A dark day
Dear Friends and Family,
Nan has gone up early tonight to try to get some relief. Her feet and especially the little toe on her left foot are causing her terrible pain, pain almost beyond what she can cope with. It is unbelieveably hard for me to sit next to her and not be able to do anything to help with the pain. Someone suggested we put her feet in warm water, we tried that and got some short term relief, I have rubbed her feet repeatedly today with only minor relief. In addition she has been battling nausea all day with little relief from the zophram. Once again the balance between work and care was an impossible one today. I got up around 7 and slipped out so she would sleep on. I got some work done and research done before the phone rang and she was letting me know she was up and needed help. I brought her down and she sat in her chair, rubbed her feet, got hot tea. As I was working I laid out my morning meds for blood pressure, diabetes and colesteral. One rolled to the floor and before I could retrieve it MooMoo our new little kitty grabbed it and started to eat it. So I dove for her and came up with scratches all over my hands and arms. She ate the pill.
At 10 I headed to Alameda to do a review and tried to call Nan to see how Kitty was doing. Of course the lovely folk at the cell phone company had turned off the phone for lack of payment. So after a few minutes of driving with one hand and punching in card numbers I got my phone back on. When I got to Alameda I got lost trying to locate the subdivision, its too new for maps. We had a Dr. appointment at 1:30 in Tracy which is about 30 minutes from us. I could see I was not going to make it back on time so I called Nan to have her call the doctor office. I controlled the urge to race back and arrived with time to get her to her next later Dr. appointment. Dr. makker said that the lack of vit. B could cause the bottom of her feet to be hot. She had a fever at the doctors office and felt terrible. She got her Vit b shot which she has to have every month, her gave her some samples for restless leg but does not think that is what she has, put in a new order for her Lovenox shots, our part is just $775 a month.
Then we loaded up and I did an appraisal in Tracy while she slept in the bed in the car. Then we went to Taco bell as my blood sugar was real low and I was losing it. Then we headed back to Discovery Bay and on the way I did another short inspection, then we voted, you would have been so proud of her in her wheel chair voting and so proud to do so. Then home for some recliner time and the terrible foot pain. She had a bowl of asperagas soup, cheetos and Guava juice and then we really got into the terrible pain. I had no idea of what to do but just about lost it with despair. I rubbed, got tubs of water, prayed. I tell you, I felt like we were so alone in this old world. Thank goodness that Sharon called and talked a bit, helps so much. Finally at 8 I suggested that perhaps we should go up and try to sleep. I was really upset at the election outcome and had to keep reminding myself of the last election when my party won. I could say a lot about my fears for the future of this country when Godless people take control but I've said enough.
I have been trying very hard to do a better balancing job of care and production. At least three checks came in the mail today which will pay a couple bills, I'm grateful for that. And orders are coming in as well.
How I wish we could talk tonight, face to face. nan and I are so tired of endless pain and suffering, we know we have come a long ways but we have made no progress in the past month. If anything there is more leaking now than before. And over the past 3 or 4 days we are having more and more nausea. When Nan was in such pain this evening and moving back and forth unable to control herself it was awful. No one should have to hurt like this, we so need Divine help.
Right now I need to go up to her to be near if she needs me. She often is so brave in an attempt not to bother me when I'm working that she does not let me know about things she needs or feels. I don't want that either. For example, I've been unsure this evening whether to make appointments for tomorrow or not, I can't be away if she is in this kind of pain and I can't keep letting the orders get older and older without seeing the properties.
I need your help this evening / morning. nan and I again ask for your prayers for God's answers for leaking, nausea, pain, well being.
With love,
tim and nan
ps MooMoo appears to be OK with probably low blood pressure for a few days!
Nan has gone up early tonight to try to get some relief. Her feet and especially the little toe on her left foot are causing her terrible pain, pain almost beyond what she can cope with. It is unbelieveably hard for me to sit next to her and not be able to do anything to help with the pain. Someone suggested we put her feet in warm water, we tried that and got some short term relief, I have rubbed her feet repeatedly today with only minor relief. In addition she has been battling nausea all day with little relief from the zophram. Once again the balance between work and care was an impossible one today. I got up around 7 and slipped out so she would sleep on. I got some work done and research done before the phone rang and she was letting me know she was up and needed help. I brought her down and she sat in her chair, rubbed her feet, got hot tea. As I was working I laid out my morning meds for blood pressure, diabetes and colesteral. One rolled to the floor and before I could retrieve it MooMoo our new little kitty grabbed it and started to eat it. So I dove for her and came up with scratches all over my hands and arms. She ate the pill.
