the weather channel to see what the weather is like where our loved ones live around the country from Conn., Texas, Monterey Bay, Colorado, N. Carolina.
Nan checks her laptop for emails and GIST news and feed back from the blog message. I usually drift into the office which is a room which backs to the family room to check my computer, orders and begin to plan the day.
This morning at 8:45 Nikki called to say, Keanna was dressed and ready to go to Sabbath School so I quickly built a fire for mom and hit the road. We had lots of fun at Sabbath School with the good teachers, crafts, snacks, songs. After SS we met Nikki at Olive Garden for lunch. Then home to see Nan. She was still downstairs and in fact stayed downstairs all day today with no nap or return back upstairs. I think we both napped a bit in our chairs and then the phone rang to let us know Bob and Carrol were coming to visit with a couple from the choir, Volney and Dorthea. We had a great time and served up pie, whipped cream and ice cream. About dark they headed back to Lodi and we rested some more, then Nikki and Keanna came to call. Nikki brought me a little olive pizza from Strawhat and supper for the two of them. We all ate and mom had Sam's chicken with sause, popsickle, gatoraide. Then while Nikki and mom hung out Keanna and I fed the fish and I watched her play with her dolls, feeding them medicine, bottles, blankets, stroller rides and constant commentary. What a delightful child. At about 8 Nikki began making noises about heading home. I reparked the van in the garage and settled in to watch TV with Nan until I started to blog.
She has experienced a lot of pain in her right hip, just one small place which feels like a knot but feels like fire and the pain meds don't begin to touch the searing pain. She started lovequin tonight in case there is infection starting. I am coughing and sneezing and feel less than ideal at the moment. I keep hoping I can get better soon. Tomorrow I have a lot of work to get done, a long list of things that need attention now.
I would ask that you specifically pray for Nan's painful hip this evening. This is pain so strong that it almost prevents her from walking, sitting or doing anything, acts like a deep bruise would but just keeps getting worse and worse.
Thank you for reading and caring and for the cards both on internet and through the mail.
Sending our love and deep appreciation for the visits and calls today.
tim and nan
ps I have included some photos taken recently, notice how great Nan looks!! God is good.
At 7:52 AM,
Anonymous said…
Good Morning! Am thankful that we all made it through the night. Sounds like you are in for a low key day and maybe you need it. Our weather is great, Felicite and Sam are still in bed. Barbara & Gerard, Laura & Milton will be here for 6:00 pizza with us, both boys and families will be here, too. Tomorrow is Sams birthday so we will make our supper a surprise party for him. We have lots to do today. I am feeling much better, as long a I don't eat. Know that we love you and are praying for you. Love, Sharon
At 3:20 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Mustards,
We enjoyed the visit with You folks Yesterday P.M. and had a safe drive home. We gassed up at Cost-Co for $2.39, 10 days ago it was $2.12 I guess We call that Election Backlash! Maybe there is a pipeline leak again somewhere. "Ha Ha".
We finished the evening with a good game of Mexican Train with PopCorn and Pumpkin Pie.
Hope Nan is feling better. The weather has sure truned Wet,Windy & Cold.
Carrol goes in to the Chemo Center tomorrow for Her Procrit Shot and Monthly 3&1/2 hr Aridia Infusion. We are hoping for good numbers from the Blood Work (lab test)that will let Her get a month off of the Chemo. Her System needs a break . She has been on Chemo for 18 months straight (every 28 days).
May Your Visit to S.F. Med Center tomorrow be a good one with some Positive results fo Nan.
We continue in Prayer for Her pain to be reduced and the Leaking to stop.
Much Love ,
Bob & Carrol.
At 3:24 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Mustards,
Another busy day around here. A cottage to clean piles of laundry to do and I went with Betty to decorate the church for Christmas. It really did turn out nice even if I do say so myself. Betty is coming down with "something" so was feeling a bit puny. She sat and told me what to do so it worked out ok.
How nice to have company to brighten your day. Bob and Carrol look good in the pictures. I'm glad she is doing so well. My friend Sherry, isn't doing anywhere near as well. Yes, Nan, you look good too! It's good to see a picture now and then since we can't come see you. I sure hope that hip pain subsides soon! Walking is not fun with pain in hip.
Love and Prayers ~ Carol
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