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Dear Friends and Family,
Nan just went up to bed, bone tired but happy as could be under her circumstances. Keanna and Nikki blessed us with their presence this evening, a total surprise and it was sooooo fun. Keanna enjoyed the new book that Irene sent to her, she got a letter from someone in STockton that she will open later this evening, Nikki made great food and I ate and ate. Nikki mentioned that she is going to the gym 4 days a week now which is totally wonderful and she is feeling the soreness but also the success of it. I'm proud of her in so many ways. Tonight while Keanna was eating she looked at her mom and said I want to be tall like you mommy, well Nikki is not that tall but she is taller than Keanna, it was a precious moment. I had just prepared some asparagas soup for Nan when Nikki called. She had her soup, two popsickles, cheetos and reclined in her chair, we built a small fire which had big heat connected and watched it burn. Keanna was busy talking to the kitties, Moomoo actually came to Nikki and climbed up into her lap, thats a first!
We heard from jason twice today as he was on the road to Los Banos to visit a school for his work. The kids are so faithful about talking to their mom and it is a tremendous lift for her every time they call. She has lived for these precious kids and they have been wonderful in return, kind and thoughtful, strong and tender, staying in touch. We both deeply appreciate them and how they love us.
Nan's visit was eventful, we left about 10:15, did an appraisal in Concord then drove directly to the hospital in San Francisco. We arrived early so we napped in the car for a bit, I grabbed a sandwich nearby and then we wheeled Nan in. Irene had just arrived to sit with us in the waiting room. Well we had plenty time to catch up. We got there about 12:45 and waiting at least two hours before seeing the doctor. We were warned that he was double booked. Yet when we saw him he treated us with such kindness and gave no impression he was in a hurry. He was heartened that the output of the leak is less and his suggestion was to wait another two weeks to see if the body will heal on its own. He says that even having the interventional radiologist attempt to plug the uriter is not a for sure thing for the leaking. So we wait at least another two weeks. Nan is really having a challenging time dealing with the extra bag and the leaking, this one puts off an odor after a couple days and the only way to fix it is to change the bag and wound care nursing comes twice a week, they will be here tomorrow and Nan is certainly ready for them to replace the bag.
It was so very good to see Irene. She is a powerhouse of faith and courage. We enjoy having her with us even if we are all quiet and not saying a thing, just having her near is a comfort. She brought a book that was given by her friend Pennie and a very nice encouraging card. She brought me some persimmon dried goodies and they are good and the book for Keanna. We hope she had time to see her sister Kathy before heading home to entertain guests for dinner. Thanks Irene, you made the day bearable.
We left SF about 3:15 and drove back to Concord across the Bay Bridge with mild traffic. I finished shooting the photos of sales for the appraisal and then we drove home the back roads. We arrived home to discovery that no checks came in todays mail and Nikki tells us that there is no mail tomorrow, bummer.
I have a very big day out tomorrow starting here in Discovery Bay, then Danville, then Oakland, then Fremont and then HOME. So if any of you have a time to visit Nan in the afternoon it would be appreciated. She will alone from about 9 to about 5, longer than I like. She of course says she is fine and will do OK. I need to get her TPN going soon, I am late right now on it. Before I came back down I rubbed her feet a little and she seemed very ready to go to sleep. She slept most of the way back in her bed in the back of the van hardly waking at all. She was on the edge of nausea for most of the time we were at the hospital and had to take a 1/4 mg of adavan.
We are not surprised at the Doctors suggesting to wait, it is just hard knowing that there is leaking that should not be happening, that the incision is not yet healed and that the nausea is coming back again. We have lots to put in the Lords hands this evening.
We hope to see someone this weekend, it is always fun to visit and catch up. Today I talked to my sister, my brother, Art and of course work related people. Loree covered the phones today and said we were busy this morning. Thank you Loree for all you do.
So good night my friend, thanks Loren and Emily for the card and the green, it went into nan's purse which has had no green for months, now she can not say she is broke any more. Thanks so much.
tim and nan
Nan just went up to bed, bone tired but happy as could be under her circumstances. Keanna and Nikki blessed us with their presence this evening, a total surprise and it was sooooo fun. Keanna enjoyed the new book that Irene sent to her, she got a letter from someone in STockton that she will open later this evening, Nikki made great food and I ate and ate. Nikki mentioned that she is going to the gym 4 days a week now which is totally wonderful and she is feeling the soreness but also the success of it. I'm proud of her in so many ways. Tonight while Keanna was eating she looked at her mom and said I want to be tall like you mommy, well Nikki is not that tall but she is taller than Keanna, it was a precious moment. I had just prepared some asparagas soup for Nan when Nikki called. She had her soup, two popsickles, cheetos and reclined in her chair, we built a small fire which had big heat connected and watched it burn. Keanna was busy talking to the kitties, Moomoo actually came to Nikki and climbed up into her lap, thats a first!
