Sabbaths are so nice
Dear Friends and Family,
Nan just got her TPN attached which will feed her a balanced diet, give her vitamins, pepcid, hydration and fats. Tomorrow around 16 hours from now she will hear three small beeps and then know that she can disconnect at any point from then on. As long as she is connected she gets a very low dose of the TPN so line never goes dry. She likes to be free of the backpack which holds the bag and pump. The line is connected to a picc line, a line which extends into her main artery near her neck and has been in place for several months. Our visiting nurse does an excellent job of caring for the picc line, changes the dressing every monday, keeps the lines clear and is the secret to the picc line health.
Nan urged me to take Keanna to SS this morning which I did. We had a good time, had lunch at Olive Garden where we hooked up with Nikki. Then home to see Nan. She had rested knowing that guests were coming this afternoon. She has had a pretty good day with periods of pain and nausea. Although Glen and Joyce could not come this afternoon since Joyce was finding a cold Bob and Carrol did come to visit. We have a very nice visit and they left just before dark. We had a fire, warm room and good fellowship. They are such encouraging friends.
Keanna and I had a fun time at SS with Kim in charge, 9 little tykes in little chairs, lambs, treats, songs, treats and fun. What a great experience. Kim does a great job with Sabbath School. It was nice of Nan to let me leave her alone so I could take Keanna.
We are winding down now, watching an old CSI which we never saw before. Our fire has burned out but the room is warm and comfy. Nan is snacking on cheetos and sipping water. Of course the dog gets a few here and there.
Over the last 24 hours the leakage was just 50 ml, lowest yet. Today there has not been much leakage either, we can hope we are on the right path. Hope and pray. This has been an encouraging day overall. Nearly $3,000 came in th email which will help cover some of the checks we have written over the last two days. That is such great news. I pleaded with the Lord this morning for some blessings and the day has brought happy times with Nikki and Keanna, a calm day for Nan, money in the mail, visiting time with Bob and Carrol. God knew what He was doing when He created a rest day. We are thankful for its hours.
Can we ask once again for your prayers. We are fully aware of how long it has been that we have been in this "in between" out of the hospital and surgery but not yet back on our feet. The days get so long, fortunately we can both sleep pretty well at night. Nan is hanging in there in spite of not feeling very well a lot of the time. Tonight she surprised me by suggesting we do nachos so she showed me how to do it right and we had a fun time with plates of nachos. Then we hit the popsickles.
Well tomorrow is a big work day for me. I will be working up a lot of appraisals that I have already seen. Plus I may have to run to Martinez in the afternoon for a rush one for our friend Alice. Nan thinks her friend from Travel, Mary has just returned from being in europe. We hope so, we missed her.
take care, we send our love,
tim and nan
Nan just got her TPN attached which will feed her a balanced diet, give her vitamins, pepcid, hydration and fats. Tomorrow around 16 hours from now she will hear three small beeps and then know that she can disconnect at any point from then on. As long as she is connected she gets a very low dose of the TPN so line never goes dry. She likes to be free of the backpack which holds the bag and pump. The line is connected to a picc line, a line which extends into her main artery near her neck and has been in place for several months. Our visiting nurse does an excellent job of caring for the picc line, changes the dressing every monday, keeps the lines clear and is the secret to the picc line health.
Nan urged me to take Keanna to SS this morning which I did. We had a good time, had lunch at Olive Garden where we hooked up with Nikki. Then home to see Nan. She had rested knowing that guests were coming this afternoon. She has had a pretty good day with periods of pain and nausea. Although Glen and Joyce could not come this afternoon since Joyce was finding a cold Bob and Carrol did come to visit. We have a very nice visit and they left just before dark. We had a fire, warm room and good fellowship. They are such encouraging friends.
Keanna and I had a fun time at SS with Kim in charge, 9 little tykes in little chairs, lambs, treats, songs, treats and fun. What a great experience. Kim does a great job with Sabbath School. It was nice of Nan to let me leave her alone so I could take Keanna.
We are winding down now, watching an old CSI which we never saw before. Our fire has burned out but the room is warm and comfy. Nan is snacking on cheetos and sipping water. Of course the dog gets a few here and there.
