Sunday evening - a good day with good friends

We have enjoyed a very productive time with our friends Barb and Gerry. Gerry has washed months of dirt off the cars, Barbie has found and wiped out dust, dirt, grime and you name it from the floors, sinks and back deck. We certainly do thank them for their help and friendship.

Here you see Nan sporting her new hair color and look with Starr on duty nearby. We shot a photo of Gerry reading to Keanna but of course that one failed to save properly, sorry Gerry but nice story for Keanna. We have had great food today and thanks to marilyn our cupboards are bulging with great food. We will probably not go hungry any time soon.
Barb has made some great food today and Nan had a plate of food larger than any I have seen in 6 months. She has also been battling nausea all day and some pretty intense pain in her hip. I did a balancing act today of doing some appraisal work which was a must and then working with Gerry as we winterized the cover for the Supra, our boat and turned out little paddle boat over to keep the rain out. We were delighted when Keanna and Nikki dropped by again this evening. What a great surprise and to watch Keanna in action is pure joy to a grand parent! Nan and Barbie have been trying on the moomoos Barb brought back from Hawaii, photos later I guess. Helo Hattie is probably having to do a major restocking after all that Barb bought Nan.
It was sure good to read the nice input from Bob and Carrol and Roger and Carol today. What friends, busy lives yet they find time to encourage us, we thank them.
I got Nan's TPN all ready early this evening, put it in the frig and totally forgot it until nearly 10 pm so she will have it connected a little later than she likes tomorrow. Tomorrow morning we are going to work on the guest room for Clayton, he is coming soon and needs place to stay and its a great excuse to get the room cleaned up a bit but we have willing helpers to make it happen.
So we say good night to each of you and hope you have wonderful thanksgiving plans to be with family and friends. This really a time to count our blessings as we seek yet other blessings of healing and strength.
Love to all,
tim and nan
ps. yes there are double photos but once they are in I have no idea of how to get them out and I lost this blog two times this evening before I am finally getting it to publish so I'm not taking an chances with yet another loss.
At 11:12 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi you two ~
Great pictures - have Barb and Ger take some pictures of Nan and Tim while they are there - Ger loves to take pictures!!
Looks like all are having a good time. So fun to see Nikki and Keanna and of course both of you.
You go Nan - good for you to have a nice meal. Maybe that will help the nausea a little. At least you tried it!! Tell Barb what sounds good and maybe she can fix you something that you've been hungry for. She's a pretty good little cook.
Have a good nights rest - tomorrow is another day to enjoy!! We have fog here tonight - can't see up the street in front of my house.
Love and prayers to you, Marilyn
At 8:36 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Erin and Tim
I did not come by this weekend because I figured you would have lots of company for this weekend but I was thinking of you. I went and had my hair done on Saturday with Jerry and she told me she had done your hair, it looks great. I stayed home all weekend we had the fire going and it was nice just doing nothing. I will call later on today and I will come to see you probably tomorrow or whatever is convenient to you.
Love you
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