We heard from jason twice today as he was on the road to Los Banos to visit a school for his work. The kids are so faithful about talking to their mom and it is a tremendous lift for her every time they call. She has lived for these precious kids and they have been wonderful in return, kind and thoughtful, strong and tender, staying in touch. We both deeply appreciate them and how they love us.
Nan's visit was eventful, we left about 10:15, did an appraisal in Concord then drove directly to the hospital in San Francisco. We arrived early so we napped in the car for a bit, I grabbed a sandwich nearby and then we wheeled Nan in. Irene had just arrived to sit with us in the waiting room. Well we had plenty time to catch up. We got there about 12:45 and waiting at least two hours before seeing the doctor. We were warned that he was double booked. Yet when we saw him he treated us with such kindness and gave no impression he was in a hurry. He was heartened that the output of the leak is less and his suggestion was to wait another two weeks to see if the body will heal on its own. He says that even having the interventional radiologist attempt to plug the uriter is not a for sure thing for the leaking. So we wait at least another two weeks. Nan is really having a challenging time dealing with the extra bag and the leaking, this one puts off an odor after a couple days and the only way to fix it is to change the bag and wound care nursing comes twice a week, they will be here tomorrow and Nan is certainly ready for them to replace the bag.
It was so very good to see Irene. She is a powerhouse of faith and courage. We enjoy having her with us even if we are all quiet and not saying a thing, just having her near is a comfort. She brought a book that was given by her friend Pennie and a very nice encouraging card. She brought me some persimmon dried goodies and they are good and the book for Keanna. We hope she had time to see her sister Kathy before heading home to entertain guests for dinner. Thanks Irene, you made the day bearable.
We left SF about 3:15 and drove back to Concord across the Bay Bridge with mild traffic. I finished shooting the photos of sales for the appraisal and then we drove home the back roads. We arrived home to discovery that no checks came in todays mail and Nikki tells us that there is no mail tomorrow, bummer.
I have a very big day out tomorrow starting here in Discovery Bay, then Danville, then Oakland, then Fremont and then HOME. So if any of you have a time to visit Nan in the afternoon it would be appreciated. She will alone from about 9 to about 5, longer than I like. She of course says she is fine and will do OK. I need to get her TPN going soon, I am late right now on it. Before I came back down I rubbed her feet a little and she seemed very ready to go to sleep. She slept most of the way back in her bed in the back of the van hardly waking at all. She was on the edge of nausea for most of the time we were at the hospital and had to take a 1/4 mg of adavan.
We are not surprised at the Doctors suggesting to wait, it is just hard knowing that there is leaking that should not be happening, that the incision is not yet healed and that the nausea is coming back again. We have lots to put in the Lords hands this evening.
We hope to see someone this weekend, it is always fun to visit and catch up. Today I talked to my sister, my brother, Art and of course work related people. Loree covered the phones today and said we were busy this morning. Thank you Loree for all you do.
So good night my friend, thanks Loren and Emily for the card and the green, it went into nan's purse which has had no green for months, now she can not say she is broke any more. Thanks so much.
tim and nan
At 6:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
When I called last evening, you were not yet home from doctor. You sounded so very very tired. I prayed that you would have a peaceful night and hope you feel better today. Two weeks will fly by and maybe there will be no more leak. God will heal as He sees fit and we will say thank-you Lord. I have a very full day ahead and need to get busy. Remember that I love you both. Hug the kids for me. Love, Sharon
At 9:01 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Tim & Nan,
Glad to read that You made it through the long day and We will trust that 2 more weeks will do the trick and things will stop Hurting & Leaking.
Carrol's Band is playing tomorrow (Weather Permiting) at 11:30/ Noon Lodi Square. We are planing to come over for a visit after that , probably will see You about 2:30/3:00 range. We will call first to make sure Nan is up to company. Also We need to consider Carrol's stamina.
Have a good, safe and comfortable day.
We continue in Prayer for You.
Bob & Carrol.
At 11:13 AM,
Anonymous said…
My what a long day and then just to be told to wait 2 more weeks. We will pray that those 2 weeks will bring healing to the leak and eventually get rid of that cumbersome bag. I hope you both had a restful night and a productive day today. Then another sweet rest from the week.
I wish we could be there to visit with you and Bob and Carrol tomorrow. We almost got to come....
But we have another busy week end. You understand ~ ministers and musicians don't get a rest on Sabbath....
We love you and send our hugs to you via cyberspace today.
Continued Love and Prayers ~ Carol
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