Over the last 24 hours the leakage was just 50 ml, lowest yet. Today there has not been much leakage either, we can hope we are on the right path. Hope and pray. This has been an encouraging day overall. Nearly $3,000 came in th email which will help cover some of the checks we have written over the last two days. That is such great news. I pleaded with the Lord this morning for some blessings and the day has brought happy times with Nikki and Keanna, a calm day for Nan, money in the mail, visiting time with Bob and Carrol. God knew what He was doing when He created a rest day. We are thankful for its hours.
Can we ask once again for your prayers. We are fully aware of how long it has been that we have been in this "in between" out of the hospital and surgery but not yet back on our feet. The days get so long, fortunately we can both sleep pretty well at night. Nan is hanging in there in spite of not feeling very well a lot of the time. Tonight she surprised me by suggesting we do nachos so she showed me how to do it right and we had a fun time with plates of nachos. Then we hit the popsickles.
Well tomorrow is a big work day for me. I will be working up a lot of appraisals that I have already seen. Plus I may have to run to Martinez in the afternoon for a rush one for our friend Alice. Nan thinks her friend from Travel, Mary has just returned from being in europe. We hope so, we missed her.
take care, we send our love,
tim and nan
At 10:50 PM,
Anonymous said…
Just thought I would drop by and say your family is still in my thoughts and prayers. And I think Nan is real lucky to have a husband who blogs! and keeps everyone updated via web!
I hope tomorrow is a sunny day.
Annie W.
At 3:38 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Erin and Tim. I got back last night from France. We got home around 10pm last night very tired had been up for 28 hours staight. We had a great time the weather was very cold but we still enjoyed ourselves. It is 3:27 am and I woke up and decided I could't call this early I would just check the Blog. I will come over today to see you. Probably later on I think will try to go back to bed and get some sleep. I missed talking to you Erin but I did pray for you hoping that all was going well. I will call before coming to make sure that you are home.
love you
At 4:08 AM,
Anonymous said…
What a GOOD day you had! You were due for one. And such good news with only 50 ml in the wound drain. Wow! But really should we be surprised? Haven't we been praying that it would heal? We needed our faith restored and God heard our prayers. Now for the nausea and pain..... So glad you got some good checks in also. That certainly lifts the spirits. Grand children and special friends coming to visit also tend to give us a boost. I prayed for God to refresh your body and soul ~ He did! Thank you Lord! Now you can go into a new week with a renewed spirit.
It is very windy this morning. So much for the rest of the leaves.... Maybe the wind will blow them so far away that Roger won't have to do it. Right now the roads are swept clean as long as the wind doesn't bring them back.
This morning I go to the church with Betty to plan for the Christmas decorations for the church. There is a lot of Christmas "stuff" there. Now we need to figure out what to do with what's there and what we need to buy. That's one thing we noticed quickly when we moved to NC. People decorate for all seasons in their homes, in the stores and in the churches. It's really rather nice. A lot of work though, but I'm enjoying it.
Have another good day ~ productive, slower leaking, less pain and no nausea!
Our love and prayers continue for you both!
At 5:58 AM,
Anonymous said…
Was glad to hear you had a better day. Thank you to your friends that came and called. In the sermon today we were asked that if every thing we said or did was the next days headlines in the local paper, how would it read. What a thought. Lord needs to shut my mouth. How we could help others if we try to remember that life is not about us, but about others. Had a quiet Sabbath afternoon with my sister, Gwen. All the rest of our Sabbath group stayed to enjoy what our new church friends call "buffet". Then I went to the ice hockey game with Troy, Sandra and kids. Lindsey came home with me and is still asleep. I am helping to host a baby shower today at 10:00 AM at the church so need to get busy. I'll call you guys this afternoon. Love you much, Sharon
At 8:07 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Tim & Nan,
We did so much enjoy Our visit with You Sabbath. It was good to feel the warmth of Your fire place.Conversing with good friends is always a lift to One's spirits. You both have been through so much together and continue to be an inspiration to all of Us who call You "Our friends".
Glad that the drainage from Nan's wound is starting to be a more reduced rate.
We are bound for the Chemo Clinic tomorrow for Blood work and depending on results ,a Procrit Shot to boost blood cell numbers.
Have a good week and We pray that the Leaking will continue to lessen.
Much Love ,
Bob & Carrol.
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