At 10 I headed to Alameda to do a review and tried to call Nan to see how Kitty was doing. Of course the lovely folk at the cell phone company had turned off the phone for lack of payment. So after a few minutes of driving with one hand and punching in card numbers I got my phone back on. When I got to Alameda I got lost trying to locate the subdivision, its too new for maps. We had a Dr. appointment at 1:30 in Tracy which is about 30 minutes from us. I could see I was not going to make it back on time so I called Nan to have her call the doctor office. I controlled the urge to race back and arrived with time to get her to her next later Dr. appointment. Dr. makker said that the lack of vit. B could cause the bottom of her feet to be hot. She had a fever at the doctors office and felt terrible. She got her Vit b shot which she has to have every month, her gave her some samples for restless leg but does not think that is what she has, put in a new order for her Lovenox shots, our part is just $775 a month.
Then we loaded up and I did an appraisal in Tracy while she slept in the bed in the car. Then we went to Taco bell as my blood sugar was real low and I was losing it. Then we headed back to Discovery Bay and on the way I did another short inspection, then we voted, you would have been so proud of her in her wheel chair voting and so proud to do so. Then home for some recliner time and the terrible foot pain. She had a bowl of asperagas soup, cheetos and Guava juice and then we really got into the terrible pain. I had no idea of what to do but just about lost it with despair. I rubbed, got tubs of water, prayed. I tell you, I felt like we were so alone in this old world. Thank goodness that Sharon called and talked a bit, helps so much. Finally at 8 I suggested that perhaps we should go up and try to sleep. I was really upset at the election outcome and had to keep reminding myself of the last election when my party won. I could say a lot about my fears for the future of this country when Godless people take control but I've said enough.
I have been trying very hard to do a better balancing job of care and production. At least three checks came in the mail today which will pay a couple bills, I'm grateful for that. And orders are coming in as well.
How I wish we could talk tonight, face to face. nan and I are so tired of endless pain and suffering, we know we have come a long ways but we have made no progress in the past month. If anything there is more leaking now than before. And over the past 3 or 4 days we are having more and more nausea. When Nan was in such pain this evening and moving back and forth unable to control herself it was awful. No one should have to hurt like this, we so need Divine help.
Right now I need to go up to her to be near if she needs me. She often is so brave in an attempt not to bother me when I'm working that she does not let me know about things she needs or feels. I don't want that either. For example, I've been unsure this evening whether to make appointments for tomorrow or not, I can't be away if she is in this kind of pain and I can't keep letting the orders get older and older without seeing the properties.
I need your help this evening / morning. nan and I again ask for your prayers for God's answers for leaking, nausea, pain, well being.
With love,
tim and nan
ps MooMoo appears to be OK with probably low blood pressure for a few days!
At 5:08 AM,
Anonymous said…
Tim and Nan,
I read your posts daily and have sorrow at the turn for more leakage in the incision and the terrible pain that Nan is experiencing.
I know not how to help you but you are both in my thoughts and prayers.
It seems that a visit to the hospital might be in the near future. I did not go back on the posts but I thought you were to be watching the leakage for about a month or so and then contact the doctor again. Since she has a fever, you know it must be infection getting started again.
Prayers that the vit. B will help the feet.
love to you both and my prayers for strength for you both of you to deal with all of this.
Sue Muse
At 5:35 AM,
Anonymous said…
GOOD MORNING! And I do hope it will be a good one for you.... The Phone, Nan's burning in her feet, Moo Moo and the BP pill, the election.... After yesterday you are due for a good day! It will be interesting to see if your BP meds have any affect on Moo Moo. That's a little more excitement than you need right now. What can I say? I am sending extra prayers heavenward for you both today. I hope God sends you an angel in someone to stay with Nan today.
Roger has nearly finished the apartment renovation ~ carpet is laid, bathroom completely rebuilt, kitchen floor laid, walls scrubbed and trash hauled to the dump! Yesterday a friend is helping him lay carpet and today he will help put the furniture back and lay the carpet on the enclosed porch then it will be ready to be rented. I have a terrible time choosing carpet color. It turned out darker than I thought, but oh well..... It seems my choices are either too light or too dark.
My day has started and I'm off and running already. You will be in my thoughts today. I may even get a few minutes to give you a call. My prayer will be "Oh God, please send relief for these dear faithful people! Give them peace and may they KNOW You are with them." Your witness has been a blessing to many even in the "dark" times.
Love and prayers ~ Carol
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